Radio Producer, Talk Show Host, DJ, Columnist




  BET: Beware - Educating Teens???

I was appalled as I watched a recent episode of BET’s “Teen Summit”. The female host posed an irresponsible question to an inarticulate, inept and even more irresponsible male “guest expert”. The question (paraphrased): “Is it easier for a man to give a woman AIDS than for a woman to give it to a man? Since so many young women have AIDS and so few men are junkies, then these men have to be bisexual right?” The response (also paraphrased): “Yes it is easiest for men to give AIDS to women. Many men are raped in prison and many men are gay prostitutes.”

I sat there in shock waiting for the rest of his response. AND WHAT?!?! Had I been a teen aged viewer, the implied message was clear: “If I have sex with a real macho man who has never been to jail, he can sleep with 50 women and we will all be safe, even if he does not use a condom. I will not be a player hater, I will just make sure that  I play with real men who obey the law...” This is a blatant lie and fatally flawed instruction!!! Cemetaries are overflowing with the corpses of men and women who had no “fagits” or “jail birds” in their sexual woodpiles!!! AIDS is biological warfare!!! It is NOT a gay disease!!!

America is in denial about sexuality in general, and homosexuality in particular. We need to discuss sexual issues much more often and honestly than we do. “Teen Summit” is a superior forum for such discussion. But it must be done REALISTICALLY and RESPONSIBLY!!!

I loathe ignorance. Generally, ignorance is patriotic. Daring to THINK is an act of intellectual treason. America is a nation filled with illiterate, mindless, “ditto-head” drones. I ask you to be rebellious and ponder the following:

Brutal, bloody, gang rape (without condoms) has been a fact of prison life globally for centuries. Why did AIDS originate OUTSIDE of prison walls?

How many AIDS discussions have you heard? How few EVER included any mention of the U. S. government or the actual origin of AIDS?

Decades before Americans ever heard of any gay deaths from AIDS, entire villages in Africa had been decimated by the AIDS deaths of heterosexual men, women, and children. Today, Uganda is a nation of orphans. Why?

Millions of gay men do not practice anal sex. Millions of heterosexual couples do so habitually. Millions of African women are forced to endure anal sex because vaginal sex is excrutiating due to female genital mutilation. Is AIDS selective? Does it prefer to infect by sex act or sexual identity?

AIDS is germ warfare. No sex is safe. The AIDS virus is smaller than the natural pores in all condoms. Lesbian sex is the safest only because AIDS is transmitted by blood and semen. Lesbian sex involves the least of both bodily fluids regularly.

This is not a conspiracy theory!!! This is documented fact!!! Hundreds of books on AIDS include reprints of actual government documents and classified medical advertisements etc., which PROVE that the U. S. government created AIDS.

I quote Behold A Pale Horse by Milton William Cooper. “ The plan is a part of Global 2000. In 1969, the U. S. Defense Department got 10 million dollars to make the AIDS virus as a weapon to be used mainly against Blacks. In 1977, the World Health Organization injected AIDS laced smallpox vaccine into over 100 million Africans. In 1978, the Centers For Disease Control in New York City laced AIDS into hepatitis B vaccines given to 200 white gay men.”

I quote The Strecker Research Group (1-213-344-8039) “AIDS is a man made disease, made to kill Black people, in U. S. government labs at Fort Detrick, Maryland, in Building 550 in the P4 lab. In the mid 1970’s, the World Bank designated huge areas of Africa as the ‘Fourth World’. The intent was simple, to kill off the excess population of ‘useless eaters’ through starvation and disease. Blacks are more affected because of their lower OKT4 cell count, thus making AIDS an ethnic weapon.”

HUNDREDS of books document the truth about AIDS. Seek knowledge. Read them!!! Your gaybashing will never protect you from your government. As long as we continue to scapegoat gays, U. S. government scientists will continue to create such genocidal germs without challenge and without cures.

The New World Order is in progress. The Revolution is in the streets...

For more information on the bio-war of AIDS, read:

AIDS: Made in the USA
by Zears Miles Jr.

Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola - Nature, Accident, or Intentional?
by Leonard Horowitz