Just a Little Page Devoted to Ms. Nina (aka "Shorty")
March 27, 2004 - April 24, 2006

Nina was a loving and wonderful cat, who was taken from us prematurely by messing with an Easter Lily; for some reason sellers of these poisonous plants do not put warning labels on them. Be advised: they are deadly to cats and perhaps other animals as well. Write your Congressman.

Anyway, here are some photos with which we hope you get some idea of what a wonderful little gal she was.

Here she is calling the National Hurricane Center for the latest updates (see track on screen.) Could never keep her away from the computer; the printer fascinated her, as did the mouse pointer. (Mouse; it figures.) And watching the Solitaire cascade!

A favorite. No, we did not put her in the flower-pot; she did that on her own.

Can't leave Kimberly out of this; Nina normally lived with her, as we are a "no-pet" building (Hah!)

I got my share too. Nothing like snoozing in your recliner with 8 pounds of purring fur on your chest!

Snooping around Pee Wee Ellis's sax.

Nina was perhaps the champion feline high-jumper; here she is at Mel and Joanie Dancy's place attempting to perch atop the blinds. Judging by her successes at our place, she made it.

No, don't ask me how she got into that spot (headfirst, then turned around.)

Asleep. Now she sleeps forever. We will miss you, Shorty. If the Tibetans are right you will come back as a very affectionate human being.
