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A Mechanistic Model of our Universe

A Mechanistic Model of Atoms

A mechanistic modeling of physical laws using shapes of atoms to explain functions, and analogies of physical and chemical laws for understanding them better.

Andrew Vecsey


A Mechanistic Model of Atoms


By proposing shapes for atoms, and giving them a space to move in, all the laws of physics that have no mechanistic explanation, like gravity and electromagnetic fields, can be easily explained and understood. This principle of shapes of atoms can be as well used to explain functions in chemistry such as acids and behavior of other small molecules. As molecules get bigger, their shape is seen as being important to its function, but for small particles like electron, shape is abandoned into a cloud of energy levels. This book proposed a shape for all elementary particles that account for their function and behavior. As shapes are easier to remember than behaviors and functions, this allows to visualize, understand, and remember the complex interactions of physics and chemistry.


I started to write this book for myself, so that I could understand my universe better and make some sense of it. The universe, and nature, seem to follow the laws of chaos. The laws of chaos define relationships of events for complex chaotic systems.

"A butterfly flapping its wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the earth."

Chaotic systems are systems that seem random and indeterministic, but aren't. They are actually deterministic systems governed by physical laws, that are predictable, if you have enough information. The law of chaos states that for every action, there is a consequence. And that the more you know your past, the better and farther you see your future. Like weather forecasting. The theory of chaos shows that large scale systems are made of smaller systems that are very similar to the larger ones. Like a mountain is similar to a boulder which is similar to a grain of sand. Nature follows the laws of chaos. This is seen clearly in the shape of trees and their leaves.

It is in this spirit, I have shaped electrons, protons, and neutrons and provided them a space to move and interact in. I have shaped them so that if they were built a billion times bigger, then we could take them in our hands and feel their energy, like we can feel the tug of magnets and the tug of gravity of iron nails. Or if we could reduce to the size of atoms, we could manipulate them into any shapes like we do with lego's, and see and feel their electromagnetic radiations like we see sparks and feel the wind.

I think that students of all ages studying physics, and chemistry, can use the concepts in this book to better understand the functions they have to remember in the form of scientific laws of physics and chemistry which often lack common sense.

Table of Contents


A different view of our Universe

Big Bang and Space and Mass creation


Movement Momentum and Inertia

EM radiation and Photons



EM forces

Electrons and electricity

Protons and magnetism

Attracting and repelling charged mass

Interaction of charged mass in an electric field

The interaction of magnetic fields and currents




Nuclear Fusion

Nuclear Fission

The Elements

Ionic compounds and molecules

Acids Bases and Salts




For additional information and feedback, contact: andrewvecsey@hotmail.com

A  game of chemistry has been made based on the shape of atoms as described in this paper. The game uses the shapes of atoms as described in this paper as an educational tool in helping to visualize how atoms fit together to form compounds, and how they react with one another in chemical reactions. This visualization helps in getting a better understanding of chemistry. The game of chemistry is located at The Game of Chemistry


This document describes an intuitive mechanistic and thus easily understandable common sense view of the structure of mass and the mechanisms driving the forces of gravity and electromagnetic fields using shapes and their motion. The shapes and their motion causes them to interact in ways similar to how larger visible objects observed in heat, sound and turbulence. By proposing shapes for sub atomic particles, we can then explain their behavior by mechanisms that are observed daily on a larger scale, and thus easily understood.

The following observations are used as basic assumptions in this book:

From the above assumptions, it is assumed that the forms and motions we observe in our everyday experiences are similar to those found at the large scale of the universe, and the small scale of the atom. In this way the structure for atoms and the mechanism for the fundamental forces of gravity and electromagnetic fields are modeled.

The modeling of energy allows us to visualize the fundamental forces and can be used as a learning tool to get a better picture of how the laws of physics work and why mass interacts and behaves the way it is observed to behave.

The structures and mechanisms are the modeled accordingly using simple 3 dimensional forms and mechanisms that are very similar to those we experience daily and can be understood by children.


A different view of our Universe

The modern conventional scientific view of the universe is a sun centric point of view placing the electrons in orbitals around protons in the same way as it observes orbitals of planets around our sun. Einstein and the modern theoretical scientists model the universe within the framework of mathematics and add time as a 4th dimension to our 3 dimensional reality. By doing this, scientists were able to explain with mathematics physical laws without having to use the undetectable aether of space that allows energy to move and interact. This distortion of space by time are like distortions of reality depicted by Picasso and modern abstract artists. Distortions can be useful to highlight certain aspects but causes other aspects to be buried. A different point of view is thus necessary to uncover and display aspects which lie so buried. What lays buried is gravity, caused by the pressures of aether in our space.
Universe centric point of view

The earth rotates about the sun only from a sun-centric point of view making the sun stationary. But the sun is not stationary, and travels at a speed thru the universe. When the sun-centric point of view of our universe is abandoned, our view changes as drastically as it did when the earth-centric view of our universe was abandoned. In a universe centric view, our planet does not rotate around the sun but travels along with it in a sinusoidal forward path never going backwards. Both sun and earth are being pushed by gravity towards the most shaded part of the universe. The shade offered by our sun is sufficient to cause a difference between the weight of the universe from below us and from above to force us to fall to the ground. When bodies like satellites fly sufficiently high and fast over a curved surface like the earth, they fall towards a curved surface which is constantly increasing in steepness. The bodies keep falling, like a stone thrown far enough to fall over a cliff.

The earth's path with respect to the sun is guided by the pressure differences it experiences as it goes along with the sun towards the shadiest place in the universe. When the sun is in front of us, we are pushed and accelerated like from a back wind until we pass the sun, go ahead of it, and enter it's shade. In the shade as we experience less push, we decelerate until the sun and it's shadow passes us and we catch the back wind once more to repeat the cycle.

This repetitive swinging from one side of the sun to the other side appears from the sun's point of view to be an orbital, but from a universal point of view, all motion is sinusoidal and linear. The sun and the earth travel 250 km/s thru the galaxy. The earth travels at 30 km/s around the sun. It is always being pushed towards the sun. When it is on the front side of it, the push towards the sun acts to decelerate it. When it is at the sun's back side, the push towards the sun accelerates it forward. When it is on the side of the sun, the push towards the sun pushes it towards the other side. The earth follows the sun like a child running circles around his father as they are both walking. The earth spins at 463 m/s at its equator making it look from our stationary earth that the sun and the universe rotate around the earth.

On the scale of atoms, the concept of electrons revolving around a nucleus is abandoned. Electrons are fixed to the nucleus.

A timeless point of view

With a timeless view, it is possible to clearly see how shapes are determined by their motions and how motions determine shapes. This is in analogy of a propeller shape changing into a disk when it spins. In the same way a rotating disk takes on the shape of a sphere. With this point of view, time, thus motion, can be stopped, and the shapes of rapid moving particles can be perceived. Atoms are perceived to have their nucleus in the center because they are rotating very fast. This is like a propeller shape changing into a disk when it spins. In the same way a rotating disk takes on the shape of a sphere.

An Inside-out point of view

Everyday experience indicates that mass is denser than the space it moves in. We are accustomed and taught to think that the fabric of our space is a vacuum of nothing and the particles of mass in it are made from dense solid balls. We are used to seeing this as a black solid ball moving in a white empty space. This is analogous to solids and liquids in an environment of air.

The observed behavior of gravity and inertia of mass requires that the surrounding fabric of space be much denser than the masses that move around in it. It requires that mass be much less dense than space. With an inside-out point of view, mass in space are like bubbles in a liquid. An inside-out point of view is taken, much like looking at negatives of photographs.

