Political Map
The current countries/provinces and their capitals. Though officially united after Tarivan's conquest and subsequent subjugation, they are still allowed some autonomy within their borders. The Empirical captial and site of the Royal Palace is in Halcyon.
Geographical Map
Light Green-Plains/Grassland
Middling Green-Decidious Forests
Dark Green-Coniferous Forests
Light Blue-Tundra

Blue lines-Rivers
Black Dotted Lines-Country/Province Borders

1. Dezelloran Mountains (Deh-zeh-LORE-en)
2. Karahjnate Mountains (Kair-RAH-nate)
3. Mogh Desert (Moh-g)
4. Southern Foothills
5. Nalurna River (Nah-LORE-nah)
6. Benedu River (Ben-eh-DOO)
7. Gican River (GEE-kan)
8. Rischekh River (Ree-SHECK)
9. Undyne River (Oon-DEEN)
10. Dansame River (DAN-same)
11. Okaeve River (Oh-KAVE)
12. Vihebe River (Vee-HEEB)
13. Eltuighi River (EL-twee-gee)
14. Ormengo Range (Or-MEN-go)
15. Junabi Desert (Joo-NAH-bee)
16. Inner Ocean
17. Outer Ocean
18. Yusoc Bay (YOO-sock)
19. Bay of Celuna (Kel-OO-nah)
20. Ceah Bay (Say-AH)
Silefaer Isle
Silefaer Isle as it appears on the main map may not necessarily be to scale. I haven't decided exactly how big it is yet.

Light green-Plains/Grassland
Middling green-Decidious forest
Dark green-Coniferous forest
Bluish green-Swamp
Blue lines-Rivers

1. Teagan Plains
2. Lesser Annon River
3. Greater Annon River
4. Noaon Desert
5. Chandar Mountains
6. Mossdeep Forest
7. Ashill Swamp
8. Plains Clan's Village
9. Swamp Clan's Grotto
10. Mountain Clan's Hall
11. Desert Clan's Oasis
12. Forest Clan's Grove
13. Water Clan's Harbor
14. Northgate Peninsula
15. Southgate Peninsula
Background from: Whyte Myst's Backgrounds