Final Fantasy X
Abilities & the Sphere Grid
Animated GIFs

Magic List
Mini Games
Publisher: Squaresoft
System: PS2
Players: 1
My Rating: 9.1
1000 years have passed since the war of the machina between machina cities such as Zanarkand and the religious city of Bevelle. Bevelle, in knowing they were fighting a losing battle, created Sin to demolish the cities, thus ending the war so they could claim their dominance with the religion called Yevon. However, the denizens of Spira didn't know it was Bevelle who unleashed Sin...
Now, a boy called Tidus from Zanarkand gets thrust 1000 years away from home to the present, where he goes on a journey with his new found friends to try to bring an end to Sin...and to try and find a way home.