Radio Producer, Public Intellectual, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist, Scholar, Singer





If sins were a virus, President Select Shrub/King Shrub (George W. Bush) and the Pope would be dual poster boys for a new turbo strain of Ebola. King Shrub is a moron, a liar, a drunk, a drug abuser, a thief, a global fascist, and a mass murderer. The Pope is the leader of the most gravely immoral and evil man made religion in history. (See the booklist below to research the uniquely demonic history of the Catholic religion and its churches!!!)

If King Shrub were truly concerned about morality, he would never have stolen an entire election; his genocidal policies would not be unleased upon poor people; he would not have given blatantly racist directives to his Texan real estate brokers; he would have consulted African-American leaders before his phony trip to Africa...If the Pope were truly concerened about morality, he would not enforce sinfully edited Commandments; he would compose statements that call for the actual and immediate prosecution of droves of pedophiles within his clergy; he would condemn his church’s Nazi past; he would stop preaching gaybashing biblical lies and myths about homosexuals and homosexuality; he would renounce his church’s divine and racist role in the African slave trade; he would cease forcing inhumane and dementia-inducing celibacy upon all priests and nuns, including the droves of closeted gays and lesbians in cloths; he would stop lying about the African race of the ebony Black Madonna and Christ child that his church has morphed into Caucasian flower children....

King Shrub and his Catholic allies have curiously declared war against gay marriage. They have decided that Slick Willie (President Bill Clinton) did not do enough damage to homosexual human rights with the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA/Defense of Macho Act). There is no logical reason for this assault.

Marriage is mandatory for the financial security of couples. We gays have absolutely no desire to remix and replay soaring heterosexual divorce rates or rampant heterosexual adultery. We want only to protect our spousal property and spousal fortunes from greedy gaybashing kin who are legally sanctioned vultures and thieves when we die or become ill. We want insurance coverage for our spouses who suffer from the US government created biological war of AIDS that targets gays and Africans.

If heterosexual marriage was strictly or even primarily focused upon sanctity or vows before God, then there would be no pre-nuptial agreements, no child support, no marriages of financial/political convenience, no alimony, and no divorce attorneys. Marriage was actually created to secure legal and financial power. Every citizen has a right to the financial and medical security that legal marriage lends irrespective of sexuality.

Here is the real reason that King Shrub, the Pope, the demonic wrong throngs (who pose as the "religious right" though they are blatantly neither) and their ilk really seek to outlaw gay marriages: L-O-V-E. To legalize gay marriage is to officially admit that homosexuals actually love each other. Gaybashers depend upon gays being reduced to lustful sexual animals with no emotional bonds. To formally acknowledge gay love will utterly nullify gaybashers’ most favorite myth.

The Pope claims that homosexual parents destroy children. Millions of homosexuals are superior parents. Unfortunately, millions are closeted as they rear superior children. Parental quality can only be measured by character. Sexuality and gender have no bearing on character. Prisons and mental wards are brimming with adults who were abused by heterosexual parents.

Just as most Catholics ignore the Pope and his ilk, so will we homosexuals. Most Catholics ignore the Pope as they pop birth control pills and plow through boxes of condoms daily. Sex is for PLEASURE and procreation!!! Even the very bible that “holy” gaybashers misinterpret and libel says that sex is for pleasure. In his classic book “The Good Book - Reading the Bible with Mind and Heart”, biblical scholar and author Peter Gomes wrote:

“In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkenness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.” (See more in my column “Top 10 Biblical Truths About Homosexuality" herein...)

Religion rarely involves logic. Religion should never dictate politics. Individual religious beliefs should never be sanctioned by collective public laws. Religion has absolutely nothing to do with spirituality or nature. God never created any religion! Jesus never called anyone a "Christian"! Every religion has been created by human men. These same human men have blasphemously destroyed humanity, politics, and the world in the name of God...

In her original Broadway play, Whoopi Goldberg told a great story about racism in the Catholic church. She recalled having to sacrifice her candy allowance to feed the “pagan babies”. She recounts how such blatant white supremacy affected her mind as a black child, as God seemed to let black babies starve unless Whoopi and her peers donated their candy money to feed them.

