Toward the Terra
Version: Japanese
Seen At: Hollywood Video
Rating: R
Review: Four and a Half Stars

Toward the Terra was chosen for me, so seeing this one was not my choice. It happened to be pretty good, though, so, what the hell! This movie is truely a sci-fi channel kind of a movie and I'm surprised that they haven't played it yet; possibly because it may of not been dubbed yet.
The animation, all in all, was crappy but the Japanese voice actors really pulled this movie off. There are parts of this movie that are so dramatic, that is hard to believe that it is actually an animated video. There isn't a whole lot that I can say on this movie, though, for it has been over six months since I last saw it and I can't remember some scenes in explicet detail. I'll just say that there are people called MU who are not liked be normal humans (this is in the future), but they go on a rebellion to go against the humans. Oh, and one more thing, this is the first, and only, anime that I have ever seen with male front nudity; you know what I mean.
(I am currently looking for a picture from Toward the Terra, but I am having a lot of trouble finding one with the lack of Toward the Terra websites. It would be well appreciated if viewers of this website could send me a picture of it if you have one at Thanks!)