Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist





I am disgusted by the droves of people killing other people everywhere, everyday. I can accept that everyday people are murderers. But, I will never accept that officers of the law are being allowed to act as state sanctioned murderers.

Increasingly, officers of the law are lawless. Though they claim to be hired to protect and serve, they are clearly being paid to torture and slay. Far too many police officers are fascists gangsters. They are bluer and bigger than The Crips. Far too many police officers are public executioners with attitudes. Unlike gang bangers who lurk under the cover of night to commit drive-by’s, killer cops flaunt the luxury of daylight drive-by’s before audiences.

Countless innocent, law abiding citizens have been gunned down by police officers. Most of these corpses are black and poor. None of them have been avenged.

When everyday murderers are prosecuted, they are usually imprisoned for life. When murderers who happen to be cops are exposed, they are rarely ever prosecuted. In fact, they are usually rewarded with paid vacations, strategically granted during bogus investigations.

Nationwide, the evidence of this evil is documented daily. The latest corpse to win a national audience is that of a 19 year old sister name Tyisha Miller. Recently, in Riverside, California, while reclined in a locked, parked car, killer cops ambushed Miller. They shot her 27 times. Four bullets burst her skull, one shattered her chest, and the others sprayed her entire corpse. Are you wondering what great crime she committed to warrant such an execution? This is it: She had a flat tire and awaited road service from police while Black!!!

The executioners are lying as you read this. They have changed their original lies many times. There has been no explanation. There has been no revenge. Who will avenge the spirits of the Tyisha Millers of America? Who will kill the killers in uniforms? Who will protect the prey from the predators? (For more on this story read the 1-18-99 issue of Jet magazine.)

From the legendary COINTELPRO slaughters of Black Panthers to the frequently fatal beatings of Black motorists, killer cops are rabidly engaged in a one-sided war against African-Americans. In a superior book titled Two Nations: Black & White, Separate, Hostile, & Unequal, author Andrew Hacker examines just how Officer Friendly (in white areas) morphs into Captain Deadly (in Black areas):

“Black Americans have a three times greater chance than whites of dying from a policeman’s bullet...By no means is every black person slain by the police a criminal...Quite enough incidents have made the news to suggest that blacks are more likely than whites to be killed in error. Indeed, in many cases no weapon was found on the subject’s body...Most Blacks can recite a litany of names to be memorialized as victims of official white force. Here are just a few from the New York City area: Arthur Miller, Marian Johnson, Elizabeth Mangum, Peter Funches, Jay Parker, Michael Stewart, Eleanor Bumpurs, Nicholas Bartlett, Yvonne Smallwood, Stephen Kelly, Kevin Thorpe, Phillip Parnell. White New Yorkers would be hard pressed to cite even a single police victim of their own race...And, even if the police do not draw their guns, most Black Americans can recall encounters where they were treated with discourtesy, hostility, or worse...At issue is a proclivity of police personnel to judge individuals first by their color...”

Everyday murders are committed successfully. No one is ever caught or seen. Everyday I pray that millions of Black murderers will learn to kill their real enemies as quickly and quietly as they do their spouses, lovers, neighbors, associates, and kin. The day that prayer is answered is the very same day that the that Revolution will be reality.

Until that day, I await the payment of karmic debts which killer cops continue to rapidly incur, for the slaughters of persons like Tyisha Miller. It is a debt they MUST pay to the universe. It is one they WILL pay across oceans of time...