Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist




                                       NEOCON QUIZ

Neocons blame victims for their victimization. They chant mantras of sound bytes that have no basis in fact and no worth in reality. Favorite words include “responsibility, work ethic, morality, family values”, etc.

They are the beneficiaries of affirmative action who seek to destroy such benefits. They enjoy the rewards of radical Black activism as they embrace “humanism” and slander afrocentrism. They are legendary hypocrites and unprecedented traitors.The most soulless house niggers in the history of the world. Profitting from their betrayal of the souls of Black folk and buckdancing on the graves of the permanent Black underclass.

They are neither honest or intelligent. Thus, fortunately, they are easily silenced with a modicum of realism and common sense. The following are questions GUARANTEED to silence even the most rabid neocon in blackface {or the white neocons who spawn them} :

1. WHERE WILL ALL THE WELFARE LOAFERS WORK WHEN THEIR BENEFITS ARE ERADICATED? (Remind them about downsizing and all of the unemployed elite who are competing for the SAME minimum wage jobs.)

2. WHY DOES WELFARE PAY MORE THAN MINIMUM WAGE? (Advise them that the minimum wage is expressly designed for starvation rather than survival.)

3. WHY DO COLLEGE EDUCATIONS COST LESS THAN PRISON STAYS WHILE PRISON SENTENCES ARE FAR MORE READILY AVAILABLE THAN SCHOLARSHIPS? (This will truly upset them as they are adept at the basic computations of capitalist profit.)

4. WHY ARE MORE PRISONS BEING BUILT DAILY INSTEAD OF LOW INCOME HOUSING? (Remind them that, increasingly so, prisoners perform private labor for free. Prisoners no longer merely press license plates. They fashion microchips, mattreses, answer calls for airlines, and do all else which increases unemployment outside prison walls. They are also superior guinea pigs for medical and social experimentation. They have utlilized a cashless monetary system for years that is soon to be our norm. Neocon stockholders profit from penal privitization. Also, vagrants make great criminals.)

5. WHY ARE CRACK LAWS MORE SEVERE THAN COCAINE LAWS? (Remind them that long term prioners are long term free laborers. See question 4.)

6. WHY IS EXPLOITATION FOR THE SAKE OF PROFIT (BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY) TOLERABLE, BUT REACTION TO SAID EXPLOITATION FOR THE SAKE OF SURVIVAL (BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY) INTOLERABLE? (If this one tends to confuse them, rephrase it...i.e. Why is it  OK for the rich to abuse the poor, but not OK for the poor to abuse the rich?)

7. IF TWO WRONGS DO NOT MAKE A RIGHT, HOW DO WE RIGHT THE ORIGINAL WRONG? (This will agitate them as they wish to ignore what is right by counting the wrongs.)

There are many more questions which expose our problems. Neocons will claim that they are focused solely upon solutions; unaware that such solutions can never be achieved until such questions are posed and answered.

Beware of  “solutions” that exclusively benefit your capitalist, eurocentric, sexist, racist, and elitist oppressors. WE ARE AT WAR. The rich are getting richer and more ruthless and daily. The poor are getting poorer and more racially diverse as we are increasingly scapegoated daily. The middle class is being nullified.

Your denial, silence, and delusion will NEVER protect you. The New World Order IS in progress. The Revolution is in the streets. We must begin collective and sincere problem solving, globally and immediately.