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Daily Care
March 21, 2003-Glennie was diagnosed with SMA Type 1.
In-exsufflator, nebulizer, and suction machine were introduced.

April 3, 2003-Glennie underwent surgery to have a g-tube placed, as well as a Nissun surgery to prevent reflux.  He also had a second surgery a week later to repair an intussusception(when a part of the intestine collapses into itself.)
Feeding pump introduced..

In mid April, Glennie was hospitalized again for his first bout of aspiration pneumonia.  After one month, he was released.
C-pap(Continous positive airway pressure) introduced. 

At the beginning of June, Glennie was once again hospitalized with aspiration pneumonia.  After the pneumonia cleared up, Glennie was diagnosed with atelectasis, or a partial collpase of his left lung.  Days later he then caught pneumonia in his right lung and had to be intubated for the first time.  After five days on a respirator, he was successfully extubated.  The total time spent in the hospital was two months.
Bi-pap(two way positive airway pressure) introduced.

Since we have been able to stay at home for a while, we have finally settled into a routine with Glennie:

Respiratory treatments every four hours:

-This machine delivers an albuterol mist into the airway to help loosen up secretions.
Chest percussions
-Involves forceful pats on the back to loosen up secretions in the lungs.
Also known as the cofflator;acts as a "cough" since those with SMA Type 1 are unable to cough and clear their airway effectively.
Clears out the loosened up secretions from the airway.

G-tube feedings every 3 hours
Glennie receives 100 ml of formula every three hours during the day, and 720 ml over a nine hour period at night.  He also receives 40 ml of prune juice in his night feeding to help with constipation, which ia a big issue with SMA children.


Most of these are to help prevent reflux and/or heartburn.  The Glycopyrrolate helps to lessen the amount of secretions.  Albuterol is given through the nebulizer to help loosen secretions.

Zantac-2 x a day
Prilosec-2 x a day
Metoclopramide(Reglan)-4 x a day
Colace-3 x a day
Glycopyrrolate-3 x a day
Albuterol-every four hours