Armitage III: The Movie
Version: Dubbed
Seen At: Hollywood Video and Sci-fi Channel
Rating: R
Review: Four Stars

   Armitage III: The Movie is a spectacular anime that shows that racism is never going to end, even in the distant future. It will just change into a whole new breed against robots.
   It has great art and is very detailed; although the main man character, Ross Sylibus, is a bit on the ugly side, Naomi Armitage is drawn spectacularly well. I have to say, though, that the enemy, Renne Den Claud, reminds me of the enemy in Battle Angel, Desty Nova, but that's just my opinion.
   The voice talents are so-so. Elizabeth Berkley does do a very great job as Armitage, but the voice actor for Ross seems like he's dead or something. There is, almost, no emotion in him.
   Some of the reactions and emotions seem, sort of, forced at times, so that's why I only give it a four star, because it just doesn't seem to earn a five. Maybe the Japanese Version is better, but I can't seem to find that anywhere. My best bet is to find the four episodes that are the same idea as the movie, but is more of an extended version. That will, probably, be better.