Rainbow's Opinionated Sailor Moon Page
I, like Yaten, make no attempt to sugarcoat my opinions.  Don't be surprised if I'm bashing your favorite character here!  I don't care if you hate the ones I like, or like the ones I hate, though.  I believe that everyone can have their own opinions.  Flames will be ignored; you cannot, just by sending email threats, force me to hate Chibi-Usa or worship Sailor Pluto.  In the same way, I'm not going to force you to love my favorites, or anything like that.  Please, fellow Chibi Moon fans, I do NOT endorse flaming Project CURE and other anti-Chibi-Usa websites!  (actually, I think the Taiki forehead jokes made by one of those sites are funny)  Also, as for the pictures on the pages, if you find your picture here, I'm sorry, but I don't remember where I got most of them, though I know some of the Starlights ones were from Starlight Pops, which I have a link to.  As for taking them from me, I don't care about that, even the two pictures that I edited myself.  To me, pictures that are technically the copyright of the people who produced the Sailor Moon anime are theirs only.  If they ask me to take the site or pictures down, I will, but otherwise I decide what I put on my site. 

Warning:  One thing that is evident in my fanfics is that I don't believe that age is that important when it comes to romance, especially since I don't have any sex in my fics.  This is why I think that my Seiya and Hotaru pairing is okay.  Also, for any newbies, if you want information (dry facts) about the Sailor Starlights, go to Starlight Pops.  This is meant to be an opinions site, not an info site.  I refer to the Starlights by the female pronouns, but I am certainly aware that they change themselves into boys in the anime.  I am also aware that Naoko did NOT like that, and also that in the manga, they are girls all the time.  Even in the anime, their original forms are female.  I wish to respect that, and especially since I prefer the Starlights as girls and write them that way in most of my fics, I use the feminine pronouns when referring to them.

I stretched out Taiki-chan's forehead in this picture!
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Name: Rainbow (not my real name, but I don't want to use it on the Internet)
Email: rainbow@route24.net