In the picture above:

By proposing forms and motion to atoms that reflect shapes and movements observed in our everyday reality, an understanding of the fundamental unobserved particles of our universe is attained. A mechanism is proposed for the forces of gravity, inertia and the EM fields as well as for electricity, magnetism and radiation all reflecting mechanisms that we see in our everyday reality. By this an understanding of the fundamental forces is attained.
Big Bang and Space and Mass creation

The current Big Bang (BB) theory is used as a starting point. But unlike the singular big bang that formed our universe as is commonly believed, it is proposed that our universe is formed by the residues of many micro BBs randomly created by the laws of quantum dynamics and dispersed in space and time. Each BB is called a Space Quanta (SQ). The confined area of SQs is our universe. It is like a drop of water.

SQs are spaced sufficiently apart to resemble a liquid. Vibrations that can be likened to heat form and are sustained in this aggregate of SQs. SQs moving like water in a river form very long waves resembling tidal waves called gravity. Short waves resembling surf waves or ripples are photons.

Fast swirling SQs resembling a whirl pool cause the SQs to be so tightly packed together that a barrier resembling a solid wall is formed, The wall forms a balloon like shape that vibrates like a pump.  The faster the SQ swirl forming the wall, the more impervious is the wall to the incoming gravity waves, and the greater the mass. These holes in the fabric of space are called mass and are the electrons, protons and neutrons that make up all the atom.

The fast swirling SQs like a hurricane gathers and squirts out SQs. Similar to water spurting out a water hose or air being sucked in by a vacuum cleaner, this flow of SQs is called ElectroMagnetic fields (EM). EM fields is the force that cause mass to move  by attraction and repulsion. When 2 squirting masses are sufficiently close, they push each other away or repel. When 2 inhaling masses are sufficiently close, the pressure density of the SQs being gathered from the surrounding space pushes the masses away from each other. The masses are seen to repel.

When a squiring mass and an inhaling mass are sufficiently close, they are draw in towards each other and are seen to attract. This is because the gathering mass is pulled towards the area of highest density of SQs that is being gathered. When this high density of SQs is maintained by a squirting mass that is expelling them out, then the inhaling gathering mass will pull the squirting mass closer. This gives mass the attractive and repulsive forced displayed by - and + charged mass of the free electron and free proton. This enables forms to interact. It allows mass to selectively bond with other mass and to selectively keep from bonding with others.  

Gravity is pressure waves of SQs that flow thru space in all directions and behaves similar to how heat behaves. Mass blocks the waves and forms shadows just like insulating material block heat. The SQs making up the gravity wave are dispersed far enough apart to be able to vibrate and pass thru each other, yet they are close enough that they interfere with each other. The behave like heat in that they diffuse around objects that block them. This provides the tensions and pressures needed for stable vibrations and patterns to be set up and the energy needed to maintain and keep it going. Gravity is what makes mass move and what keeps mass moving.

Mass without any other mass near by receives the same amount of gravity interaction from all directions, and the  mass does not move. When a 2nd mass is near enough it casts a shadow of the gravity waves on the 1st one. The 1st one will suddenly receive less gravity interaction on the side in the shadow facing the 2nd mass than it does on its opposite side.
As a result there is longer lasting gravity interaction on the opposite side than on the shadow side and the 1st mass is pushed towards the 2nd mass. Gravity causes mass to move because the shadows cast by neighboring mass causes an imbalance of gravity interaction on opposite sides causing mass to move towards its immediate neighbor.
Since mass is an area of  low pressure space and the vacuum of space is a high pressure region it is more realistic to look at it with pressure gradients in the space. This is show in the figures above. For mass without the influence of a 2nd mass nearby, gravity waves are blocked equally from all sides. This results in a lower pressure on all sides of the mass. When 2 masses are near enough so as to block gravity waves from each other, a low pressure develops in between them. This low pressure causes a pressure difference that results in the 2 masses being pushed together by the higher pressure on their outer facing side.

The figure above shows a slice of the "amount of shadowing" between masses "A","B","C","D",and "E" that are aligned in a line. 3 levels of increasing shadowing intensity are shown with lines "1", "2" and "3".  Mass "A" blocks least of the gravity waves and casts the lightest shadow because it is the lightest. Mass "C" at level "3" blocks most of the gravity waves and casts the deepest shadow because it is the heaviest. Mass "B" and "D" have the same mass. Level "1" represents the approaching range of "C's" shadow as it fades and gets weaker. The exact curve follows the inverse square law as observed. When you have 3 masses in a line like the mass "A", "B", and "C" in the figure above, mass "B" does not block out or shadow out the shadow cast by mass "C" from effecting mass "A" because the gravity waves even though they are totally blocked by mass, they diffuse around the object that block them like light.  Gravity can be compared to heat and the blocking of gravity by mass can be likened to a blocking of heat by insulating mass.  The random vibration of SQs causing gravity can be likened to random vibration of atoms observed as heat.

Gravity can be compared to heat pressures and the blocking of gravity by mass can be likened to a blocking of heat by insulation.  The random vibration of SQs causing gravity can be likened to random vibration of atoms observed as heat. When there is more heat on one side of an object than on the other side, there is an imbalance of energy. The higher heat area is directed towards the lower heat area causing a direction of force as seen by gravity. This can be visualized by using the analogy of rockets with the heat behind them giving them a direction of force. In the figure above this analogy is drawn with 2 objects that are drawn to each other due to the imbalance of heat pressure around their form. This imbalance is caused by the insulating effect that the 2 objects have on each other.
Movement Momentum and Inertia

Just as the unbalanced forces of gravity waves causes mass to move, mass can be made to move as well by any other external force. An external force on mass causes mass to accelerate as long as the external force is maintained. It is observed that when the external force is removed, the mass maintains its direction and velocity it had just at the time the external force was removed.

Momentum and inertia causes mass to move and to keep on moving, or to stop and stay stopped whenever the mass receives an external force to move or stop it. The mechanism used to keep moving mass moving indefinitely when it is temporarily pushed is due to a persistent imbalance of gravity waves set up on the mass once it is moved. The gravity waves received from the back side of a moving mass that is pushed are in the same direction as the incoming gravity waves and so last longer than on the front side moving toward the incoming gravity waves. All it takes is an initial push to get the mass moving, and this imbalance situation will persist causing the movement to persist.

When an object moves at velocity v, its forward side is going against the in coming gravity waves approaching with velocity c. Gravity interaction is reduced by the amount c-v. On the back side of the mass, the incoming gravity waves have a longer interaction push time because the back side is going in the same direction as the gravity wave. The push time is increased by c+v. The difference in the pressure from the front to the back side is (c+v)-(c-V) or 2v on the back side. One short push “v” to accelerate it to velocity v and another persisting push “v” to keep it going at velocity v.   

The figure below shows the effect of the moving mass causing an imbalance of the gravity waves on the front and back of the mass. This is the mechanism used by momentum to keep moving objects moving once they are moved.

By setting the mass in motion, we disturb the aether around it and set up waves that propagate out in the direction of the motion. This moving wave carries the mass along. An object going towards approaching SQs experience greater energy in slowing it down, than in energy that it get from the back pushing it forward. But when you consider the factor of time, it all cancels out. The front side experiences higher energy during shorter time and the back side experiences lower energy during longer time. A push of an object causes a wave in the aether to propagate outward in the direction of the push. The object after such a push is in motion and being at the low crest of a moving wave, is carried away with the wave.

A similar motion is exhibited with ball floating in water. The figure above shows  a ball that is forced to bob in the water setting up propagating waves transverse to the bobbing.

Above a similar wave front is set up by pushing a floating ball. The wave is a front of a low crest with a leading and a trailing high crest. It is in such moving low crests that the mass is carried. This is because the mass always moves in the way as to have its forces on it as balanced as can be. In the low crest of a wave, the forces on front and back are optimally balanced.
EM radiation and Photons

EM radiation are pressure and tension waves of SQs that move as a disturbance thru the space of SQs. The mechanism is similar to sound waves and the behavior of light is like that of sound. The grouping of SQs that make up the moving EM wave can be likened to grouping of molecules that carry sound waves. When an EM wave is detected by instruments the part of the wave detected is called a photon. The SQ density or pressure of the wave is higher than that of mass. This means that photons impart a momentum to mass and mass and photons interact.

