Special Guests

by Alireza Mehrani

Some of the well-know a astronomers from different countries were our guests during the eclipse. The presence of the people from different countries sincerely cooperating and sharing ideos with each other no matter what their race, nationality, religion, and culture were was an interesting scene.

Due to some specific features, the visit of American scientific group to our scientific site and their negotiation with the members of ATCA was specifically important. Among the members of the group, Dr. Alan Hale was more well-known to us. He is one of the most professional amateur astronomers in the world. We also had warm and friendly negotiation with other members of the American group. Dr. Gary Goodman and his wife, from California were our other guests. We also had some guests from France, Japan, China, India, Italy and Uzbekistan.

Our guests felt at home, especially in the mutual scientific negotiation, as if we had known each other for years; and this was very nice to me. If the orbit of the Moon and the Earth had not made a 5· angle and both were on each other, and we had an eclipse every month, we could be the witness of more negotiations and friendship in the world!!!

However, we will do our best to keep these friendship and work towards strengthening them. this is the duty of all of us.