((Disclaimer: Vlos whol Vlos (VwV) is a AOL based Role-Playing forum for it's Arts and Entertainment Member Rooms. Some graphics and material with in this site may not be suitable for anyone under 18, but should still be understood that all things with in are solely based on a fictional land and about fictional people.  Places and things born solely from the imagination and group effort of all those who are members. ))
Pain is the only truth I know
Red is the only color I see
Screams are the only sounds I here
It's stirring inside me, drawing me deeply

I felt inside your tomb last night
And wrote my name in your ashes
As silent prayers falter from a forsaken throat
Know that you are were you need to be
Away from my misery
Away from my legacy
Away from the one who couldn't save you
And if had would have only damned you

It is my solace that you alone never could see me now
And it my pleasure, my delightful treasure
To be the insanity that has awaken inside me...

~Aramis Faro~