You are the th, I say th, fan of that little boy in the bunny suit to visit this site. Bright boy, but a few bails shy of a load, if you know what I mean...

He came to our city in the early dawn...

Though later he would be called th finest warrior to enter our gates, at this time, he was but a curiosity ...

You see, he stood only five hands high, had a lengthy snout, a long tail, and was covered with short grey fur...

He was in short...

CEREBUS the Aardvark

Below are links to my other Cerebus Pages

Why doesn't Cerebus have a navel?

Cerebus Mini-Bar [Coming Soon (I swear!)]

Cerebus Comic Book Cover Scans, Summaries, and Revues [Coming Soon (Relatively speaking...)]

Click HERE to go to my page of Original Cerebus Short Stories! (ass-kicking)

This is for all the fans who only read Cerebus for the occasional T & A.

Click HERE to see Cerebus' First Sword.

For all those Cerebus fans who are afraid of sharp things...and motifs...

Click HERE to see where Cerebus lives

Click HERE to go to my Diamondback page

Click HERE to see Cerebus being naughty

This is some other good Cerebus site in the Area51 Cavern, GO NOW!

My Website is a Local Branch of the Library of Comics. The Library of Comics is, in my opinion, the best place to buy comics, and comic and other paraphanalia (such as apparel, CD's, books, games, posters, cards, miniatures, and much much more...), on the web. If you want to shop there, and you do, follow the link below.

This LOC page in particular might interest the Cerebus folks out there

Whenever you want to access their site, use my link (you won't regret it).

Well boys and girls, if any of you want to link my page to theirs, feel free to nab the above graphic and slap it on your page. But if you don't link it to my page....could be trouble...

Well lookie here, Cerebus sure can clean up good can't he?

Cerebus and all associated characters are ™ and © Dave Sim. All artwork © Dave Sim and Gerhard.


© 2001