A Close Encounter
by Gothic Skywalker

Mark Hamill; a multi-talented Earthling, who loves the Beatles and Science Fiction, a writer, an actor of stage and TV/Film, a voice-over... he has a family, was never divorced, his kids are in a band, he's putting his latest writing works to screen, he's rich, famous, and down-to-Earth.... yeah, wouldn't everyone like to be him? These are the common reasons of why we love Mark... but what about the Mark that Marilou knows or the Mark that only he, himself knows? I met him in 1995... and although I was wired since I was anticipating it for days, was up *all night* before I met him, running on no sleep, sick w/ oncoming strep throat, and stayed in line for 4 hours the next morning to meet him ONCE... I saw something special in this guy... I was told by several people that Mark wouldn't be able to sign anything but Wing Commander cards at this time because he was under contract, and I was told not to bring up Star Wars 'cause he was "SICK TO DEATH" of Luke and Star Wars! I couldn't believe my ears, but I tried to put myself in his shoes... I had brought an entire Luke Skywalker STANDEE with me 'cause I was so psycho about meeting him--wanted him to sign it, and I had sketched him on paper as a gift, having plastered my name, address and photo on the back of it.... funny? I was CRAZED--I could berely TALK (not to mention because of my terrible sore throat that day)... I got up to the table to meet Mark, shouted "I know you don't like Luke Skywalker anym---"

"---What? Who said that???" Mark cried in return, "Who said I don't like Luke Skywalker; I Like Luke Skywalker!!!" I then smiled broadly, and ran up to the table where his daughter , "Chelsea" was drinking a cup of coke. I asked "Is this Chelsea???" Then Mark answered, as Chelsea brushed her face in slight embarassment "It certainly is..." I looked at Chelsea and said "Chelsea--it's so good to meet you--I've read all about you"--and although today I know I'd have been upset if my kids were "read all about" in papers/jounals maybe, Mark was cool about it... Then I gave Mark my picture and standee, and presented the drawing to him... he asked if I wanted him to sign both things--I said "No, that's for YOU!!" I also mentioned I'd heard that he wasn't supposed to sign anything but the cards, but he blew that off... and signed it anyway =) I DIDN'T KNOW ANYMORE WHAT TO SAY then...I was too flabbergasted! So, I took some photos and had someone take one of me and Mark together (Look at here for one of them) and then took a step back to take it all in... a Security Guard followed me away, and whispered to remind Mark that he wasn't allowed to sign anything but the cards from then on--so I was LUCKY!! Then I read what Mark had signed on my standee. It read, "Love to Jen (and he drew a heard w/ arrow through it over Luke's heart on the standee) Mark Hamill"

These are the reasons why I *LOVE* Mark!! He's so HUMAN--so REAL...not stuck on a pedestal like so many celebrities... and he's understanding... and reminds me of Luke... in a 1977 magazine, his character was compared to Luke Skywalker... and maybe that's why he's the most stereotyped celebrity out there today!?! He's got a wife, he's got a family, he's doing a job he loves most, and he lives in California--all a dream? No one's perfect, but if his life is anywhere as close-to-perfect as it looks to us as fans, I really am happy for him... I think he deserves it more than anyone else!