A photon like a sound wave can be reflected by mass and just bounces off and change direction. The wave can passes around mass or go thru it. When the wave is absorbed, then the pumping electron pumps faster at a higher frequency. The electron can resonate and maintain a higher energy level. If another photon comes into contact when the electron is revved up so to speak, the photon will be reflected and at the same time the electron hiccups back to its stable lower rate of pumping. This sudden lowering of the energy level cause a wave to be emitted much like a sound emitted when an object falls and hits the ground. This reaction of electrons and photons are seen in the workings of lasers.

Photons unlike mass do not have a containing wall and can go thru each other like waves. Having density they behave a bit like mass. They are very slightly affected by gravity allowing them momentum and the ability to ride the gravity waves at the speed of light. The speed of EM waves thru vacuum is determined by the density of SQ making up the space, just as the speed of sound thru a liquid is determined by the density of the liquid.

The photon's size determines it's frequency and how it interact with atoms and clusters of atoms like molecules, people, buildings and mountains. Large photons like radio waves are blocked and reflected. Smaller ones like heat and light are absorbed. If they are very small they go thru unblocked like X-rays. The density of photons are such that they can go thru each other. Their behavior is like sound in water or air.

Back Temperature

Temperature is a measurement of the amount of movement the atom has. Although the random motion of the atoms as they collide with each other is the most visible face of temperature, the underlying mechanism behind it is the rotation of the atoms. EM infrared radiation  causes atom to rotate because of the shape of the atoms in a similar way that wind causes a propellor to rotate. Hotter atoms rotate faster  than cooler atoms. The faster atoms rotate, the faster they bounce off each other when they collide. The mechanism behind heat or energy absorption is similar to wind causing a propellor to rotate. The mechanism behind heat or energy radiation is similar to a rotating propellor causing a wind.

Back Mass

Mass is formed by fast circular flowing SQs that form pulsating shapes like hurricanes. They form a boundary that blocks gravity waves; the greater the blockage, the greater the mass. That means that smaller but faster swirls like protons can block gravity waves more than larger but slower swirls like electrons. These swirls form electrons protons and neutrons which aggregate under gravity and EM forces into stable atoms of increasing shape and complexity. Although the surface of electrons, protons and neutrons are much more dense than gravity waves, they are hollow and their volume is much less dense on average than photons.  

Back EM forces

Electromagnetic fields are flows of SQs. These flows cause SQs to take on a patterns and forms analogous to currents in air and water like wind and rivers and to rain and hail.

Electric fields are straight flows of SQs. This is analogous to water squirting out a hose. A circular flow of SQs looping back on itself is a stationary magnetic field. A moving electric field causes a stationary magnetic field like a current in a wire does. This is analogous to a rotating squirting garden hose. An accelerating electric field causes a moving magnetic field that radiates out as waves. This is like whip lashing a squirting water hose and water being flicked out. Once the photons are flicked out they will propagate like the sound made by a whip lash when whipped.

Back Electrons and electricity

Electrons are swirls of aether that are formed similar to a hurricane with a shape more like a large balloon with a very long and narrow spout. The balloon vibrates and pumps in such a way as to gather SQs from space only to pump them out the long spout. A vacuum within the balloon causes SQs to be sucked in. They are squirted out and a next vacuum is formed to repeat the cycle. The gathering is faster than the expelling causing the electron to be less dense on average than the sea of SQs that surrounds it. It is like a bubble in water.

When an electron's spout is moderated by a proton, it pumps with a frequency regulated by its neighboring electrons. The neighboring electrons all have their spouts towards the center like balloons all tied together. Two electrons pair together if they are in sync with one expanding while the other is contracting. Because paired electrons in sync resonate with each other, unpaired electrons pair with other unpaired electrons of other atoms forming stable bonds that persist.

An electron can leave the confines of the atom by leaving its moderating proton behind and become a free electron. In such a free state, the unmoderated electron squirts SQs like a contracting emptying balloon and takes on a movement on its own. It can rotate very fast with the spout forming a spherical surface with SQs flowing out which give electrons their charge.  In this situation free electrons repel other free electrons.

In a material made up of a sea of free electrons, like a metal, the electrons can be pressed very close together with the aid of an electron pump like a battery. In this case the electrons behave like water and flow to an area of less pressure, and cause a current to flow. When free electrons flow in a current they are pressed together and their spherical shape flattens into a disk with the sprouts squirting their SQs out like a revolving garden spray. The sprayed SQs are the magnetic fields that are observed when a current flow in a wire.

Electrons can be freed from their atoms and their moderating protons by mechanically rubbing on non metallic materials such as silk and fur or glass and rubber. When this is done the electrons get transferred from one material to the other. These materials exhibit electro static properties that are similar to magnetism.

    This is a picture of an electron moderated by a proton. It is filled with SQs and about to contract and pump them out. When moderated with a proton it a Hydrogen atom.
    Here it is pumping the SQs out to the moderating proton.
    Here it has finished pumping out all the SQs.
    Here it is gathering SQs from the space around it.
    until the cycle is repeated.
    This is 2 "paired" electrons. Alone it is a Helium atom. In larger atoms it is a very inactive and takes the minimum space leaving space for other atoms to bind.
    Two Hydrogen atoms can pair to form a Hydrogen molecule H2.
    This figure is a free electron captured in a moment of time. You can see photons or groupings of SQs being squirted out of the spout.
    This figure shows the squirting electron spinning.
    This figure shows the spinning electron rotating.
     This figure above shows 3 free electrons repelling each other, like they do in a current of electricity.
SQs pumped out of the electron form a pressure pattern in the surrounding aether. A low pressure forms around the electron pump and a high pressure forms from the spout. The electron behaves like a magnet. The current squeezes the electrons into a disk and their slight unsymetry shape causes them to rotate all in the same direction like a propellor. This causes a spray of SQs to be ejected out from the wire as seen below.

This spray of SQs is observed as a magnetic field. The SQs spiral in a direction around the wire depending on which way the current is flowing.

When a wire "A" has a electrons flowing, they form a high rotating pressure area around the wire. when 2 wires "B" "C" are close enough they are forced together (attract) if the currents are flowing in the same direction and forced apart "D" "E" (repel) when the currents are flowing in opposite directions. This is because the SQs ejected around the wires flow in the same direction on the outer side and add to the pressure of the aether. Between the 2 wires "B" and "C", the ejected SQs flow in the opposite directions canceling each other and do not add to the tension in the ether. This causes a pressure difference that causes the 2 wires to attract.

When the currents flow in opposite directions then the space between the 2 wires "D" an "E" have SQ flows that are in the same direction and add pressure in the aether. On the outside region, the SQ flows cancel. This causes a higher pressure between the wires as on the outside of the wires. This pressure difference causes the 2 wires to repel.

Back Protons and magnetism

Protons are swirls of aether that are formed similar to electrons with a balloon shape and a very short and flat and very large lipped spout that is shaped like a wing. The proton pumps in such a way as to gather SQs from the spout and pump them out to the space surrounding the balloon. The gathering is slower than the expelling. This causes the proton to be less dense on average than the sea of SQs that surrounds it. It is like a bubble in water.

Protons are similar to electrons except they are about 2000 times heavier than electron blocking about 2000 times more gravity waves than electrons. At the same time they are 100,000 times smaller than the electron. They are like small heavy nut coupled to a long light bolt.

The proton behaves like a vacuum pump. Protons in their free state rotate, and because their spout is so short, when rotating, their exhaling body extends further out causing a high pressure are around the proton. In an electric field, the shape of the proton causes it to align, like a windsock aligns with the wind. Their spout has a large lip in the shape of a wing. The inhaling spout causes SQs to flow along the lipped spout much as air flows along a wing. The lip is shaped so that SQs flow on both sides of the lip is not the same. The SQs flow farther on the back side of the lip than on the front side. This causes SQs to spread out on the back side of the lip, and the pressure difference causes the proton to move much like how flow of air over a wing causes an airplane to fly.

