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Optional Elven War Card rule

By Eric Jarvis

One element to the Birthright campaign and in most campaign settings is the ability of Elves to strike from their forest homes with hit and raid attacks on invading armies. Take the Manslayers domain for example: It is surrounded by 3 Domains, with a average army roster of about 50+ units all together! Even with 10 defending Elf units, the manslayer is still outgunned 5 to 1.
To make the elven arrow more feared, especially on their home ground, I suggest the following modifiers for elven units 'before' combat begins. Reminder, these should be for units defending home ground that they know by heart, and had time to set traps and ambushes.

Modifier: Each Elven Archer unit score 1 hit on enemy units attacking into the province. each Elven nonarcher unit with a missile attack ability inflicts 1 hit on enemy units attacking into the province.

Example - 3 Elf Archer units defend a province against 10 invading standard human infantry units. Before combat begins the 3 Archers inflict 3 hits on attacking units. This damage can be split up at whatever units the defending Elves want to hit. This is to factor in for surprise attacks, traps, and ambushing targets of opportunity. With 3 hits, the Elves could possibly destroy 1-3 units before the battle starts.

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