Hgeocities.com/area51/vault/6396/rules3.htmloocities.com/area51/vault/6396/rules3.htmlelayedxߎJ@OKtext/html_b.HSun, 19 Apr 1998 19:51:00 GMT9Mozilla/4.5 (compatible; HTTrack 3.0x; Windows 98)en, *ގJ Battlecards Rules Theme


Here's a method I've been using for awhile, I've found that I like it better.. a lot better.. It still uses the cards for the units and
terrain, only the method of deciding who wins the battles is diffrent..

Normally, you'd shuffle the nine-war cards to determine who wins, but with this method, you just need one dice.. Roll a ten-sider (d10) and then consult the following chart..

d10 (Battle Dice)

Rolled -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3
1 - - - - - - -
2 - - - - - - H
3 - - - - F H H
4 - F - F H H H
5 F F F H H H H
6 F F H H H H R
7 F H H H H H R
8 H H H H R R D
9 H H H R D D D
10 * * * * * * *

Morale checks were the one part of the system I hated the most. If you want to, you could resolve them with a six sided dice, needing a 1-2 if you've only got one icon, a 1-4 if you've got two icons, and no roll required if you've got all three.

I find that lacking though.. No unit should be IMMUNE to morale. If you agree with me, use the d8 method..

d8 (Morale)

One Icon 1-2
Two Icons 1-4
Three Icons 1-6

This means that on a roll of 7-8, you ALWAYS fail..

Submitted by Bradon Quina

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