Atoms that lose electrons do not only leave behind a sucking proton, but also leave a space for the spout to be fixed and directed outwards. Iron, Nickel and Cobalt are shaped in such a way as to direct the flow of SQs resulting from the sucking proton to a flow that is seen by iron filings around  magnets. These lines of force display the direction of the pressure set up in the surrounding aether by the cumulative effect of the individual atoms of the magnet. These atoms are synchronized and focused, like a laser. Each end of the magnet is seen to be just a positive charge and a negative charge that is fixed from coming too close to cancel and neutralize their charge.

One pole is a sucking low pressure area of aether and the other pole is the blowing high pressure area. The property of the aether is such that it has an elasticity such that it always tries to maintain its neutral pressure. The low and high pressure areas of the aether react in such a way that the pressures formed by charges can be visualized  in the form of springs with the springs representing the tensions in the aether. In this way it can be visualized how the aether can be stretched and compressed like a spring. The forces resulting in stretching and compressing is always that to oppose it, and maintain its stable state of springiness as shown below.

The two poles of a magnet behave as 2 opposite charges that are sufficiently close together to interact and sufficiently far apart not to neutralize. The two charges are

The blowing free electron "A" above compresses the aether and is a negative charge making a high pressure area around the aether. The sucking free proton "B" stretches the aether and is a positive charge making a low pressure area around the aether. The elasticity of space is such as to:

The repelling between two high pressure areas of negative charged electrons "A" and "A1" forms because the outflow of SQs blown out accumulate and concentrate in the middle of the two high areas. This causes them to repel.

The repelling between two low pressure areas of positive charged protons "B" and "B1" forms because the inflow of SQs from all around to fill and neutralize the low pressure are directed from the sides and concentrated in the middle of the two low areas and causes them repel. . 

The attraction between a low and a high area of a electron "A" and proton "B" is caused by the proton sucking in the direction of lowest pressure. Protons suck up to electron. The electron is attracted to the proton because there is a higher pressure on the side which is not facing the proton than on the side side facing the proton: This is because the proton's sucking neutralizes and cancels the electrons blowing between the two charges. This pressure difference pushed the electron towards the proton.

Figure above shows 2 pressures in the aether as the 2 charges approach each other. "A" is the low pressure caused by the sucking in of SQs by a proton. "B" is the high pressure caused by the blowing action of electrons. They are attracted and if allowed to make contact will moderate and neutralize each other to "AB". If the charges are allowed to be close enough but not enough to neutralize like show by "A:::B" then the fields radiated out join and loop and concentrate, like seen from the pattern produced by iron filings around a permanent magnet. These lines shown by the iron filings display the direction of increasing pressure that is spewed out from the North pole and sucked in from the South pole as show in the bottom left corner.

The iron atom has the shape and charge to allow it to act like a magnet. The figure above shows the lines of field from 2 magnets that  are joined in various ways. When joined sideways back to front, all the fields are contained inside the magnets. When joined side to side with the fronts together, there is a repelling force in the side, the shape of the field stays the same but the poles have double the power. When joined long ways front to back, then there is an attracting force with the two parts working as one with an extended reach.

When iron atoms are all aligned end to end, they form a magnet. Iron dust will act like tiny magnets and align with the field to show its direction. This shows only direction and not intensity. The intensity gets less and less the farther they are from the poles as shown above.
Protons bonded to atoms with their spouts fixed outward and that are free from their normally moderating electrons suck in SQs forming flows of SQs that loop to form magnetic fields. The atom behaves like a magnet. External magnetic fields align atoms with appropriate shapes much like wind aligns a flag.

Ferromagnetic atoms like iron, cobalt, and nickel are shaped in such a way that the atom aligns much like a wind sock with an external magnetic field. The alignment is such that it reinforces the magnetic field of each atom and causes them to attract to any external magnetic field. They behave like magnets that can rotate.  The atom loses a few electrons that leave the proton's unmoderated spout sticking out. This causes a pressure build up of the surrounding aether to be a pattern seen in magnets. The incoming SQs sucked into the atom from a low pressure forming one pole of the magnet while the out going SQs from the pump form a high pressure forming the other pole. Ferromagnetic materials that keep the new orientation of their atoms once the external magnetic field is removed are called permanent magnets.

Diamagnetic atoms like bismuth and antimony are shaped in such a way that the atom aligns with an external magnetic field in the opposite way with the outgoing SQs facing the incoming SQs flow of the external magnetic field. This causes these atoms to always repel any external magnetic fields.

Back Attracting and repelling charged mass

Mass with a charge like the free proton and free electron attract and repel due to pressure differences in the surrounding aether caused by the charged mass. In the figure above, a free proton "A" without an electron to moderate it spins with the center of spin located in a spot that results in the inhaling spout of the proton to extend out further than its exhaling pump. This results in a high pressure in the aether around the proton. This is the positive charge of the proton. A free electron "E" spins with the center of spin located in a spot that results in the exhaling spout of the proton to extend out further than its gathering pump. This results in a low pressure in the aether around the electron. This is the negative charge of the electron.

Proton "A" repels another free proton "C" because there is a high pressure formed between the 2 protons (B) caused by SQs rushing in  to be sucked in. Electron "E" repels another free electron "G" because there is a high pressure formed between the 2 electrons (F) caused by SQs being ejected out. Proton "C" attracts another free electron "E" because there is a low pressure between the two  )D(  and no high pressure barrier between them.

A slice thru the pressure gradient is show in the figures above. The free electron "A" causes a low pressure in the center where it is sucking in electrons, and a high pressure on the outer part where it is blowing them out. The free proton "C" causes a high pressure in the center where it is blowing out SQs  and a low pressure on the outer part where it is sucking them in. The line in the middle represents the pressure of the SQs in the space around the electron and proton. This can be likened to a water level.

The first group shows the pressure gradient around 2 electrons "A" and "B".  Lines 1 to 4 shows the pressure gradients that are formed between "A" and "B" as they get closer. The green line shows the pressure built up that causes the repulsive force seen by 2 electrons near each other.

The second group shows the pressure gradient around 2 protons "C" and "D".  Lines 1 to 4 shows the pressure gradients that are formed between "C" and "D" as they get closer. The green line shows the pressure built up that causes the repulsive force seen by 2 protons near each other.

The third group shows the pressure gradient around electron "A" and proton "C".  Lines 1 to 5 shows the pressure gradients that are formed between "A" and "C" as they get closer. The green line shows the pressure built up that causes the attractive force seen by 2 opposite charged matter sufficiently near each other. The attraction is due to the high pressure gradient that is formed around proton "C" as it approaches the low pressure gradient that is formed around electron "A". The high pressure around "C" carries "C" with it as it is attracted to the low pressure around "A". As the normal pressure of the space quanta is exactly in the middle of the high and low points and both the high and low are under equal tension relative to the space, the tensions of the space between "A" and "C" are attractive. This also means that the low pressure is attracted to the high pressure with just as much force.    
Back Interaction of charged mass in an electric field

Free protons are aligned by electric fields much like the wind aligns a wind sock. The SQs inhaled cause an SQ pressure difference on the back and front side of the proton's wing shaped lips. This pressure difference causes the proton to move in the opposite direction of the field, much like the pressure difference on an airplane's wind causes it to move against gravity. The electric field is a flow of SQs from high pressure to low pressure areas, much like wind. Free electrons are aligned by electric fields due to their shape so that that SQ exhaled cause the electron to move be propelled much like a rocket or jet in the direction of the electric field. Protons are attracted to low pressure areas, and electrons are attracted to high pressure areas. As the electric field is a flow of SQs from high pressure to low pressure areas, this is similar to wind.

