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Vampire Miyu
Dahlia the vampire
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New!The shortcut URL -

First time ever, that I converted VDO clip and put up on the site. Since it was the One year Anniversay of the site. So I have done my best for Miyu fans.


I have been informed that MangaStop have received the TA Artistic Award from Tropic Anime. Want to learn more about the award or want to submit your site, click here.


One year Anniversary is coming. I will think of something big for all Miyu fans. I'm not sure yet. But Here is the list!


I got 2 new Vampire Miyu images that I 'll put up later. But you can see them now on the animated gif.


I have to apologize since I have broken my words again. My excuse is I have been working 50-60 hrs./week so it is tough for me to keep up. Anyway here are the new galleries. Also, I am sorry that I didn't reply any of your mails due to the same reason. One good news is I am leaving for vacation soon so I will be able to get more stuff to put in the gallery.


Please give me feed backs of the website via e-mail or guestbook so I can improve the site. First thing I would like to know is the font size. Has anyone had problem reading text? If you do let me know. Maybe I can fix it.



First of all, I would like to INTRODUCE all of you to the japanese mangas. Right now mangas are becoming very popular in US especially Pokemon and Sailor Moon. A lot of publishers have picked up many famous mangas to translate into English. Anyway, not many of these titles are directed to female readers. (of course except Sailor Moon) I hope that in the near future there will be more of the female mangas.

 Speaking of the girl mangas, the titles on this website are mangas that I have collected in the past fifteen years. Some of the titles already ended but others are still ongoing. Some titles ( such as X ) my younger sister sent them to me. Others, I brought them here in US. ( X pocket book is quite expensive here.) This website can be another alternative for some of you and introduce you to many titles of girl mangas.

 Some of the images I scanned myself and others I got from the internet. I did all the translation and detailed synopses. So please pardon my translation as I am not a native speaker. Yet I tried to translate as close as possible to the originals.

 I will try to update this site more often, at least once a month :)  Thanks for stopping by and after you look around this site, let me know what you think.

Special Thanx to :
Pauline for helping me edit some translations and synopses.



Disclaimer: All artwork in this web site are copyrighted to their authors. The intention of this web site is to promote and to introduce people around the world to the japanese manga. This web site doesn't intend to take away any benefits from anyone or any party. To use or distribute any of my translations, please ask me for permission.

What is new!

Last updated 7/7/00
Added Vampire Miyu TV. Clip

Last updated 6/26/00
Added Gallery 7 with the new pictures from Narita Minako, Kakinouchi Narumi, and Hosokawa Chieko.

Last updated 4/2/00
Added the two new galleries with the new pictures from Narita Minako, Kakinouchi Narumi, and Fuyumi Rurika.
The gallery 5 and The gallery 6

Last updated 9/28/99
Added the fourth gallery with all new pictures from Vampire Miyu mangas.
The gallery 4

Finally I have finished the miscellaneous section. It is about Trivia for Miyu fans.

Coming for next update !

No plane yet for the next update.

If you want to be notified for updates.

Drop me a line HERE