Mod Chopsticks

Three Steps to Enlightenment

Was ist dieses?

Overcome Shame! The life I lead is insipid. The life you lead is insipid.
in•sip•id - adj. 1.Lacking flavor or zest; not tasty.
Whereas the answer is found, the meaning is lost.

Prevent Disease! Such a convoluted existence typically ends in some sort of substance abuse or permanent bunyon condition. Like elephantitis, and like ARTEDGE's love, it will grow and grow until it kills you.

Banish Fear! This is why we at ARTEDGE, in sincere hopes that you will accept us as your 'Great Benefactor', present this less-than-inclusive and more-than-demanded 'tiergarten' of sorts dedicated solely to the wisdom of the COMMON MAN PAMPHLET.

Stop Worrying! It is our hope here at ARTEDGE that you will gain something beyond the general derision at our misplaced self-ascetism. Perhaps you, our effete reader, have ideas of your own regarding how people should disinfect..or perhaps lead their lives.
As we say here at ARTEDGE,

"The best mode for living is the one that fits the least"

All About Abscesses! I Quit Crystal!
Please continue to wait patiently until these COMMON MAN PAMPHLETS, and many more perhaps, are purged onto this nook of the web in full entirety.


©2000 by M.Goldin