Conditions That Often Accompany Cerebral Palsy (CP)

Cerebral Palsy is a multifaceted condition. Although the main symptoms stem from the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord) there may be other conditions present as well in a person who is diagnosed with CP. Because CP is a mobility disability the skeletal system may be affected (most commonly scoliosis and spastic hip dislocation). Because brain damage occurred epilepsy or learning disabilities or hearing loss may be present. Visual impairments are often seen in cerebral palsy due to overexposure of the newborn to oxygen in the incubator. On this page you can find links to information on conditions often seen in persons with CP.

Slow or Lower Growth Rate

North American Growth in CP Project

Growth Assessment in Children with Cerebral Palsy


Long Term Out Come of Childhood Epilepsy (From UCPA)

Epilepsy International

The EpiCenter

Epilepsy Foundation of America

The National Society For Epilepsy, UK


COPES Foundation

IN THE NEWS: New procedure for straitening the spine with less trauma

Scoliosis Treatment Living Through Scoliosis

Spastic Hip Displasia/Subluxation

Subluxation and Dislocation of the Hip in Cerebral Palsy: Prophylactic Soft Tissue Surgery (Medscape)

Spastic Hip Subluxation – Alfred I. Dupont Institute

Learning Disabilities (on CPIC)


Circle of Inclusion

Consortium on Inclusive Schooling Practices

Mental Retardation

What is Mental Retardation?

School Age Programs for MR

Visual Impairments/blindness (VI)

Adaptive Computer Technology for VI- index

Blindness Resource Center

Recording for the Blind and Dyslexic

Choice Magazine Listing

Deaf/Hearing Impaired

Cerebral Palsy and Deaf Organization

National Institute on Deafness and other Communication Disorders

© 1995-2001 page contents by Anee Stanford
© 2001 Web page design by DesignRay.

This page was last updated 07/12/00