des·tine [déstin ] (past des·tined, past participle des·tined, present participle des·tin·ing, 3rd person present singular des·tines) transitive verb
preordain: to preordain or intend somebody or something for a particular fate or use (formal)
[14th century. Via French from Latin destinare "to set up, decree, determine," from the base -stinare "to cause to stand."]

© Alicia June 15, 2002

Not content with myself
But with where I might go
I'm still reaching above me
Why can't this be alright?

Until I begin to question
I'm only safe when I feel accepted
I keep expecting to hear expectations
This could remain my life.

It's not the love that is holding me back
But it's not pushing me forward
What's wrong with staying in one place?
Somedays I embrace who you see that I am

The questions don't come from inside,
so they're maybe a sin
Feel a call from within
But it's easy to ignore me

Dying's not important
I wanna live for something
What does it matter how I die?
Once I'm dead, I'm free

An odd think to think
when there's nothing here for me
I want to know what I'm saying up to a point
I don't want to fight what I hide behind

All this nonsense I write
It's only confusing me
I discover something, but I don't hold on
So I just stay in this plight.

I'm tired of being just one person
There's more to me than I can hide
I'll always be many parts of me
Or at least I want to try.

It is more difficult, and calls for higher energies of soul, to live a martyr than to die one. ~Horace Mann

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