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Below is the description of a sidheshegh called Meallien Taurlashir. I used the Van Ricten's Guide to Ghosts to create her. I've neglected to give her game statistics because in my opinion sidhesheghlien really are not meant to get involved in physical combat; they are the agents of role-playing.

Meallien Tuarlashir, Sidheshegh

All sidhesheghlien, including Meal, are spirits of the fifth magnitude. This is due to the fact that death for an elf is completely unatural and thus extremely traumatic. What this means is that she is incredibly powerful and it is unwise to anger or cross her.

Physical Consistency:
Meallie is semicorporeal. She has no true body, and those attempting to touch will always pass through her instead. However, wherever she goes she is able to bear a material scabbard which holds the blade Muarshegh (man's blood), a tighmaevril weapon.

Physical appearence:
Meallie appears as a beutiful young elf dressed in a pure white dress made from elven lace. On her chest is a dark red bloodstain, and attached to her hip is a belt from which her sword hangs. She moves with incredible grace, her feet never touching the ground. All around her is a faint siver glow similar to that of a full moon shining through the clouds. Her voice is calm and sweet, at times like a summer breeze, at others like a babbling brook.
When around humans she speaks in a curt manner, and no man is able to meet her gaze.

Origins of the ghost:
Vengeance. Meallie was slain in cold blood by humans who were invading her realm. Many times she had sought to appease  them, but the riches of the forest spoke louder than her words. In a final dramatic battle her arboreal palace near the Sielwode was burned before her eyes before she and all her people were put to the sword. As soon as her spirit was thrown out of her
body she retaliated by slaying all those responsible for the massacre. Her hatred for humanity has only intensified with the centuries.

An item, the sword Muarshegh, which was the revered artifact of her kingdom, passing down from monarch to heir (Something that happened three times in all its history). The sword is a finely wrought longsword with a bluish grey blade of tighmaevril and a hilt wrought of gold. The hilt is in the form of a tree encircled by ivy, with ivy leaves serving as the hand guard. Besides being wrought from tighmaevril it is also a sword +1, +2 against humans. The sword is also cursed in that any human who wields it will one day be slain by it.

Event, Meallie appears once every century when three of Abryniss' fellow planets (here's some more of that cosmology stuff) in a way that gives haelyn's comstellation a sword.

Extraordinary powers:
Meallie retains her former bloodabilities. Her bloodline was Masela, major, 36, and her abilities were: resistence (major), elemental control (great), and divine aura (major).
Her transformance to a sidheshegh has enhanced her elemental control so she now has two elementals under her control, both formed from the sidhebhaine of her lost people.
She also has the power to, once every three hours, conjure galeforce winds for round. She can also charm humans who meet her gaze. No saving throw is allowed for three weeks after the victim is charmed.

In her quest to avenge her lost people Meallie has fallen into a recognizable  pattern. Every time that the planets are right there is a great festival held in honor of Haelyn. Many heads of state tend to gather for these feasts, forming alliances and intrigues. Meallie generally appears at one of these feasts(many are held throughout cerilia) stating that only the greatest of the rulers present will be able to unsheath the sword at her waist. Naturaly all the rulers will try, but will be unable to do so. She
will then say that none are worthy...yet. She then says that she will return to the same locale one year hence and that the greatest ruler at that time shall pull out the sword.
Naturally what she is trying to do here is start a major war between the rulers of the kingdoms which will result in bloodshed and waste of life. This event meets varying levels of success, the largest being when she appears before major contenders for the iron throne. Of course the greatest ruler is slain by the sword later due to its curse. After this the sword wanders from victim to kiler for another decade or so before vanishing.

By Bearcat

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