The pictures below illustrate how the shape of the pressure gradient around the proton reacts to an electric field. The pressure gradient slopes and the proton is carried with the electric field. The shape of the pressure gradient around the electron is such that it tries to even it out and flatten it. This is shown by the green line. A high pressure difference forms around the shape of the electron with high pressure shown in gray on one side and lower  pressure on the other side forces it to go up the pressure gradient. This is like an object using the wind to move it against the wind. The mechanism used is similar to that used by sailboats that use the wind to go against the wind, and  airplanes that use the wind to go against gravity.
Back The interaction of magnetic fields and currents

The pressure gradient around the electron when it is flattened out is like a disk. It is very highly directionalized in a plane. A high pressure that is changing either in velocity or direction will flatten the free spinning spherical electron to a spinning disc similar to a propeller. Similar to a propellor rotated by wind, the electron is spun by the magnetic fields.  When spun it behaves like a propellor and moves in a current and behaves like a gyroscope. This accounts for the behavior of electrons in magnetic fields as observed in the operation of electric motors and generators.
Generation of electricity from moving magnetic fields

The figure above shows the rotating pressure area of aether generated around the wire "A" by a flow of electrons. When wire "A" is looped into wire "B" the rotating pressure is also looped and forms a rotating loop of pressure with the inside going one way and the outside going the other way. This is the same pressure pattern formed by a magnet. The loops of current form a phantom magnet. When a real magnet is forced thru the loops, the rotating pressure around the magnet causes the SQs to rotate around the wire. The direction of rotation is determined by the direction of the magnet, and always opposes the magnet. When magnet "D" is forced thru the loop, the rotating pressure area it caused around the wire align the electrons in such a way that they behave like spinning disks with gyroscopic forces causing the electrons to fly away like propellors. By moving the magnet in and out thru the loops a current is generated.
Generating motion from electricity.

The same mechanism that is used for generating electric currents from moving magnets causes currents to move magnets. Magnet "D" in the  figure below is forced thru the loop whenever a current is forced thru the loop. The rotating pressure around the loop with the inside rotating all one way causes a magnet aligned the right way to sucked thru the loop. This is because the loop has the pressure moving in the same direction as the pressure rotating on the outside of the magnet.
EM radiation from antennas

When an electron is forced to move as in a current, and if accelerated by changes of speed or direction, then it emits waves similar to a larger object emitting sound waves as it accelerates. When the electrons are confined in a strait wire, and the movement of the electrons are so tuned so as to resonate in the wire, then if we modulate the resonance, we can transmit information great distances. This is similar to a vibrating violin string and is the mechanism behind EM radiation from antennas. Similarly antennas finely tuned to resonant frequencies can resonate and detect the waves in a similar way to microphones and ears  detecting sound.

When a proton and an electron are coupled and stop pumping they form into a neutral neutron. As there is no pumping there is no EM fields generated, and the neutron has no charge. Neutrons have a mass equal to the proton and electron that formed it, but their size is much larger than a proton, and much smaller than an electron. The neutral charge and their relative size allow the repelling protons to be packed together.

When a neutron is bound in the stable confines of a stable atom it is one of the most stable particles known. However when free of the atom's nucleus it only takes on average 17 minutes before it unrolls its non pumping electron and gives birth to a free pumping electron and proton ready for interacting with other mass and EM waves.

Atoms are clumped into aggregates called molecules by their EM forces. Gravity clumps matter into aggregates called planets. Each type of atom is neutral having no net charge as the charge caused by the protons is canceled out by the charge of the electrons. The atom is observed to have a slight charge when the distribution of the electrons is not uniform or symmetric. Ions are atoms torn apart by losing their electrons or protons display a charge.

With each additional electron, the shape of the atom and the number of unpaired electrons changes. A pattern in the changing shapes repeats giving the atoms repeating properties and behaviors, analogous to families. All atoms are grouped into 8 families or groups numbered 1-8. Each member of a family has a similar shape and the same number of unpaired electrons. All electrons coupled to protons in atoms have their blowing spouts aligned to the center, and their inhaling bellows face outwards exhibiting a lower SQ pressure. This sucking property of aligned electrons gently attract and hold atoms and molecules together like a magnet.

Protons and electrons bind together to form neutral atoms.  Once an electron is moderated by a proton, it pumps in a frequency that another electron from another atom can resonate and bond with.
Two unpaired electrons from the same atom can bond closely leaving  more space for other atoms to bind. 

Atoms are grouped by the forces of gravity and EM fields to develop into planets and the life on them. Each type of atom is mainly neutral having no net charge as the charge caused by the protons is canceled out by the equal amount of opposite charge of the electrons. The atom is observed to have a slight charge when the distribution of the electrons is not uniform or symmetric. Ions, atoms with missing electrons and lone protons or lone electrons, display a charge.

The atoms in higher classes are less reactive than atoms in lower classes. Back

Atoms of a particular element that differ in the number of neutrons they have are called isotopes. Isotopes of elements with most neutrons are the most radioactive. As more and more neutrons are packed into a nucleus of an element, the more tightly everything pressed together, and the more unstable the element becomes. When it finally breaks apart it releases the stored up energy and emits neutrons and accompanying waves called radioactivity. This happens when Nitrogen atoms in the atmosphere are hit by high energy waves and a pumping electron with its moderating proton is deactivated into a neutral neutron. When this happens, the atom changes its shape and becomes a Carbon atom with an additional neutron. This isotope of Carbon C14 eventually decays in about 5000 years back into a Nitrogen atom when the new neutron awakens and changes back into a proton and electron. When a living organ dies, it stops to accumulate and assimilate C14 and by measuring the amount of C14 it has and using C14's half life we can determines how long ago an organic material died.
Nuclear Fusion

It is possible to make 2 stable atoms into a 3rd different stable atom by fusing their nuclei. This takes a great deal of energy to get them close enough, but once they are close enough, they bind very strongly and lock and snap together releasing a great amount of energy in the form of radiation  called nuclear fusion. This is analogous to the sound or sparks caused by a snap button snapping closed. Nuclear fusion takes place inside of stars.
Nuclear Fission

Eventually as the different types of nuclei get bigger and bigger, there comes a point where the atoms can more and more easily snap apart because they are too much squeeze together. This point is reached by lead. This is analogous to a filling a container with balloons and reaching the point where they have to be pressed and squeezed in. As more and more proton and electrons pairs, the more tightly everything pressed together, and the more unstable the element becomes. When it breaks apart, it releases the stored up energy and emits particles and waves called radioactivity.
The Elements

The figures below show the elements, as they increase with the number of proton / electron pairs and get bigger. As the electrons get added, they pair up. Unpaired electrons are shown in green and yellow. Paired electrons are shown blue. When atoms bond to other atoms, unpaired electrons of one atom pair with unpaired electrons from other atoms forming single bonds. Slightly weaker bonds are formed when an unpaired electron is attracted to paired electrons of another atom. When atoms are bound by 2 weaker bonds, the bond called a double bond is stronger than a single bond. In the same manner, triple bonds, stronger still are formed when 3 electrons of one atom pair or are attracted to 3 other electrons of another atom.

H has only one electron. He has 2 electrons which are paired. Li has 1 unpaired and one paired for a total of 3. Be has 2 paired electrons for a total of 4. B has 5 electrons, 2 paired and 1 unpaired. C has 6 electrons, 2 of which are unpaired. N has 7, 3 of which are unpaired. O with 8 electrons has 2 unpaired electrons. F with 9 has 1 unpaired electron. Ne with 10 electrons does not have any unpaired electrons and has a full shape making it inert like He.

As electrons are added, a pattern of similar shapes is seen. This pattern shown in the subsequent figures places similar shaped atoms in families. All atoms of a family have the same number of unpaired electrons.

