Board Positions

President- Carrie and Brenda                             
Presides over meetings
- Acts as Liaison with other organizations and the community
- Organizes the local group's activities with the rest of the Executive Board
- Acts as a liaison between the local club and the MOMS Club corporation. Responsible for preparing and presenting any reports on the local club's activities as may be required by the MOMS club corporation.

Administrative Vice President - Erin
Assists the President in fulfilling her duties of office
-  Assumes the duties of President when she is not available
-  Coordinates Service projects

Membership Vice President - Sharon      
Promotes membership in the group
- Publicizes the group in the community, and coordinates the publicity with the President
- Assists Treasurer in collecting dues
- Coordinates hospitality at the meeting

Treasurer - Kellie
Responsible for all funds of the group and to deposit such funds in the name of the group in banks, trust companies and other depositories as directed by the Executive Board
- Maintains financial records.  Keeps those records available for review by all members of the local club.
- Receives and legally disperses funds as directed by the Executive Board, gives proper receipts and vouchers for all transactions.
- Prepares and presents a financial report to local club members at least once a year, and prepares any other financial reports as requested by the Executive Board or MOMS club corporation.

Secretary - Denise                              
Compiles a roster of all members and distributes once a year
- Coordinates and prepares correspondence necessary for the club, in cooperation with the President
- Takes minutes of business, special and Executive Board meetings.  Keeps those minutes in a notebook that can be viewed by all club members