Papers in English (Athanasia Foundation)

Papers (including translations) in English

Survival Research
- The Survivalist Interpretation of Recent Studies into the Near-Death Experience by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, 2003.
- What does consciousness during a Near-Death Experience imply for consciousness after death? paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Why it Makes Sense to Explain Near-Death Experiences by the Survival of Consciousness, by Titus Rivas
- A contemporary extinction hypothesis: Mortal minds by Gerald Woerlee , translated review by Titus Rivas, published in Terugkeer of Merkawah/IANDS Netherlands, 2004.
- Review of Kim Sheridan's book Animals and the Afterlife by Titus Rivas, translation of book review in Terugkeer of Merkawah/IANDS Netherlands, 2005.
- The sickbed vision of Mrs. Neska Ong A Kwien, by Titus Rivas en Anny Dirven, published in The Paranormal Review, 2005.

Reincarnation Research and Pre-Existence
- Alfred Peacock? Reincarnation fantasies about the Titanic, by Titus Rivas, article in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1991.
- Reincarnation Research: In search of the most parsimonious sufficient hypothesis by Titus Rivas, online English translation of Dutch paper published in the Spiegel der Parapsychologie, 1993.
- Past-life interpretations: we need all of them by Titus Rivas, full text of SPR-lecture, London, November 2004.
- Three Cases of the Reincarnation Type in the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Scientific Exploration, 2003.
- Six Cases of the Reincarnation Type in the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 2004.
- Rebirth and Personal identity: Is Reincarnation an Intrinsically Impersonal Concept?, by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research
- Amnesia: The universality of reincarnation and the preservation of psychological structure by Titus Rivas, translation of Dutch paper published in the Spiegel der Parapsychologie, 1999.
- The Life Beyond: Through the eyes of Children who claim to Remember Previous Lives, by Titus Rivas and Dr. Kirti Swaroop Rawat, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research, 2005. Here's a mirror page on Spiritual Pre-Existence
- Utterances about rebirth among four young children from the Netherlands by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches
- Review of dr. Ian Stevenson's European Cases of the Reincarnation Type, by Titus Rivas, translation of book review, published in Terugkeer
- Lonnerstrand's book about Shanti Devi, review by Titus Rivas, originally published in Dutch in Terugkeer
- Memory and paramnesia: Reincarnation research into spontaneous memories among adults and children in the Netherlands, article by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches
- Dreams about previous lives, article by Titus Rivas, published on website Reincarnation Researches
- The Case of S Simpson-Baikie, article by Titus Rivas, published on his website Kritisch
- Reincarnation and Pre-existence Memories Among Young European Children, lecture by Titus Rivas, for the Paraquest Conference in Sale, Manchester, May 14th 2006.
- The Case of Iris Farczady � A Stolen Life, by Mary Rose Barrington, Peter Mulacz, and Titus Rivas
- We've contributed many Cases of Prebirth Memories to Spiritual Pre-Existence, such as those of S, Kees, Myriam, Najade, Arjan Voet, and others. By the way, all the cases on this website are interesting!

General Parapsychology
- Research into Paranormal Experiences in Children

Philosophy of Mind and Metaphysics
- Neuropsychology and personalist dualism: A few remarks, paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Psychical appearance and reality: Kant, rational psychology and the identity theory, paper published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Exit Epiphenomenalism: The Demolition of Refuge by Titus Rivas and Hein van Dongen, published in Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, 2003.
- Why the efficacy of consciousness cannot be limited to the mind by Titus Rivas, published in Journal of Non-Locality and Remote Mental Interactions, 2003.
- The Causally Efficacious Psyche, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas, 2003.
- Analytical argumentation and the theoretical foundation of psychical research I: Arguments for the causal efficacy of mind, (about conscious efficacy) by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 1999.
- Analytical argumentation and the theoretical foundation of psychical research II: Arguments for the causal efficacy of mind in general (about a non-physical memory), by Titus Rivas, published in the Paranormal Review, 1999.
- Rebirth and Personal identity: Is Reincarnation an Intrinsically Impersonal Concept?, by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of Religion and Psychical Research
- The denial of consciousness in non-human animals published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- External Qualities and Neurological Computation in Perception published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Agnostic Epiphenomenalism?: Response to a comment published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas
- Metasubjective Cognition Beyond the Brain: Subjective Awareness and the Location of Concepts of Consciousness by Titus Rivas.
- Why absolute agnosticism about a theistic god is incoherent, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- What if we find no evidence for a theistic creation?, published on website Kritisch by Titus Rivas.
- Why we cannot be mere elements of a divine dream, published on website Kritischby Titus Rivas.
- The Logical necessity of the survival of personal memory after physical death, lecture by Titus Rivas for the international conference on the Survival of Human Personality in Rajsamand (India), 1991.

- A telepathic experience surrounding the death of a grandmother, by Titus Rivas, published in the SPR Newsletter Supplement, 1990.
- Letter to the Editor about Frank B. Dilley's Theory of Clairvoyance by Titus Rivas, published in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, Volume 55, p. 434-435, 1989.
- Letter to the Editor about Frank B. Dilley's Theory of Telepathy by Titus Rivas, publishd in the Journal of the Society for Psychical Researchg, Volume 56, p. 312-313, 1990.

- Libertarian Spirituality published on website Kritisch, by Titus Rivas.


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