January 24, 2003

Well, here goes again... This is the 5th time in two months that I have redone my index page... Why? I don't know! I don't know what to do with my old stuff either, suppose I need to archive it and start from scratch... Anyways, I'm sure it will change a few more times before its all said and done, I some how managed to register for school? *confused look* and I'm taking JAVA and HTML this sememster... Finally I'll learn WHY things work instead of trying to tweak them until they do! I'm actually supposed to be working on homework right this minute instead of goofing off, but which one is more fun? haha you guessed it.

Archives Thursday November 14, 2002 until Thursday November 21, 2002
Tuesday, November 19, 2002 1:48am
Today Lauren went to the Orthodontist... blah.. since we are still without insurance this is rather troubling.. She sucks her fingers and we are looking for another way to get her to stop before her teeth get all yucky.. Wish her invisible dad would help out with some bills once in awhile. Karma ... Thats all I can say..
Aside from that, Lauren and I worked on making her Thanksgiving Turkey! We cut out a big picture of a turkey, coloured it, glued feathers and then put sequins all over it.. It looks rather like a drag queen turkey... Sheila, Queen of the Table. Its not only fabulous, its SUPERFABULOUS.. Its rather frightening actually.. I'll see if I can get a picture of it.
Well, its 345 now and i've been doing a stupid search to find something ALL FREAKING night.. No luck at all. HAHA i think I finally found it only to have it say "cannot find server".. urgh... going to bed.

Monday, November 18, 2002 3:36am ¾Ö¹Ì
Monday, November 18, 2002 1:58am Oh yeah! The other reason I started to write in my journal tonight..
Advice: Don't trip on brand new offwhitish carpeted stairs while carring kimchi in a glass container!
Yes this would seem to be self explanitory..
In case anyone is wondering why I would be carrying kimchi up carpeted stairs (i agree, it does seem odd).. I moved back into my mother's house in August. I'm not allowed to keep kimchi upstairs in the regular refridgerator, so it lives in the basement. Actually, most of my stuff lives in the basement, ie furniture, iguana's, clothes.. the only thing that is upstairs is me and the kids..

Monday, November 18, 2002 1:48am
Its snowing. I don't think you understand the importance of this, so I will repeat it. IT IS SNOWING!!!!. That means it is cold. In fact it must be 32 degrees F or colder. What does that mean to me? It means I am sitting here on the computer, wrapped in a blanket, wearing a robe with a sweatsuit.. When I was 19, I somehow ended up being a chaparone on a Youth trip with church.. (nevermind the fact that my bf was one of the people I was chaparoning) This trip took us to Snowshoe West Virginia. On the first day, I managed to get down the hill twice. It took me about 4 and a half hours to do it. I was mangled, bruised and beat. The second day of the trip, people tried to cajole me into skiing again "Perhaps it won't be so bad today" (in my head I was thinking "and it could be worse?". Instead I chose to stay inside the lodge and cook ramyun and lounge in the hot tub.. Much better than skiing anyday. That trip I was voted "MOST LIKELY TO SPEND NEXT VACATION IN A TROPICAL LOCALE".. My next vacation was Singapore.. Go figure

Friday, November 16, 2002 5:18am
We went and saw Harry Potter tonight.. Its a good little movie.. I'm rather partial to the first one, but then I've seen it at least as many times as the copy editors.. Why do you ask? The reason is simple.. I have a 5 yr old child. The problem with HP tonight is that it was almost 3 hours long.. Lauren did well, she only had to use the ladies room once.. Me on the other hand.. well.. I can't sit still that long!! My knees were killing me.. These were even the cush seats that have room instead of the theatre seats that make you think you're flying Katmandu Airlines... We only have two theatres here.. One is the "dollar" aka Katmandu Theatre and the other is a whopping 5 bucks. At least at the "expensive" one (hehe) you can be assured that someone, sometime will sweep and or mop the floor.. The other one (last time I went) was about as disreputable as a porn shop.. You know, the kind where you walk around with not touching anything with your hands...As I digress here...
I came home and put the girls to bed and pretty much immediately fell asleep. I had the greatest 3 hours of sleep that one person has ever had.. Then Lauren woke up with a nightmare... Ok, get her back to sleep...Jade wakes up and wants a bottle... bleargh.. so I said "hmm.. I'll work on my page since I'm not going to be able to sleep anyway."
My goal for this page is to go back and edit all of my pages.. I have a lot of stuff that is either old or I just don't like it anymore... For example, today I worked on my wedding page.. Why did I update it if I'm divorced you ask.. Well... My theory is
#1. It cost too much money getting it and getting rid of it to pretend it didn't happen..
#2. The guy I used to be married to is still Lauren's dad.. When he feels like it.
#3. Its the only time I'm ever going to do it, so I may as well record it for posterity.
Anyway, I guess back to working on some other stuff... I think I've rambled enough for one entry..

