Secret Haven

There is a secret haven
that I would like to share...
With a special friend
one who is gentle and kind...

We shall walk together
hand in hand...
sharing the beauty of God's creation...

Come into my garden taste the pleasures...
watch the squirrels in the beechnut trees
rabbits under the berry patch...
with the first touch of spring
the dogwood blossoms...

Daddy's seeds sprouting
living on in this generation...
each plant that grows taking new life into the next...

I love my secret garden
the fresh spring water...
early morning dew
upon fragile sweetheart roses...

The summer house
dainty pieces of lace...
an old oak table set with crystal and silver...

A black iron pot
sitting on the wood stove...
the stone fireplace
waiting to be lit...

Pictures on the walls
with a story of a lifetime past...

A lovely old teasta bed patchwork quilt lovingly draped...
there is a calendar on the back of the door
the year was 1913...

Memories were born here
dreams came true...
every moment here is precious
time passes too quickly...

I want to share this beauty
with you my friend...
take my hand and we shall savor
the beauty of this old place.

~ Anne-Marie Hodgeson ~