Caspie's Poems
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These next poems might be a little more sad, so sorry...and just don't get bad thoughts, cuz I don't feel this way anymore...for three of them anyway.

Do I stay, causing more pain and sorrow?
Do I leave, ending it all?
Questions like these run through my mind.
I await and listen for God's call.
Is he the one doing this?
I will never understand,
Why he created hrut and sorrows,
Creating such an awful land.
I am so confused.
I am so lost.
I just want happiness,
And I'll gain it at any cost.
Tears trickle down my face.
No shoulder to lay my head upon.
Emptiness is in my heart.
Wonderful thoughts are all gone.
I am completely alone,
On this unbearable earth.
I've been through much agony.
What is my life even worth?

Hurt, crying, suffering, killing...
Words run through my mind.
"Do I really deserve to be given pain,
When all I am is truly kind?"
I care for all creatures, living and non-.
Yet, I get no care in return.
Evil words, thoughtless look,
My heart doesn't break, but burn.
One could never find the point,
Of living on this unbearable earth.
Sometimes I sit and wonder,
"Why did I have to come out at birth?"
Depression, suicides, murders,
When is it all going to stop?
With people judging and unkind,
I've become over the top.
I sit on my floor with a knife,
Knowing there is no other route.
The blade cutting my flesh,
The bright, red blood trickles out.
Tears run down my cheeks,
As I soon cut my other wrist.
There's one reason why I'm this way,
Everything in this world made me so pissed.
I start to feel faint,
And I fall to the floor.
I hear in the distance,
An abrupt knock upon my door.
Screams are ringing in my ears,
"Quick! Someone call 911!"
Crying bodies hang over me,
Suddenly I realize I hadn't won.
"People do care about me?"
I still don't want to go back.
People were rude to me,
It's time to carry me away in that sack. 
I lie still as people watch me.
Their tears pour down their face.
The lid closes above me,
And I'mf inally out of that place.
Even thought I'm way up above,
My love and caring they'll receive still.
I never found out about true happiness,
But I found out depression can kill.

Millions of pieces,
A jigsaw puzzle created.
Torn apart,
The love has faded.
Tears flowing down,
the cloth to wipe my eye.
Curled up into a ball,
every time that I cry.
Loneliness is felt,
now that your gone.
The radio is on,
and it happens to be playing our song.
The promises that were made,
the ones not kept.
The kife upon my wrist,
each time I wept.
The pain in my heart,
I cannot bear.
The blodd dripping down,
down onto the chair.
Why is it that all I can hear,
Are the lies that you tell me?
Do you know that is hruts,
and more depressed I will be?
I don't know how much more,
My heart can tolerate.
Please stop now,
before it's too late.
I cannot control myself,
with the knife in my hand.
Perhaps after I'm gone,
I'll be in a better land.
So one more time,
I'll take the knife.
One more time,
and I may take my life.

Do my feelings even matter to you?
Do you even care?
Please tell me the truth,
My heart cannot bear more lies.
I used to know how you felt.
Or were those just lies too?
My thoughts are negative.
Please, put my aching heart at ease.
There are too many tears.
The tears that flow down my face,
Each time that you hurt me.
My tears are running out,
And so is my time.
I cannot bear more pain.
I love you so much.
You mean the world to me.
But if you don't love me the same,
Stop all my wondering.
I need to know what the truth is.
I might be leaving soon,
And who knows how.
I just want to know,
Do you love me?
What's the truth?