Ghost in the Shell
Version: Japanese
Seen At: Hollywood Video
Rating: R
Review: Four Stars

   Ghost in the Shell has been broadcasted everywhere and has been known to be one of the best animes and mangas; I beg to differ.
   The animation was superb, but a lot of the people were very ugly, even the main character, Motoko. Though, in manga, she is a lot prettier.
   It's a very hard movie to follow and, if you're tired or not really paying attention, you're not going to get it. The first time I watched it I was tired, so I had to watch it again to understand.
   It is a little wierd that Motoko has to undress herself everytime she goes in for the kill, but I suppose it's okay. I didn't mind all that much. It's just a anime character, after all; not real.
   The movie doesn't realy have an ending, but more of a to be continued ending; even though that is the only video of it. Manga seems to take the wierdest animes.
   Your best bet is to rent or buy the Japanese version for I heard that the Dubbed version is awful and all the characters are lifeless.