astraea's favourites
These are a few of my favourite things........

These are the stories that kept me up far too late at night and caused me to miss my bus in the mornings. The ones that I read avidly when I was supposed to be working. The ones that made me shake with silent laughter and hope against hope that my colleagues didn't notice and think I was having a fit. Most of all these are the ones that keep inspiring me to write.

My taste leaning away from the angsty, these almost all verge from the  light-hearted to the hilarious, with a high concentration of smut! Check the ratings, people!

And if you like them, let the authors know, or consider nominating them for an

Fanfiction Sites

Fanfiction award sites

Great places to find some of the better fic around. Or to nominate some of your own favourites!

How can I recommend one story? Nauti is my absolute hero, there is nothing on this site not worth reading (ten or twenty times.) but you all know that already. Smut and fun - all naughty, all of the time.

We Band of Buggered

One of my all-time favourite sites, hosting Valerie's own work, her selection of archieved fic and the best forum in the history of forums!

Blood and Beers

Cool site, in which all our favourite characters get drunk and do silly things. Great collection of drunk!fic, helping to dispell the foolish Jossian myth that 'Beer Bad.' (What's that about?!)

Darkest Before the Dawn

Great Spike/Buffy fic archieve, including the option of leaving reviews for fics (for those of us who are lazy about eamiling!)

Vampire's Kiss

Great collection of Spuffy fiction. Hours and hours of avoiding work.

Individual Fics

Rising from our Dust by Mahaliem

This is the real deal - in my cynical moments I wonder if in fact it is written by Joss. It gives all of the Scoobies a second chance and it left me smiling for days. It's a script-style S7, and my god, it made me look forward to the new season!

Days of Our Unlives by Kita and Jess

It took a lot of recommendations before I read this -  'A/S slash? I don't want to read A/S slash!' Wrong, wrong wrong!!! This is THE FUNNIEST thing I have ever read, including, well, everything. By the time I had read it four times and laughed until I was almost sick, I not only wanted to read A/S slash, I wanted to write it. But nothing could ever be as good as this. These guys are amazing.

Tooth and Nail by KJ Draft

Beyond a doubt (in my humble opinion!), the best 'What-happened-between-Smashed-and-Wrecked' fic there is. This *is* what happened. No questions. Very NC-17, very yummy.

Superfood World
by Valerie

When you have finished reading this with a suitable sense of wonder and awe, read the rest. Then check out everyting on Valerie's wonderful site 'Band of Buggered' A great collection of Spike-centric fic.(The girl has good taste, I tell you.There's even one by meeee!)

Roundabout by Devil Piglet/Serpentine

This just kicks every kind of ass. It does have the angst, I admit. I am in love with an angsty fic. Read it. If you haven't read it ten times, read it ten more.

Sunday Girl by Dead Soul

The best Spike/Dru I've ever read, and definately my favourite original character (of a sort.) How much do I love it? I archived it instead of my usual lazy linking!
Remember Sunday from 'The Freshman'? This is her story. Unless you don't actually like violence and sex then you probably want to go read this. Now.

The Giles and Spike Collection by Lori

London based Spike and Ripper friendship with G/A and B/S. Wonderful characterisation and great plots. Make sure you have hours and hours.....

Buffybot Behind Bars by Keswindhover

Sweet, hilarious Buffybot series, with hysterical background Scooby-action. Fun for all the family.

Enthralled By Love's Bitch

Sexy, sexy, sexy. Buffy realises what's what. Now with added sequels.

The Dance by Starcrossed

Mmm-mm. B/S smutty goodness. Buffy dances, Spike is baad.

Saturday Night by Evenstar

Spike and Buffy drunken hilariousness. Bonus points for Riley-bashing and gratuitous use of the term 'smurf.'

Shades of Grey
by Dee Bradfield

Very sweet, very well written S5 B/S. Loads of really cool Scooby interaction and good, satisfying Spuffiness.

Donna the Vampire Slayer by Nomad

Anyone who likes the West Wing (anyone who doesn't, go watch it until you do!) as well as Buffy will loooove this. Very funny, very clever, very well written - very skillfully combines the two shows. Read the two sequals while you're at it, and have a look at her other great fiction too!

What's Scarier than a Republican Whip by Minx Trinket

Another fab BtVS/WW crossover. Especially for all Toby-lovers. And waydago Buffy - she gets all political!

Sidelines by Anna S

Wonderful alternative S4 in which Xander is the gay Scooby and still ends up dating a demon. Made me like Xander. I can't say better than that.

Eleven Pound by Karenbear

Another one that made me snort with uncontrolled laughter when I really had *no* desire to have my boss looking over my shoulder. Sloshed, slashed S/X fun.

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