Picture Of Dobber
Jerky's Review
Survivor 2

Episode 1 - The Survivors Meet For The First Time
My first impression is that the Kucha tribe is going to be this season's dysfunctional tribe.  They said at the end that they all had a hard time deciding who to kick off.  Yeah, that's why all 7 of them picked Debb.  I'm hoping that Amber, Kimmie, Elizabeth, and the Buff Chick all make it to the end.  That would be better than porn.

My favorite guy on the show so far is definately Mitchell.  That guy is in a whole other weather system than the rest of the survivors.  He could of walked across the ocean with that burning torch and it still woulnd't of hit the water.  I'm suspecting he gets picked up by the Chicago Bulls after the season is over.

Well, after watching this week's Survivor (after the worst game of football I saw all season), I can pretty much guarentee that Amber is going to be in for the long haul.  Just like last time, the producers are going to give more air-time to the people who get kicked off in the first couple of episodes.  And since all we saw Amber say was "This rice is heavy", then she is going to be on for quite a while I figure.

Thank God that Deb girl only lasted for a little while.  Listening to her was slightly more annoying than listening to someone take a wire rake and run it across the chalkboard.  Now if they could only get rid of the Jeff chump. 
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