In her classic rebel reggae tune“Get It Straight Africans”, dub poet legend Sister Carol reminded us that an ebony Black Madonna and Christ child are painted upon the ceiling of the Vatican, even as Caucasian religious artifacts grace every Catholic church's sanctuary. She also sang about how the Catholic church robbed Africa of many sacred artifacts that are still stashed within Vatican City.

In the legendary film “Sankofa”, a racist Catholic priest brainwashes a bi-racial slave into a eurocentric obsession with white female flesh, a passionate rejection of Afrocentric spirituality, and matricide. The wonderful star of "Sankofa", reggae dub master Mutabaruka, in his roots reggae classic "The People's Court", laments the arrogant ignorance of one washing sins "white as snow", as if white sins are less sinful than black sins. In the classic MTV film “Cosmic Slop”, Catholic racism and elitism are exposed. A deep and haunting visual vignette expertly depicts a statue of a white Virgin Mary, as it is reclaimed by its original ebony black African female spirit. It dramatically illustrates how white supremacy is the very theological foundation of the Catholic religion.

“Love the sinner and hate the sin...” is an offensively ignorant, meaningless, and impossible sound byte. Yet, it is a favorite mantra of gaybashers. Homosexuality is not a sin for homosexuals. You must hate homosexuals if you hate homosexuality. We are all more than our sexuality. Sex is an act. Masturbation is sex. Sexuality is an emotional identity. Some virgins are homosexuals...

I say: “Hate the hypocrite and hate the liar”!!!. All gaybashers are lying hypocrites. If they loved God they would love all of God’s creations. God creates homosexuals in every living species. Only sinful humans gaybash. Only hypocrites pretend that they are trying to make a baby every time they have sex. Only hypocrites ignore sterile and elderly sexually active heterosexuals and universal birth control. Only hypocrites slander all homosexuals as promiscuous while simultaneously seeking to outlaw gay marital unions. Only liars ignore sexually active heterosexuals who choose never to give birth or marry. Only liars claim that God hates homosexuality/homosexuals...

God is love and life. God has absolutely nothing to do with any “holy” book, building, or religion. God lives in each of us. God is not a cruel prankster. God would never create sensual tactile human beings and then crucify them for making love or touching each other. God would never create lesbians and gays and then destroy us for being who we were born to be, as we enjoy the very same human love making and touching. Only Catholics and other assorted psychotic holy fools could worship a God who hates gays and tricks humans as they do...

Very few rabid fools will claim that monogamous sex is not a natural physical expression of human love. Any lie told often enough comes to be regarded as an actual truth. But, fortunately, even skillfully fabricated ancient lies cannot live forever. We homosexuals will not rest until we obtain completely equal human rights and legal marital justice!

For more information on the gravely immoral Catholic religion and its church’s sinful and evil legacies read:

The Catholic Church and Nazi Germany
by Guenter Lewy

Hitler's Pope: The Secret History of Pius XII
by John Cornwell

The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican's Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism
by David I. Kertzer

Hitler, the War, and the Pope
by Ronald J. Rychlak

Pius XII and the Second World War: According to the Archives of the Vatican
by Pierre Blet et al

The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930-1965:
by Michael Phayer

Madonna and Christ, 1446 AD, Abbey Church

For more information on the sins and grave immorality of King Shrub read:

The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
by Greg Palast


Stupid White Men
by Michael Moore

For more information on the sexist and racist origin of the word "pagan" read:

When God Was A Woman
by Merlin Stone

For more information on the true Black Madonna read:

Black Madonnas: Feminism, Religion, and Politics in Italy
by Lucia Chiavola

Nature Knows No Color Line: Research into the Negro Ancestry of the White Race
by J. A. Rogers

Misquoting Jesus: The Story Behind Who Changed the Bible and Why
by Bart D. Ehrman

For more columns on DOMA, biblical truths, gay parents, and other related topics, see The Eloquent Fury Index at: