Back Row Reviews: Movie Reviews by James Dawson

Back Row Reviews
James Dawson



"America's Sweethearts"

(Reviewed July 17, 2001)

More worthless junk from crapmeister Joe Roth's despicable Revolution studio, the manure factory that spewed forth the egregious "Tomcats" earlier this year.

Roth himself directed this shockingly unfunny wallow, in which Julia Roberts (who makes my skin crawl), Catherine Zeta-Jones (who simply cannot act), John Cusack (who really should know better, considering that the guy was in the masterpiece "Being John Malkovich" not that long ago), Billy Crystal (whose name on a marquee guarantees THIS WILL SUCK) and Hank Azaria (why, lord, why?) mug and ape their way through a worse-than-television script that is like what a Neil Simon wannabe would produce after a couple of lobotomies. Christ, I hated this movie.

Don't follow the shuffling, muttering, dull-eyed herds to this wheezing "Love American Style" retread. Go see "Ghost World" or "Hedwig and the Angry Inch" instead, two comedies that actually manage to be funny and smart at the same time.

Back Row Grade: F-

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