Vitamin and Mineral Supplements for Spasticity

source: Cerebral Institute of Discovery and The Food and Drug Administration

Before starting any supplemental regiment it is highly advised that you seek advise from your doctor or healthcare provider because some of these substances have interactions with other medications or you may have a condition that could be worsened by these supplements. Many of these supplements are still seeking FDA approval or recommendation to support there claims.

  • Creatine Monohydrate, a sports supplement that provides extra energy to muscle cells.
  • Devil's Claw, an natural anti-inflammtory.
  • Vitamin C, also an anti-inflammatory. (Joints inflame when inactive for long periods of time.) (RDA 60 mg)
  • Calcium, to maintain bone density. (RDA 1000 mg)
  • Magnesium, for sleep and muscle problems. (RDA 400 mg)
  • GABA, an amino acid supplement to reduce spacticity
  • Rescue Remedy, an herbal tranquilizer that is non-addictive. Comes in liquid form; has a calming effect on the body, and may act as a muscle relaxant in some cases.
  • Valerian, a natural tranquilizer, usually for insomnia. Also an anti-spasmodic. Contains lots of magnesium

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Updated 11/03/00