NaCl - SALT made the world go round
.and crude oil............

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Oil formation in Nature comprises, as a first step, the production of proteins in saltwater lakes and lagoons by Halophilic algae. The lagoon waters are shallow and the floor uneven. At certain periods in the year the algae sink and collect in depressions where they decompose and form a solution of amino acids. This occurs because their proteins hydrolyse under the influence of enzymes. The lipids are not so easily soluble, and they become part of the sludge on the foor of the lagoon. It is particularly characteristic of Dunaliella halophile algae, to increase the PH of the medium in which they grow , by using up the carbonate ions, in the course of photosynthesis. Where the lagoons are filled with ocean water, the magnesium ions left, absorb CO2 [from air] and the PH is lowered again, bringing more dissolved carbonate to the algae for assimilation, because magnesium carbonate so formed, remains temporarily in solution, supersaturated, and not in equilibrium. In such a process the supersaturation gets higher and higher, until nucleation of magnesium carbonate starts to form crystals spontaneously; they deposit strata as dolomite when calcium salts are also present in the brine. Freidman has described mats "stromatolits" formed when the continents were covered with large areas of very shallow lagoons extending for thousands of square kilometers. During the course of the year, the brines often reach 1.2 specific gravity: amino acids become dissolved in them and together they seep down into the underlying aquifers. This happens because these heavier brines displace fresh rain water or ocean water in the aquifers. That these heavy brines penetrate the lighter waters and do not mix with them is surprising. In this way amino acids formed from proteins of [Dunaliella] algae are transported to depths of thousands of meters.


Mining - Petroleum - Dunaliella Algae - Solar ponds - The Dead Sea, a sinkhole?



Abstract: The genesis of mineral oil is described as a process in which a salt diaper is dissolved by surface water forming a brackish lake with the salt mirror of the salt diaper as the bottom. During the dissolution of the salt mirror, algae [Dunaliella ] and other organisms, live, [assimilating solar energy] and die, near the surface of the brackish lake. They sink as debris to the bottom of the lake where they are decomposed by anaerobic microbes to soluble organic compunds and H2S originating from the gypsum in the diaper. The resulting solution sinks along


the flanks of the diaper to great depths, where the orgnic compounds are decarboxylated and hydrogentated by geothermal heat, and with the help of H2S. The hydrocarbons formed collect as droplets which are now lighter than than the brine of the aquifer, They rise [against the downward stream of the brine] in the supernatant aquifer and become trapped in suitable "structures" as "mineral oil". The carbon dioxides formed simultaneously may also facilitate the migration of the oil droplets through the karst formation in the "source" rock.- Bloch - Fourth Symposium of Salt

Model of heavy brine and Freshwater fluid mechanism Model of heavy brine and Freshwater fluid mechanism

The mechanism requires that the organic matter migrating into depth through the aquifers is saltwater, soluble but becomes insoluble when heated up in a deep geothermic pool. Only proteins will do this: so much of the crude oil found comes from proteins and not lipids and the oils formed, and found to contain short chains, nitrogen and sulphur. The lipids are the source of kerogene and not of the crude oil, because they cannot be transported to great depth by sality streams. They are filtered off when the salt brine sinks through the porous lightwater aquifers. The saltwater associated with oil traps is less concentrated the further away it gets from the stagnant geothermic pool - the original source of the oil droplets.

Essentially, algae proteins hydrolysed and pyrolysed, are the origins of oil.


A salt water slurry of DUNALIELLA PARVA an halophilic alga, was treated in order to convert it into benzene-soluble material, as rich as possible in carbon and hydrogen. Several features have been brought to light during the course of this work.

a] 25% of the combined carbon can be extracted under mild conditionsof pressure [atmospheric] and temperature

b] The presence of CO as well as transition metals salts, had only minor effect on the conversion and composition of the product

c] Up to 75% of the combined carbon is converted by in-situ presence of benzene during the pyrolysis of the alga-salt water slurry.


A living kaleidoscope of resplendent fish and plants inhabits the crystalline kingdom of the CENOTE. A cenote is formed when the roofs of the underground rivers that abound in the region collapsed or salt deposits were dissolved by fresh water streams , creating small lakes or ample pools that are the entryway to huge caverns and cathedrals formed by the currents. Since before recorded history, life in the Yucatan has always centered around these deep reservoirs. Birds, mammals and even small crocodiles were among the first creatures to prize the cenotes eternal gift of fresh water. Later in the record, Mayans peered into their sacred depths in solemn reverence to the water gods, the Chacs. The cenotes are valued among the jewels of the Cancun area. page ---under construction

Dietrich, Patricia (Texas A&M University), and John A. Gifford (RSMAS, University of Miami). RESULTS OF RECENT UNDERWATER EXCAVATIONS AT LITTLE SALT SPRING (8SO18) FLORIDA

Little Salt Spring is a karst solution feature located in the Florida Platform, about 14 km from the Gulf of Mexico. This cover-collapse sinkhole is approximately 76 meters in diameter at the surface and in profile has an hourglass shape. The upper spring basin has been the site of underwater excavations during the spring semesters of 1992, 1994, 1995, and 1996. Based on findings up to the 1996 field season, Dietrich and Gifford hypothesized that human utilization of the spring was more or less continuous from prior to 12,000 years before present (ybp) through approximately 5800 ybp, with a possible hiatus between 8500 and 7500 ybp, and that this utilization was a function of water quality as well as water levels. A number of important results were obtained during this season's underwater excavations. These included the recovery of two bone tools manufactured from long limb bones of Oedocoileus virginianus; the left portion of a five-point antler, of which tines 2 and 3 had been circumscribed and removed; and two bottle gourd fragments. These items were discovered in a stratum that had been assigned a temporal range of 8750 to 8390 ybp, based on radiocarbon dating of associated material. The discovery of these artifacts and the bottle gourd fragments within this time fram support the authors' hypothesis, particularly spring utilization by humans between approximately 9000 and 8500 ybp. [communicated]


MRBLOCH ARCHIVE, is researching the significance, of SALT [NaCl] through the period 1000 BC . up to the Industrial Revolution.

For detailed references of statements made here, or Bibliography- Please mail:

David Bloch -

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