Friday, November 15, 2002 5:35am
Well somehow I think for the moment I've at least got a working copy. My head is blurry and I'm quite dizzy sitting here in front of my computer screen. I would have gone to bed several hours ago, but there is that fine line between convincing yourself that you indeed CAN wake back up in an hour, or just to stay up. I decided to stay up and perhaps it wasn't the wisest decision. Not to mention I'm burping eggrolls.. Maybe thats why I can't sleep.

Friday, November 15, 2002 1:36am
Well, tonight I had promised myself "i will go to bed, i will go to sleep" but somehow after watching CSI and Without A Trace, I find myself unable to sleep (hmm.. suprize) so here I am yet again editing my page. I did find something that suits me better now that I have cut and pasted it about 52 billion times .. There is a strong possiblity that I may even quit bitching about it at some date soon in the future.

Thursday, November 14, 2002 4:56am
Well, I found a template that works.. I didn't like the colors or the graphics, so I've pretty much been working on THAT for the last two hours... If I had about 15 more hours today to work on nothing but this page, it MIGHT look alright.. blah.. must find more clip art.. (so this is my 4th go round now with templates..ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGHHHHHHH

Thursday, November 14, 2002 2:54am

Well, here it is again at 3am and I'm still not sleeping for crap. Its like my body only allows me to sleep now for three hours at a time. I get one nap at night and one during the day when Jade takes hers.. That is providing that Lauren still hasn't gotten home from school, or thats pretty much over. Five year olds are really good at entertaining themselves, especially with cool things like playdo, but I don't think the carpet in my old apartment ever got over it.
I haven't even gotten this page up yet, I'm still searching for graphics that I like. I've found a few that I really like and yet I'm unsure as whether or not to use them. I found a really pretty anime girl at Eyeforbeauty.com but she's showing a little too much cleavage.. I wouldn't worry so much, but I'm still not used to Lauren in school.. God forbid her teacher come across the page.. I can see it now.. "err, Ms Lauren's mom (no one seems to be able to figure out my last name) uh.. well, we were looking at the parents webpages today and yours seems to have a naked girl on it.." Nice..
I started making my friend Mikes webpage today, although I'm not quite sure why.. I have no graphics nor direction for it to go in. I suppose we'll get together later in the week and figure it out.

Tuesday, November 12, 2002
Well, here goes, working on yet another update to the old blog.. For some reason I do really well for the first week or so and then it all kind of goes to crap. I was going to transpose the old blog on to this new and lovely template, however, that proved to be a royal pain in the kazoo and so I'll just list an archival link http://www.oocities.org/amichella/journal.html and that's nuff said about that.. there are some kind of cool links off of that page as well, I'll have to work on them crossing over.. Working on updating this page...

Well, this is pretty much my dating history for the last 5 or so years.. If i've dated you, and you're not on here, don't be mad.. It just means that I wasn't inspired to electronically record what happened... Haha which isn't a bad thing, just means well, dunno what it means...
And on we go!

Adam and I
OOPS we had baby Lauren, then First stop, Marriage!
Separation Well, shit happens

Divorce party ! (pics coming soon) (Not soon enough)

Strike One!
Gary is an Actor/Army Guy, moved to NC

They're out of order... Written in.. err... summer of 2000

Whats going on now! (2000ish)
Thoughts of remarriage
Red Fish Blue Fish FK Fair
Dating gone wrong

Strike Two!!
Robert is an Actor/Server

Briefly dated ...Moved to LA
Robert and I

Strike Three!!!
Jabbari is another actor!
Had baby Jade together before he moved to LA

Jabbari made my party!
Jabbari's Valentine Card
Jabbari's Acting Information

Actually, I don't think I should date anymore... We'll see, I haven't dated anyone since Jabbari left and thats going on a year now..
Well, Jabbari has been back since March, but I don't call what we're doing dating.. I'm ready to be in love.. I'm ready for someone to be in love with me.. Evidently he's not the one its going to be with. I need some stability in my life, someone who is going to be there for me and my kids, someone who is glad to see me every morning they wake up (even if I get on their nerves sometimes)

Where I've lived Life as an army brat can be fun! See where I've lived!!