Myth: civil unions etc. make a mockery of marriage

Fact: conservatives said the exact same thing about interracial marriage, which needed a U.S. Supreme Court decision in 1967 to make legal (This is what conservatives are talking about when they complain about “judicial activism”) In fact, conservatives said the same thing about blacks being allowed to marry at all.

Same sex marriage overview

 Is same-sex marriage a good or bad idea? A threat to the institution of marriage, or a beneficial cultural change?

The Freedom to Marry

Myth: The bible condemns same-sex marriage

Fact: The bible has nothing to say about same-sex marriage, and obviously thinks today’s Christians need to get their priorities straight! There are also a lot of emotionally intimate same-sex relationships in the Bible

Myth: Same-sex marriage destroyed Scandinavia


Myth: you can’t tamper with the sanctity of the institution of marriage

Fact: there have been plenty of changes in the institution of marriage

Why are couples not permitted to marry?

Why do some same-sex couples want to marry?


Divorce newsfeed

Republican lies and flip-flops on Marriage from the Claim VS Facts Database

Topic: Gay Marriage

Speaker: Cheney, Dick - Vice President

Date: 10/5/2000

"I think the fact of the matter, of course, is [same-sex marriage] is regulated by the states. I think different states are likely to come to different conclusions and that's appropriate. I don't think there should necessarily be a federal policy in this area." [Source: CNN Debate transcript]

"I support the President" in his effort to ban gay marriage. - Vice President Dick Cheney

Reference Reference

Topic: Gay Marriage

Speaker: Bush, George - President

Date: 5/2/2000

"[It is] going to be up for cities and states to make those decisions [about gay marriage]." [Source: CNN Web site]

"President Bush called for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage." - Sacramento Bee, 2/25/04

Reference Reference

Topic: Gay Marriage

Speaker: Bush, George - President

Date: 2/15/2000

"The state[s] can do what they want to [on gay marriage]." [Source: CNN Web site]

"President Bush called for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage." - Sacramento Bee, 2/25/04

Reference Reference

Myth: Republicans believe in the sanctity of Marriage:

*Ronald Reagan - divorced the mother of two of his children to marry Nancy Reagan who bore him a daughter only 7 months after the marriage.

*Bob Dole - divorced the mother of his child, who had nursed him through the long recovery from his war wounds.

*Neil Bush - George W. Bush's Brother - divorced

*Newt Gingrich - divorced his wife who was dying of cancer.

*Dick Armey - House Majority Leader - divorced

*Sen. Phil Gramm of Texas- divorced

*Gov. John Engler of Michigan- divorced

*Gov. Pete Wilson of California- divorced

*George Will - divorced

*Sen. Lauch Faircloth - divorced

*Rush Limbaugh - Rush and his current wife Marta have six marriages and four divorces between them. *Rep. Bob Barr of Georgia - Barr, not yet 50 years old, has been married three times. Barr had the audacity to author and push the "Defense of Marriage Act." The current joke making the rounds on Capitol Hill is “Bob Barr...WHICH marriage are you defending?!?

*Sen. Alfonse D'Amato of New York- Catholic but divorced *Mayor Rudy Giuliani – Catholic but divorced TWICE

*Sen. John Warner of Virginia- divorced (once married to Liz Taylor.) *Gov. George Allen of Virginia- divorced

*Henry Kissinger - divorced

*Rep. Helen Chenoweth of Idaho- divorced

*Sen. John McCain of Arizona- divorced

*Rep. John Kasich of Ohio- divorced

*Rep. Susan Molinari of New York- Republican National Convention Keynote Speaker - Catholic but divorced

( See also: Myth: Republicans value sexual morality)

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