Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist





Blasphemous gaybashing fools dare to pretend that heterosexuals have some exclusive and divine right to be parents. Millions of heterosexuals are horrible parents, devoid of any parental skills, maturity or morality. Susan Smith is a heterosexual. (She drowned her two sons in the family car.) So are John and Patsy Ramsey. (The rich and free parents of a corpse named JonBenet.) So is Joel Steinberg. (The New York lawyer who illegally adopted a baby girl, named Lisa, and beat her to death in five years.)

I DARE any gaybashing neocon fool to name ONE single homosexual parent who is as abusive as any ONE of the aforementioned heterosexuals!!! Millions of children are sexually abused, murdered, neglected, and emotionally destroyed by heterosexuals DAILY. HETEROSEXUAL PARENTS ARE ABUSING CHILDREN GLOBALLY AS YOU READ THESE WORDS. The fallout of their "sacred" and "superior" parenting is evident in prisons and on city streets worldwide. Millions of tragic runaways and heinous criminals are reared by heterosexuals.

Superior parents are superior humans. They exude unconditional love and uncompromising character.  They nurture without hatred, bigotry, and sexism. They feed, clothe, shelter, and educate. These qualities are the ONLY things that matter to any child; especially one orphaned by allegedly heterosexual parents.

Being a superior parent has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation!!! Some of the world’s greatest persons were reared by single women. Many of these women are lesbians.

Homosexuals are uniquely qualified to be superior parents. Many are FAR more educated and financially stable than the illiterate and unemployed heterosexuals who dare to bash them. Many homosexual men are not bound by the sexist and macho madness that destroys boys and girls daily. Being truly in touch with their femininity, homosexual fathers hug as warmly as any mom. What maniacally macho, heterosexual morons consider “mushy”,  homosexual dads consider human. Their sons become more human because of this superior perception. Their daughters become appreciative of men who can be humane rather than macho caricatures of real men.

Likewise, many lesbian moms can play ball as well as they can bake. We teach our daughters to avoid sexism in academia as expertly as we teach them to avoid date rape. We know that no gender mandates weakness, nor has any monopoly on strength. Our sons learn to see women as people not weak toys.

The gaybashing fools who claim that they are better parents are often abusive to their children. They are too selfish to ever adopt anyone. They are dysfunctional, bigoted, sexist, eurocentric, white supremacist, and psychotic. Fortunately, few of them would ever qualify as adoptive parents as many homosexuals do.  Many of them are deadbeat dads who do not even pay child support. Many of their own children are homeless and in need of adoption. Many of them sexually abuse the children they guard so vigilantly against homosexuals. 99% of pedophiles are gaybashing heterosexual men who molest their own daughters and nieces.

Unlike hatred and ignorance, sexuality is NOT contagious!!! Children do not catch sexuality from their parents like they catch the flu. My own parents are heterosexual. So are the parents of  millions of other homosexuals. Just as our parents did not "make" us heterosexual, we do not "make" our children homosexual. All of the children of all of the lesbian moms I know personally are all heterosexual. The gaybashing fools that dare to slander all gay parents are the same fools who ban “Ellen” from their televisions. They change the dial to make sure their kids are watching murder and mayhem instead. What great parents they are: "My kid might be a serial killer...but he won’t be no damned sissy!!!..."

Hatred is universally moronic. The fools who dare to bash homosexuals are clones of racists. Just as racists dare to claim that equal rights for Blacks are “special rights”, so do gaybashers claim that equal rights for gay adoptive parents are “special rights”. Bigots always secretly define “special rights” as equal rights for whomever they hate.

There is no weaker excuse for gaybashing than the Bible. (See “Bible Top 10” herein.) Blasphemous gaybashers who slander God to justify their own closets, fears, and hatred exude an especially foul stench in the nostrils of God. There is no Commandment against homosexuality. They ignore this as they gleefully and habitually violate the commandment “Thou shalt not judge.”

Pseudochristians are always hypocrites. Gaybashers pretend that they care so much about the high suicide rate of homosexual teens. If they really cared, they would stop fueling the hatred that drives these teens to suicide. These fools dare to pretend that homosexuality itself induces depression. They never consider that their rabid hatred for all homosexuals and their demonizing of homosexuality are what cause depression. The teens they claim they wish to spare are the very same ones that their sinful deeds sacrifice.

I KNOW. I was one of those lesbian teens that overcame the suicidal depression these demonic bible-toters evoke. God blessed me to live to defy their hypocrisy, lies, and hatred.

An equally weak excuse for gaybashing is science. God creates homosexuals in every living species (See “The Science of Sexuality” herein.) Some animals even breed homosexually. Yet, only humans gaybash. Only ignorant humans would rather see their young orphans neglected and discarded than raised by homosexual adults.

The same fools who dare to claim that sex is for procreation use birth control religiously. “Playboy” is NOT a family planning manual! Strip clubs are NOT places where men seek mothers for their children! Sex IS for PLEASURE AND procreation!!! Masturbation is not cloning. Couples do not renew their sex lives when the kids go off to college because they want new kids. Just as heterosexuals who are sterile are ignored by gaybashers when they adopt etc., so should homosexuals share the right to become parents by similar means.

Family is not who you are, it is how you are. Love makes a family. We homosexuals know that we often receive more love from extended/adoptive families than from the gaybashers with whom we share blood. We often know the intense pain of rejection and abandonment. Homosexual parents are uniquely qualified to teach children superior lessons about courage, self esteem, and unconditional love. It is such empathy and endurance that fashion our often superior character. It is that superior character that so often makes us superior parents.