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Muster Costs for Brecht Units

Here is the cost for the special units list in the war cards from the Haven's of the Great Bay expansion. The more standard units already have muster costs listed in the expansion book. I used those values as a guide when deciding on the values below.
Units: Cost: Maintenance:
Schaefrich Welchen of Berhagen 5 2
Daniguard 4 1
Blackgate Stormlords 6 2
Mor's Head Hunters 3 1
Mor's Head Hunter Scouts 3 1
Drachen's Champions 4 1
Grabentod Raiders 5 2
Massenmarch Talons 4 2
Massenmarch Wings 5 2
Massenmarch Claws 2 1
Stille Wachter 4 1
Rheulgard Foresters 2 1
Treuchlen Giyarden 4 1
Mercenary Reavers 2 1
Kiergard Orogs 3 1
Rzhler Irregulars 3 1
Rzhler Elite Infantry 5 2
Rzhlev Varsk Riders 7 2
Rzhlev Archers 3 1
Rzhlev Artillerists 5 2
Rheulgard Unrau Garten 4 2
Royal Infantry of Muden 4 2
Royal Knight of Muden 5 2
Royal Marinies of Muden 6 2

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