Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist





You MUST read the libelous lunacy of Debra Dickerson, as she simultaneously flaunts her arrogant ignorance about Mumia Abu-Jamal and his framing while legendarily licking the boots of neocons who seek to execute him. See her “column” at It is revolting, revisionist, rabid drivel.

The year 2000 is upon us. Millennium madness is increasingly maniacal. Debra’s madness is malicious! I have never ever read such a venomous and personal attack against Mumia! Mumia is my hero. I don my dreadlocks as a proud tribute to him. So, Debra’s attack offends me deeply and personally. What follows is my personal counter-attack in reply...

No one who has done any modicum of research on the facts of Mumia’s case can ever deny that he was framed! Mumia is Amerikkka’s most tragic political prisoner. And, he is its only political prisoner on death row.

Mumia is a breathtakingly beautiful man, physically and spiritually. I am perpetually amazed by the beauty of his regal dreadlocks, the depth of the smooth tone of his chocolate skin, and the sparkle in the whites of his defiant eyes. He has been locked in a cage and malnourished for 18 years. Defiantly, his physical beauty and his spiritual power belie the conditions of his state-sanctioned tortures.

It is impossible to imprison a cause. Though oppressors will never cease trying to do so. Thus, Mumia has continued to be an intellectual, political and racial inspiration to millions globally; all of whom are far more literate and conscious than Debra and her lost ilk.

Mumia was a gifted writer at 15. It is then that he became a central media officer in the Black Panther Party (BPP).  He was a celebrated Minister of Information for the BPP. As a successful adult journalist, he was president of the National Association of Black Journalists. In Philadelphia, he became a renown radio journalist and a vocal champion of MOVE. He was a fierce crusader against police brutality in Pennsylvania, where police are fiercely brutal.

Mumia used his pen and his power in the media to expose the evils of police. His pen is the only REAL reason that he has been penned by fascists in Philly. And, Debra has used her pen to further their genocidal agenda.

Like most neocons, Debra is boldly unconcerned with reality. House niggers never cared about the reality of life for field niggers. They lived only to slander those niggers caught out there in the field. They loved to stand on the backs of those “bad” niggers. “Good niggers” still stand taller that way...House niggers still rule in every arena. From cyber-rags to tell-lie-vision news, puppets like Debra do the bidding of racist puppeteers who strategically censor truths from billions daily.

For those who are not content with their puppetmasters like Debra, PLEASE STUDY THE FACTS OF MUMIA’S CASE. They are facts that Debra blatantly evades entirely. Mumia has never had a fair trial. That alone will free him.

Rather than  examine those facts, Debra chants neocon mantras about “crime”, “violence”, “haircuts”, and “prison choirs”. All of which have absolutely nothing to do with the framing of a revolutionary rebel activist journalist named Mumia. What crime has Mumia ever committed? When was Mumia ever violent to anyone? What the hell does singing in a choir have to do with censorship or police brutality or penal torture? How will eurocentric hairstyles rectify the travesties of criminal injustices?

Debra is a fool. A libelous, handkerchief-head, lying, lost fool. She sings to a white God. And, she thinks her perm will save her soul.

Mumia and I know better. We know the evil that men (and the bimbos they employ) do. We know how many other BPP members were murdered/framed and incarcerated. We know the similar sagas of fellow rebels like Geronimo Ji-Jaga, Assata Shakur, Angela Davis, Fred Hampton, Huey Newton etc....And, we know the fatal price of “free speech”.

We need MANY others to know what we know. The truth about Hurricane Carter was made famous by a song composed by Bob Dylan. Now, Denzel Washington has taken his truth to millions via Hollywood. Who will stop rapping about gangstas and buttocks long enough to pen a song about Mumia Abu-Jamal? Will Hollywood ever tell us Mumia’s truths?

Hurricane boxed with his fists. Mumia STILL boxes with his pen and voice. And, we revere him. Always.

Debra slanders Mumia as she describes him as “scary”. Yet, she never validly explains the reason for her curious fear. What we fear always reveals more about us than the objects of that fear. Debra’s hatchet job is more violent than any act Mumia ever committed. I fear her rabid ignorance far more than she fears his hair. Debra’s slave mentality is what compels her to refer to Mumia by his slave name, to suggest that he cut his hair in adherence to slave fashion, and to sing the songs of a slave’s God.

Mumia’s spirituality is evident in everything about him. He is superior in every way to the godless religions of fools like Debra. Faith without work is dead. No “prison choir” rehearsals would ever distract Mumia from his divine and revolutionary literary missions. Singing freedom songs has never freed a soul. God blesses those who fight! True warriors sing victory songs, after the battles are won.

Mumia is a supreme warrior. His blessings flow globally. They are evident in the fact that he is still alive after 18 years of legal death threats. And, like Mumia, we are proud rebels who continue to demand that “MUMIA MUST NOT BE MURDERED BY PENNSYLVANIA!!!” And, we will NEVER cease this WAR for his survival.

It is truly a pathetic and ugly country that cheers a eurocentric, murderous brute like O. J. Simpson while they ignore and betray a revolutionary that gave his very life for the people like Mumia!!! Football is still more popular than revolution. And, house niggers like Debra are still quarterbacking for the oppressors....

For the truth about Mumia Abu-Jamal read:

Agents of Repression: The FBI's Secret War Against the Black Panther Party & the American Indian Movement
by Ward Churchill & James Vanderwall

COINTELPRO: The FBI's Secret War on Political Freedom
by Nelson Blackstock

COINTELPRO: Documents from the FBI's Secret Wars Against Domestic Dissent
by Ward Churchill

To Die for the People
by Huey Newton

A Taste of Power
by Elaine Brown

Assata: An Autobiography
by Assata Shakur

Angela Davis: An Autobiography
by Angela Y. Davis

Power to the People
by James Haskins

All Things Censored
by Mumia Abu-Jamal, Noelle Hanrahan, John Wideman, & Alice Walker

Censored 2000: The News That Didn’t Make The News
by Peter Phillips, Mumia Abu-Jamal

Race for Justice
by Leonard Weinglass

In Defense of Mumia
by S. F. Anderson & Tony Medina

Death Blossoms
by Mumia Abu-Jamal

Live from Death Row
by Mumia-Abu Jamal

For more information on the Black Panther Party:
See the film “Panther”

Also, search "Mumia Abu-Jamal" online...Mumia's warriors are also all over the www....

See additional columns on Mumia herein...