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I ran out of recipe cards so please take only the recipe. The artist that created these beautiflul graphics workd very hard and long. Please copy and paste to your own computer.
Thank you so much.
Puff Paste

1 stick-unsalted butter cut lengthwise into 3rds (I have used also used salted) place on foil and chill.
Put into bowl;
¾ C sifted all-purpose flour
¼ Tsp salt
Sprinkle ¼ C ice water over top and blend with a fork, adding an extra T of water if necessary so you can pat the dough into a ball.
Place on lightly floured board and let rest for 5 min.
Kneed till smooth and elastic (about 5 min) roll into an 11” X 6” oblong. Place butter on ½ and fold the other half over it. Beat it with rolling pin and roll into a oblong again. Fold into 3rds wrap in plastic rap and put in fridge for at least 30 min. continue to beat, roll and fold into 3rds

Pastry shells = Roll about 18” X 6” oblong cut out 12 rounds with a 3” cutter. Remove centers from half the rounds with a smaller cutter to make rims & ops Put on a cookie sheet covered with 2 thickness of brown paper ( I use grocery bags)  moisten edges of rounds and place rings onto them, press gently and chill for 20 min or until ready to bake. Place in preheated 500* oven. Reduce heat by 50 * each 5 min till puffed and done About 25 min total.

Roll 6” X15” oblong. Cut into 6 pieces about 6” X 2 ½” place on cookie sheet covered with 2 layers brown paper Prick well with a fork and bake 450* for about 15 min. I cool them and store in an airtight container till I am ready to use them.
Cut them lengthwise with a serrated knife.  Cover the first layer with good jam, coat the middle with more jam and place this next then comes the whipped cream, then the top.  Sprinkle with powdered sugar and serve. You can also drizzle with chocolate.

Palm Leaves;
Sprinkle board with granulated sugar. Roll Pastry 1/4 “ thick. Turn over and roll onto an oblong about 6” X 18” Fold each end toward the center making 3 layers on each side, fold double making (in half lengthwise) 6 layers. Cut in ¼ inch slices. Pinch the centers slightly together. Place cut side down on cookie sheet covered with double thickness brown paper. Chill 10 min. preheat oven to 450* Turn over and bake till crisp and brown (about 5 min)

Let your imagine go wild! Play with it and invent new things.
Puff Paste