Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist





It is ironic that the very same white persons who presumed that Black parents were fabricating racism as an academic barrier to their children, RUSHED to avoid identical perils on paper for their own white children. Arrogant ignorance and denial breed delusion. Nothing nullifies both ills like experience.

Recently, predominately white parents in Riverside, California lost a battle to prevent a high school from being renamed “Martin Luther King Jr. High”. One of the paternal white warriors named  Dale Dunn stated: “Martin Luther King Jr. was a great man but, naming a school after him would be a mistake. Everybody would think we have a black school out here.”

Why, what on earth could be the matter? What is so bad about being a graduate of a “black school”? Is Dale unaware that college entrance programs are all level playing fields, open to all freshmen based exclusively on merit? Indeed, a black school could NEVER sabotage the academic utopias that Ward Connerly and his ilk have so honestly described to future supporters of Proposition 209, nationwide.

No lie can live forever. Even neocon gods in blackface like Psycho Ward cannot mask the reality of racism permanently. The truth always unmasks delusion... eventually. Such was the case in Riverside.

This amusing incident expertly exposes the lunacy and lies of Proposition 209. America IS a RACIST country. Racism rules in EVERY arena, ESPECIALLYin academia! Graduates of black high schools are ROUTINELY rejected by campus admissions staff. Superior Black professors are ROUTINELY denied tenure. (For details on the racist and sexist reality of Harvard Law School, read the heroic saga of author Dr. Derrick Bell, in Faces at the Bottom of the Well: The Permanence of Racism in America.)

Proposition 209 passed in California because racists and fools were convinced that racism is a thing of the past. They were told that Blacks and Latinos who protest racism are just inferior, lazy, inept, and opportunistic whiners. And, many voters pretended that they believed these  blatant lies which they were told. Few were ignorant enough to actually believe them.

Yet, in the city of Riverside, the voters who feigned such ignorance seemed to suddenly develop a superior collective IQ. Magically, their sensitivity to the reralities of racism materialized with passion and conviction. This shocking transformation was fueled by a reality check via the eternal power of Martin. I am certain that Martin would have much to say as he righteously rejected Proposition 209. I quote our King:

From The Wisdom of Martin Luther King Jr. by Alex Ayres:

"There is some good in the worst of us and some bad in  the best of us. When we discover this, we are less prone to hate our enemies.

The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience. But, where he stands at times of challenege and controversy.

Noncooperation with evil is as much a moral obligation as is cooperation with good.

A social movement that only moves people is merely a revolt. A movement that changes both people and institutions is a revolution.

We have a mandate to both conquer sin and also to conquer ignorance.

The world seldom believes the horror stories of history until they are documented via the mass media.

A nation that continues, year after year, to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.

Our nation was born in genocide, when it embraced the doctrine that the original American was an inferior race."  

It is refreshing to see that the revolutionary spirit of Martin continues to haunt America’s racist demons. Riverside has been exorcised...for now. May all of America be so blessed. ASAP..