What's going on

03/05/03 - Atonement 8 is almost done, should go off to my beta Mandi tomorrow, and be posted either tuesday or wednesday. Games 2 has been planned but I haven't started writing it. Will probably only come out after Atonement 9. A new bunny is about half complete, and should be ready in about a week. No slash, just a lot of Severus'y angst.

10/05/03 - I've had a truly hectic week, and it looks like it will continue this way for another two/three weeks. I'll put the bunny up pretty much 'as is' (just snippets of scenes, not a story) on wednesday'ish, but no other updates are in the works. Sorry folks!

30/11/03 - Just to let you all know that I am still alive. I've been having serious writer's block - I know where I need this story to go, but every time I write it, it sounds stupid. However, I have decided that I will post atonement 9 by the end of the week regardless of how I feel about it. Check back then :)

06/12/03 - As promised, one order of atonement, up for viewing. I hope to have chapter 10 and chapter 2 of 'Games' out by the end of the year. Stay tuned for details!

18/12/03 - I've created a live journal account and decided to standardise my nick to amber_and_ash. I never really liked TickTock that much anyway, and it was never unique. TickTock1.45 Bleh.

03/01/04 - Atonement 10 is at beta, and Games of Power 2 is up next - late Jan or early Feb. So much for extravagent promises! Smut is harder than anyone warned me :). The function of this page has been taken over by my live-journal, so this will be my last post here and the page will be removed entirely in a few weeks.