Hydrogen (H) is the most abundant element forming almost 75% of the universe. It is the lightest atom has one proton moderated by one unpaired electron having the most asymmetric shape possible. It is like a hammer. This shape displays a slight inherent charge on the otherwise neutral atom, and when other atoms bond with it by holding the handle, the proton sticking out emits an EM force that makes the molecule attract slightly. This give water its "sticking" properties that allows liquid water to be self contained as in a water droplet. Hydrogen can easily break apart into its component proton and electron when tightly held by other atoms and sufficiently bombarded by other atoms. Hydrogen losing it's protruding proton is the cause of acid reactions.

Due to their similarity they can be considered to lead the Group I family of alkali metals which have a similar shape and interact in similar ways. Hydrogen's shape allows it to form attachments with so many different types of atoms and to ionize and form electrolytes like acids and salts.


Helium (He) is the 2nd most abundant element forming almost 25% of the universe. It is the 2nd lightest atom has 2 protons and has 2 paired electrons. It can be regarded as the father of the most stable family of atoms called the Nobel Gases (Group VIII). It is shaped like 2 hammers connected at their heads and is very balanced and stable.

Atoms with 3 , 11 19, 37, 55, and 87 electrons are in the Group I family called alkali metals. They are Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr. Elements in this family have a loosely held protruding unpaired electron which is very vulnerable to being torn away causing positive charged metal ions.


Sodium (Na) is an essential component of the nervous system allowing the EM forces to be used there. This family of atoms make bonds with O which bonds with H. These compounds are called bases. OH can break off these bases tearing out an electron with it and leaving the molecule ionized with an lone proton. These metal ions are very reactive with ionized atoms of Group VIII who lost protons. They form stable salts and water. Members of Group I are like men in heat, while members of Group VIII are like women in heat. The heavier the atoms are in this group, the more reactive they are. This is seen when the reactive base sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and the reactive acid hydrogen chloride (HCl) form the stable table salt sodium chloride (NaCl) and water (H2O).

Atoms with 4, 12, 20, 38, 56 and 88 electrons are in the Group II family called alkaline earth metals. They are Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra. Elements in this family have loosely held protruding electrons which are very vulnerable to being torn away causing positive charged metal ions. These atoms can loose some of their electrons to form charged ions. Magnesium (Mg) allows photosynthesis, the storing of energy from photons. Calcium (Ca) is an essential component for building structures, and is found in shells, and bones for providing stable structure to animals, and in cliffs for providing stable structure to land masses.

Between Group II and III, is a transitional family of elements called Transitional Metals with more or less the same metallic properties. The have up to 5 unpaired electrons. Some of the important ones are Chromium, Molybdenum, Tungsten, Manganese, Iron, Cobalt, Nickel, Platinum, Copper, Silver, Gold, Zinc, Cadmium and Mercury. The similarities of the elements allows them to be mixed and to form stable mixtures called alloys that allows man to combine them in beneficial ways to obtain new materials with new properties. Their fine distinctions allow them to be used as catalysts to start and speed up desirable reactions.

Whenever electrons are required to drive a process in a living cell, iron is used to give one up. Iron in blood cells are used to pickup, securely carry and deposit oxygen in blood. Next to aluminum, iron is the most abundant metals forming Fe 35% of earth mostly in the liquid core. Fe, Co and Ni due to their wind sock shape are the only metals that are aligned by a magnetic field. Once aligned, the atoms stay aligned and display a magnetic field.

Atoms with 5, 13, 31, 49 and 81 electrons are in the Group III family. They are B, Al, Ga, In, Ti. Elements in this family have a protruding unpaired electron which can break off to form metal ions or can forms bonds with other molecules to make compounds. Aluminum forms 7% of the earth's crust being the most abundant metal and bonds with silicon and oxygen to form clay and ceramics.

Atoms with 6, 14, 32, 50 and 82 electrons are in the Group IV family. They are C, Si, Ge, Tin (Sn), Lead (Pb). Elements in this family have a tetrahedral shape with 2 tightly held unpaired electrons which form chains with other molecules to make string like compounds that loop, and form sheets and crystals. This is the shape that allows the closest packing of spheres allowing the hardest crystal the diamond to be formed.


Carbon (C) is the 3rd most available element in the universe and is found in its free form in nature as diamonds graphite and coal. The shape of the atom is a tetrahedron with 4 corners. There are 2 unpaired electrons to form 2 bonds with other atoms in 2 directions forming chain structures. In addition there are 2 paired electrons that form bonds with other atoms that dress and cover the carbon chains. It is these carbon chains that feed and make up all of life.

In the figure above 2 sheets align to form diamond structure. The sheet at 2 and 3 do not align with the 2 aligned sheets at 1. Like randomly aligned snowflakes graphite forms a slippery material similar to snow.
The graphite sheets are indented much like corrugated cardboard and when enough pressure is applied to align them and lock them to each other, 3 dimensional structures as displayed by diamond crystals emerge as seen by the figures below. A group of 5 carbon atoms bond as shown below is the basic structure of carbons bonding to other carbons. The atom is tetrahedron, and they align with corner to corner with the bases of the tetrahedron aligned on a plane. This shape allows for forming chains that branch and loop. Carbon chains and loops weave themselves into 2 dimensional sheets as in graphite. These sheets can be forced to align so that the cavities or holes are aligned allowing light to be easily transmitted thru it. It is this alignment of the holes that gives accounts for diamonds hardness and light transmitting properties. The sheets shown below shaded blue is seen to overlap the other sheet below. 6 atoms form a hexagon ring with alternating up and down pointing tetrahedrons. When a hexagon ring is capped with 4 other atoms, the structure formed is a truncated tetrahedron.

Carbon forms compounds with hydrogen called hydrocarbons (petroleum) that fuel our civilization. C is an essential component for life as it easily combines with itself and with many other forms allowing the formation of rings and long chain molecules required for complex development of life. The figures below show single, double and triple bonds between the carbon atoms.

The chain binds with hydrogen and as it gets longer, the molecules change from earth gas, gasoline, fuel, oil, wax, rubber and plastics.

When chains are capped with OH, alcohols are formed.

When the chains are capped with OOH, organic acids are formed. Fats and oils are composed of 3 chains of carbon connected in the middle by a 4th shorter carbon chain.

As the chains gets cut up by oxygen into smaller chains, from long fat and oil chains to smaller starch, sugar, and alcohol, energy is released.

Eventually the long carbon chains get cut up to water and CO2. The plants use H2O and CO2 from air to reproduce these long chains of carbohydrates and give off O2. Animals can tap the energy stored in their making when we snap them apart with oxygen and burn them to their original H2O and CO2.

CO2 is the byproducts of machines when they burn Hydrocarbons, and life when it burns Carbohydrates. One car emits about 2000kg CO2 while a human about 360kg. Looking at it another way, a human emits per day about 900 g of CO2 but a burger has a CO2 footprint of about 3000 g and a l carbonated drink has 4.4 g of CO2. Too much CO2 in the air causes a global warming greenhouse effect. CO2, like SiO2 is a bit strange in its properties. It has a boiling point lower than the freezing point causing the the solid form (dry ice) to evaporate into the gas. Like glass, it acts as a greenhouse causing global warming. Nature eventually steps and goes into deep freeze and an ice age puts an end to any more CO2 emissions for a while. Its natures way of keeping life and machines in line.


Just as carbon is required for the development of life as we know it, Silicon (Si) its heavier brother is similarly required for the development of computers. Si forms 70% of the land mass of earth in the form of sand and rocks and glass, asbestos, clay, talc quartz, topaz, garnet, agate. Silicon occurs only as crystalline solid, either massive crystals or as a powder consisting of tiny crystals too small to be distinguished with an optical microscope. It is hard and brittle. Granite is solidified molten Si crystals that are hardened by the pressures of the earth. They break down into rock. Rock breaks down into sand that are 0.02->2mm in diameter.

Silicones are non toxic inorganic polymer chain of SiOSiOSiO... By adjusting the size of chain, fluids, resins, and rubbers used in lubricants, water repellents, waxes and polishes and non static coatings are produced. They are far more resistant to oxidation than organic polymers because the Si-O bond is stronger than the C-C bond. The chain is easily twisted and rotates preventing close contact. This causes lower freezing point useful for motor oils. Used as silly putty, bathtub caulk, and breast implants.


