Welcome to my Ashlee Simpson fan site.  I had an original site on Ashlee, but have now updated it because the first one was plain and simple, this one to me is more sophisticated, since I have more to say on Ashlee Simpson! I hope you enjoy!!

Wow! Where can I begin with Ashlee?  There is so much that one can say about this new artist.  I am so excited that I get to promote Ashlee.  Your probably wondering how I get to promote her album, if you don't already do so.  So I am going to do the honors, because any fan of Ashlee should and would love to be a part of her team.  There are two ways that you can become a member.  

Way #1
1. Go to
2. Click on the link TEAM
3. A screen will come up that you need to fill out.
4. After  filling it out you should now be a member.

Way #2
1. Go to
2. On the left hand side of the screen, scroll down to Ashlee Simpson (artists go in order by their first name!)
3. Then her page will come up where you can sign in if you are already a member or you can click to become a part of her team.

    Now that I have explained how to become a member, go out and become one!!  Trust me there are benefits but you have to work for them.  I am sure if you are a dedicated fan, as I am you will put as much time and effort in as I do.

Besides joining Ashlee's E-teams, you can also join my Yahoo Group: Ashlee Simpson Music Net.  You can join this by clicking on the link below.  Being part of my Yahoo Group will give you access to a lot of information. You also can meet other Ashlee Fans in the group.  


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