The Bookplate Lovers Society of Andalusia (A.A.E.) founded in March 1997 in the city of Seville is dedicated to history, study, creation and collecting of exlibris. At F.I.S.A.E.'s  XXIX Congress which took place at Frederikshavn ( Denmark), between August 31st and September 1st, 2002, our Society was admitted as a member of that International Bookplate organization.  

Artist: Sergey P.Kirnitskiy (UKR)  C4 C7    

Amongst its objectives our Society promotes: the spreading of knowledge about ex libris, their exchange, collecting, the edition of newsletters, books and magazines related to bookplates, the organization of conferences, cultural visits, exhibitions, competitions and participation in International ex libris congresses.

At the present moment our Society has over one hundred members among whom we can find Artists, bookplate collectors, art lovers or simply bookplate lovers. All of them through their active participation  will make our young Society a dynamic one, progressing at steady speed. 

Artist: Sergey Hrapov (UKR)  C3

Among our members we are proud to have the following well-known Artists: Martín Oliete, Francois Marechal, Pere Pons, Oriol Mª. Diví, Luisa García-Muro, Marc Boix, Alfredo Suárez, Montserrat Schmid, Ming Yi Chou, and collectors as Francesc Bernat i Sígales, Gian Carlo Torre, Arturo Mário da Mota Miranda , M. Vicente Sánchez Moltó, Joan Roig i Montserrat , Víctor Oliva Pascuet, José Luis Sánchez de Vivar , Luis Bardón etc.

A.A.E. publishes an annual magazine - EXTAMPA - which pretends to become a source of information about ex libris, their origin and development, the different engraving and printing techniques, their bibliography, apart from encouraging the collection and exchange of bookplates, presenting in each issue different Artists and Collectors. Our aim is using the ex libris more than as a mere artistic and cultural expression but rather as a link between the association members. This magazine, richly illustrated and edited and with beautiful ex libris stamped in, presents in each issue:

* An editorial article reporting on the nominations of the Annual Honorary Bookplate Lover award, the conferences that have been held and an introduction to the issue. 

Artist: Pilar Jodar (E)  C3 on Iron plate

* An article under the heading " Bookplates- a symbolic unknown universe" dealing with the history of bookplates and its development. 

* An article describing and discussing in detail the different engraving techniques used in bookplate production.

* An article under the heading "Old Sevillian Bookplates" telling the history of bookplates in Andalusia 

* An article studying the "Latin Mottos of Conde de Colombí's bookplate collection".

* A brief description of relevant bookplates.

 * A detailed study of Spanish bookplates with the bullfight them. 

* An article on the Italian Master artist engravers. 

* An article dealing with the fascinating world of  ex libris collecting. 

* An interview with a leading European bookplate collector.

 * An interview with a modern master Xylographer or intaglio Artist. 

Artist: Jens Rusch (D)  C3

* The Latin American corner, our link with our brothers from beyond the Atlantic. 

** Review of Books reporting on the latest books or publications about bookplates or the Art of Engraving and information about  where to acquire them.

* Latest News - giving information about national and international events related to bookplates and the list of new members.  

* And finally, a word of recognition to all members - artists and collectors - who support us with articles or bookplates to be tipped in our magazine.

As a welcoming gift all new members receive on demand a small sample of bookplates to start or enrichen their collection, the annual issue of the Society's magazine -   Extampa -, the Society's statutes, a List of all Members and a list of all member Societies of F.I.S.A.E. 

Unknown author

All the information mentioned above is regularly updated in order to enable the contacts between Members and promote the exchange of bookplates  (the usual method to start and increase a collection).

The Bookplate Lovers Society of Andalusia as a cultural association with no profit motive in mind which gets its funds from its members' annual fees (€ 30 Euros for Spain and Portugal and € 45 for Europe)  and develops a significant activity thanks only to the efforts and dedication of its Members who support us by sending articles, donating bookplates to enrich our Magazine or by other forms of spreading the word about bookplates.

The Asociación Andaluza de Exlibristas hopes to have you as a Member in the near future being at your disposal for any enquiries or information you may need.





Ntra. Sra. de los Dolores, 13 

E-41006 SEVILLA (Spain)

Phone / Fax (0034) 95 466 11 64