Atoms with 7, 15, 33, 51 and 83 electrons are in the Group V family. They are N, P, As, Sb, Bi. Elements in this family have a shape with 3 tightly held unpaired electrons which like hands form bonds with other molecules.

Nitrogen (N) is the 4th most available element in the universe and makes up 78% of air and is used in protein formation as the main building block of life. These atoms offer 3 unpaired electrons which bonds with other atoms in 3 directions and tying 2 dimensional carbon chains into complex 3 dimensional forms called proteins. Nitrogen forms very tight tipple bonds that when broken release great amounts of explosive energy in the form of bombs.

Nitrogen plays a crucial role in allowing light energy to be used by plants, and plant energy to be used by animals.

Chlorophyll in plants is a ring of 4 nitrogen atoms in a web of carbon with a long trailing chain. The nitrogens hold a magnesium atom which on absorbing photons causes electrons to hop from one atom to another down the tail. This flow of electrons is used as an energy source much like a current of electricity from a battery. Hemoglobin in animals is a similar structure to chlorophyll. The 4 nitrogens hold an iron atom which absorbs oxygen atoms and carries the rust to cells which remove the oxygen and use it to burn the carbohydrates that the plants produced using energy from light.


Atoms with 8, 16, 34, 52 and 84 electrons are in the Group VI family. They are O, S, Se, Te, Po. Elements in this family have a shape with 2 tightly held unpaired electrons which like hands form bonds with other molecules. At the same time the 2 unpaired electrons are tightly held by the nucleus, and they often break apart molecules like a karate fighter.

Oxygen (O) is the 5th most abundant element in the universe, and makes up 20% of air and is essential to sustain and fuel life. These atoms offer 2 unpaired electrons for forming 2 very tight bonds with many types of atoms.

2 atoms join to form molecules of O2 that make up 20% of the atmosphere. 3 atom chains loop like umbrellas to form ozone (O3) that shield us from harmful radiation. The diameter of the loop is 7.2 Angstroms, blocking the very short and energetic EM radiation that is harmful to nature.

It bonds with 2 hydrogen atoms forming water (H2O) vital for life.
It bonds with carbon forming carbon dioxide (CO2) to feed the plants and bubble our soda. Too much CO2 in the air causes the air to act like a greenhouse and traps the heat causing global warming.
It bonds with nitrogen forming laughing gas (N2O) to make us light headed. The center N alternates from having 2 double bonds to having a single and a triple bond.

The shape of Oxygen with 2 unpaired electrons like hands allows O to easily bond on each side. The atom's shape also causes oxidation of molecules by cutting up and tearing them apart when it is freely rotating and swinging its hands.

Oxygen atoms cut up long chains of carbon built by plants into their smaller constituents. The cutting sharp edge of a oxygen allows it to break the carbon chains very easily into smaller pieces. Like breaking twigs, energy is released. This energy is used by animals to live. The end products of this burning is CO2 and H2O which are released into the air. The plants use this and sunlight to rebuild the long carbon chains so that the production of energy and materials necessary for animal life can be sustained by the cycle.

The strong bonds of oxygen give acids and bases their functionality. When hydrogen is held on a molecule by 2 oxygens, the bond to hydrogen is so strong that when hydrogen is knocked away, the 2 oxygens keep and hold its electron behind, ionizing the molecule. When hydrogen is held on a molecule by only one oxygen, the bond to the molecule is so strong that when both the hydrogen and oxygen are knocked away, its takes an electron with it leaving the molecule ionized. This allows ionic and electrolytic reactions of acids and bases to take place and is necessary for life.

When the energetic bonding capability of oxygen is regulated and controlled, complex stable molecule chains form, like alcohol (OH), sugars, starches, cellulose, and acids (COOH). Chains of alcohol are called sugars. When sugars are oxidized in a controlled manner, they break down into alcohol. Bacteria oxidize sugars into alcohol. When alcohol (OH) is further oxidized in a controlled manner, acids (COOH) form. Clumps of acids with hydrocarbon tails form into fats. When the acids contain nitrogen, nitrogen's properties come out. These acids called amino acids form longer chains called protein. The much smaller nucleic acids form twisting chains as seen in DNA.

Atoms with 9, 17, 35, 53 and 85 electrons are in the Group VII family called Halogens. Elements in this family have a shape with one very tightly held unpaired electron which forms very strong bonds with other molecules. They are the gases Fluorine (F) and Chlorine (Cl), the liquid Bromine (Br) and the solid Iodine (I).
When bonded with H, the protruding proton can be lost, and leave the compound ionized. These acid compounds are very reactive with ionized base compounds of Group I to form salts and water. All of the Halogens and their compounds are very poisonous because of their activity. Because of their activity, they are not found free in nature, but are always combined. When freed by man's industries, it readily combines with O3 in the air which blocks harmful radiations from disturbing delicate forms such as life.

Atoms with 10, 18, 36, 54 and 86 electrons are in the
Group VIII called Nobel gases. They are Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr),Xe, Rn. The most stable symmetrical form results with no unpaired electrons and a minimum of space between the paired electrons.

Ionic compounds and molecules

Atoms of elements group together in a stable formation using the electron to bind them into 2 main types of stable formations, ionic compounds and molecules. Unpaired electrons of one atom bond with unpaired electrons of another atom forming a molecule. When the molecule has a charge due to a proton without a moderating electron, or an electron without a moderating proton, then the grouping of atoms is called an ionic compound.

Electrons can also bond with their shape with extending electrons fitting in like a snap button in space between paired electrons of another atom. The shape of atoms are determined by the number of electrons. In stable shapes, electrons fit the shape most fully. In unstable shapes, electrons are either packed in too much becoming easily detached or electrons are too loose and leave holes.

When an electron is detached from the atom the atom forms a positive ion of the element and exposes the positive charge of the lone proton left behind. When the free electron pairs with an unpaired electron of an atom it becomes mechanically attached like a snap mechanism. With the snout outwards it forms the atom it joined into a negative ion of the element and negative charge is exposed.

Ions of opposite charge attract and bond to each other like magnets using their EM fields. These bonds are called ionic bonds and cause compounds called ionic compounds. Ionic compounds form brittle stable solids that when dissolved in water break apart into charged ions that can carry an electric current. form electrolytes necessary to sustain life. Ionic compounds are generally large and make up the hard face of our worlds in its rocks.

Atoms can also bond mechanically when their shapes allow it. Atoms with unpaired electrons that extend out can be physically paired with unpaired extending electrons of other atoms. These bonds are called covalent bonds and atoms bound this way are called molecules. Molecular compounds are generally small and make up the soft face of our world in its rivers, air and life.

Acids and Bases and Salts

Acids and bases are compounds that when dissolved in water break apart to form ions. Organic acids have a head made up of COOH. Inorganic acids are just a Halogen type atom with a bonding hydrogen like HCl. Acids easily lose a proton from the tightly held H atom that has its proton extending outward. The freed proton causes the remaining acid molecule with the lone electron to exhibit a charge and become an negative ion.

Organic acids are formed by oxidizing alcohol in a controlled way, just like alcohol is formed by oxidizing hydrocarbons in a controlled way. Acids are building blocks used in making the fats and proteins that make up most of the animal life.

Bases are metallic compounds with an OH part that extends out sufficiently to be dislodged when dissolved in water. The OH is tightly bonded with the unpaired electron of the metal so that when it is lodged from the metal, it takes the unpaired electron with it leaving the metal with a lone proton. The positive ion of the base bonds with the negative ion of the acid to form an ionic compound called a salt. The OH- and free proton H+ form the stable molecule water.

When an organic acid such as that derived from fat reacts with a metal base, alcohol and soap is produced. This can be likened to butter and cheese curdling out of the milk when an acid is added. Soap's functionality can be attributed to the shape of the molecule. One end derived from fat dissolves readily in fat, while the other end acquired from the metal of the base dissolves readily in water.



Our knowledge of the structure of materials is thru our senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. Our senses are greatly augmented by mechanical sensors that have a far wider range and sensitivity. It should not be forgotten that just because we do not detect something that it is not there. We know a great deal of "what" the laws of physics are by observing them with our senses and sensors. By giving the appropriate shape to the 2 fundamental particles, the electron and proton we can combine them in the ways they are observed to be combined. By giving these shapes appropriate movements to make them act and react like they are observed to do and by giving the aether the properties to react the way it does, then we can get a glimpse of "how" the laws of physics work.

Color is what we see. Color is a part of the band of frequencies of EM waves that our eyes detect. It is produced by large molecules with patterns of single, double, and triple carbon and nitrogen bonds. These large molecules resonate with their distinctive resonance just like the atoms resonate with their distinctive resonance shown by their spectral frequency emissions. For these molecules to resonate, they have to be lit or hit by frequencies close to their resonant frequency. Once illuminated by light, they absorb all other frequencies and display this as heat.  Their resonant frequency is the color that we see. Chemicals called bleaches like H2O2 are known to whiten colors. They are corrosive and disturb the bonds that cause the colors by breaking them. This is can be likened to an iron flattening out the creases in cloth.

Sound, smell, taste and touch.
Sound is what we hear. Sound in the surrounding medium is similar in its mechanism to EM waves in aether called radar, radio waves, micro waves, light, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Smell and taste are caused by the shape and charge distribution around molecules. The volatile molecules we smell and their smell is differentiated by their shape. The non volatile molecules we taste and differentiate into endless mixture of sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Carbohydrates are sweet, acids are sour, salts are salty and bases are bitter.
With the sense of touch we can differentiate temperature, density (how soft, heavy or smooth), and moisture of materials. Heat in the surrounding medium is similar in its mechanism to pressure waves in aether called gravity.

Mechanical sensors
With mechanical sensors we can detect the direction and the strength of the fundamental forces of gravity (weight of mass) and electromagnetic fields (energy of mass).

It has been shown in this document that the actions and reactions of the fundamental particles and fundamental forces as observed can be modeled in a 3D space using known mechanisms. In addition it has been shown that similar mechanisms are at work from the micro realm of the atom to the macro realm of the universe. Because these shapes, motions and mechanisms are similar to those we experience at our level and place in the universe, they are possible to draw and visualize and easy to understand. Because the models are easy to understand, they can be useful as learning aids.


Our universe will be found to change its properties which would not sustain "our" life. We will only be able to survive the death of our universe by moving out and moving into a new fabric (universe) with the right properties required for survival. To do this we will have to master the technique of moving faster than light. This will be similar to faster than sound travel.

The observed red shift of distant objects interpreted as moving away from us (at great speeds approaching the speed of light) is not due to the universe expanding. It is due to inherent imperfections of inertia and the inherent properties of  quanta the space that form the fabric of space. The size of our universe will be found to be much much smaller than believed. And light will be found to slow down as it travels farther and farther out.

Once we can travel faster than light, we will be able to travel back to our past as passive observers in a virtual reality field that we would not be able to differentiate from our reality. All is recorded in the EM fields that were propagated by every atom. In order to visit or past we need to travel faster than light and catch up to that was emitted in the past and which have radiated out to space. This will start as an entertainment attraction at first, and then it will be used by the police to solve crimes. This will stop all crimes from being committed.

Robots will evolve and will give us great comfort. With man, they will eventually evolve to find their creator just like we will eventually find our God. Robots will be found essential in our final survival and will be used to find our God.

Once we can travel faster than light, we will be able to travel back to our past as passive observers in a virtual reality field that we would not be able to differentiate from our reality. All is recorded in the EM fields that were propagated by every atom. In order to visit or past we need to travel faster than light and catch up to that was emitted in the past and which have radiated out to space. This will start as an entertainment attraction at first, and then it will be used by the police to solve crimes. This will stop all crimes from being committed.

Robots will evolve and will give us great comfort. They will eventually evolve to find their creator just like we will eventually find our God. Robots will be found essential in our final survival just as we will be found essential in ensuring that God and mankind survives the dying universe. 

Back Appendix

Table below lists atoms in increasing size with the following columns:

atom with # of electrons

# of unpaired electrons

shape of atom (# of points)



sphere configuration old



Period 1



H 1  



point free



He 2





Period 2

Li 3  



line with point free


(plane 1 x triangle)

Be 4  





(1,3 (volume 4 x triangles))

B 5



triangle with point free


C 6



tetrahedral with edge free


(same as 1,4,1 at an angle (8 x triangles))

N 7  



pyramid with face free


(no room above so has to change shape)   

O 8  



pyramid with edge free


(why not 4,4  same as squed cube face and corner of 4 triangles or 3,2,3 twisted cube) inherits shape from N strives for shape of Ne.

F  9



pyramid with point free


Ne 10   





(egg shape)

Period 3

Na 11 


octahedron (pyramid joined back to back) with point free


  (no room above so has to change shape) 

Mg 12 





(3,6,3 (20 x triangles or 12 pentagons))

Al  13 



cube with missing corner and point free


(no room above so has to change shape)  

Si  14   



cube with edge free


why not face and corners of cube?

P   15 



pyramid on cube with face free


S   16



pyramid on cube with edge free


Cl  17



pyramid on cube with point free


Ar 18 



pyramid on cube


Period 4

K  19 



pyramid back to back separated and staggered (XXX shape) with point free


  (no room above so has to change shape)   

Ca  20 



pyramid back to back separated and staggered


(corner of 12 pentagon)

Transition Metals

Sc  21  



   (or 4,8,8,1     1)

Ti  22 


icosahedron points


   (or 4,8,8,2    2)

V  23




Cr  24




        (very symmetric)

Mn  25




Fe  26 




  (beginning of a sharp nose)   

Co 27   



(no room above so has to change shape, keeps its sharp nose)   

Ni 28



(very unsymmetrical with sharp nose) why not face and corner of 10 pentagons which is very symmetric? 

Cu 29 



Zn 30 




Ga  31



16 faces of XXX shape


Ge  32




(football with faces 12 pentagons and 20 hexagons) or face and corner of 20 triangles which is very symmetric)

As 33  




Se 34 




Br 35 




Kr  36 




Period 5

Rb 37 




Sr  38 




Transition Metals

Y   39   



dodecahedron points


(has to change shape)

Zr  40 




Nb 41




Mo 42



edges of XXX shape


Tc  43 




Ru  44 




Rh  45




Pd  46 


23 ??


Ag  47 




Cd 48




In   49




Sn  50




( or 5,9,11,11,9,5)

Sb  51 




(has to change shape)

Te  52 




I    53




Xe  54




Period 6

Cs  55   




Ba  56




Transition Metals

La  57


edges of icosahedron


(has to change shape)








faces of soccer ball


Nd    60 



(or football corners)



















35 ??






















Lu    71 




Hf    72   




(has to change shape)

Ta    73 




W    74   




Re    75 




Os    76 




Ir    77 




Pt    78 




Au    79 




Hg    80 




Ti    81  




Pb    82 




Bi    83




Po    84




At    85




Rn    86




Period 7

Fr    87 




(has to change shape)

Ra    88 




Transition Metals

Ac    89 




T    90 




Pa    91 




U    92   




(or 32+ 60 soccer ball faces + corners)      

Np    93   




Pu    94 









tetrahedron (12)

4 triangles



pyramid (7)

5 (1 square + 4 triangles)



octahedron (14)

8 triangles



cube (2)

6 squares




16 triangles



icosahedron (13)

20 triangles



dodecahedron (10)

12 pentagons



soccer ball

32 (12 pentagons + 20 hexagons)




Last modified March 27, 2007
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