salaams my friends,

I feel so sad at heart because after putting my profile on I found out that there are needy women in the community who

due to necessity are doing mut'ah to support themselves with selfish men who don't care about them at all.

Does it not make you feel guilty when an divorced, widowed or orphaned woman has to do that to support themselves?

They are very bitter and angry about this. They are human beings not animals. They have 'Izzah.

If we don't take in a 2nd wife we are the cause of their suffering. don't you understand. they could be living happy family lives if only

the selfless men and women had the courage and humanity to accept them. 

I meant no offense to anyone. We need to practice what we preach. We preach faith but don't support it by deed. This is wrong of us.

If shia married women share their husbands with other shia unmarried women this will cause the non-muslim single women who can't find husbands
to come to shia

Islam because everyone wants to feel loved and to fill the void of lonliness in their hearts. 

Brothers this would remove the problem of prostitution and extra-marital affairs among non-muslims too. the non-muslim men will follow suit

and become shi'a too because it is better to openly have 4 wives then to have only 1 and cheat on that wife taking advantage of only the bodies

of single non-muslim women. This destroys a woman when she feels so violated and used. A woman is a beautiful creature. She wants to 

feel loved and to give love. She doesn't only want to give you her body for a few dollars, even if it was 50,000 dollars it is unfair to them. Allah made them in such a way that they need to reciprocate love.

I am not in favor of short term mut'ahs at all. I want you to take in an orphan, widow or divorced woman as a family member for the sake of Allah.

Most of the ills of society such as pornography, prostitution and strip clubs would be solved. Men would have multiple wives if they want them but

they have to support them and love them too not just use them once in a while and women will actually not feel as lonely at home in the long run

because they will have a companion sister at home who they can laugh with and tell their problems to etc because most men don't like listening

to a woman talk for 2 hours non-stop. But a woman can talk to a woman for 4 hours non-stop and they don't tired of each other.

All we need is a handful of selfless people to come forward. This will create a chain reaction of Ihsaan and change the world.

salaams again,

If you are still not convinced that mut'ah is and polygyny are powerful tools in the propogation of Shi'ah Islam read:


 a great article is there by a convert sister that testfies to the truth of what I am saying. Can you find it?

You people are not real Shi'ah if you are ashamed of mut'ah and polygyny. You are either completely stupid or hypocrites.

A true Shi'ah is proud of mut'ah.

How many of you out there have the guts to respond to this post and say "YES I TOO AM PROUD OF POLYGYNY AND MUT'AH".

I dare you? I would be surprise if even 1 of your responded. 

Most of your are cowards who are afraid of women and children. You can NEVER be in the army of Imam Mahdi unless you change.

I swear to God that it is the truth.

Support me oh brothers in faith with a response of at least "THANK YOU, I WILL PONDER ABOUT IT".

Have some courage. Any of you brothers who know Arabic please help me translate this link from Wasa'il al Shi'a about the virtues of mut'ah.

If you don' t agree with it that is fine. Just help me translate at least the first 2 or 3 hadeeth.

thank you,

salaam 'alaykum,

Please ignorant brothers in faith read and study this link:

Thank you to the few noble brother who had the guts to thank me for teaching you how
to satisfy your wives in the bedroom. It is my honor to help you.

A satisfied woman at home brings happiness. It is your duty to satisfy her the best you
can in all ways possible. 

The reality is and I am not at all ashamed to tell you, real mu'min and mu'thir men
are the best lovers in the bedroom because their goal is to satisfy before they are satisfied.

Is this not common sense. If you can't satisfy your wife at home it is a gleaming and
obvious indication that you have weak imaan. You are a selfish man.

If anyone has any sexual problems at home ask me! I am not ashamed to help you.

The more faith you have as a man the more the manifestation of the Jalaal of Allah gets

reflected in your soul. You become more manly. The prophet said that the more faith you have

as a man the more love for women you develope. Why?

Because the higher the faith the more manliness you aquire, requires for you to have 

a counterpart of the feminine side Jamaal of Allah manifested in a woman to harmonize your soul 

with hers. 

The truth is, and Prophet Muhammad and the Imams were examplars of polygyny (not 1 was a monogomist!),
this proves that the more faith you have the more desire for women you have.

Likewise as a woman the more faith you have the more craving you have for a manly man who can

complement your feminine side equally. 

So many of our married women are suffering at home because they are not sexually satisfied.

Whose fault is it? It is your fault oh you ignorant brothers in faith. Booste your Imaan. Be generous 

in the bedroom and take care of your woman's desires. She will develope virtues because of you satisfying her.

she will remain faithful to you and love you forever for that. Be good to them. 

My mission is to demolish the stigma and taboo of sex in Islam and mut'ah in islam and polygyny in Islam.

The truth is the true Shi'ah are the best in bed. They can satisfy 10 women in a row and still just go

and offer tahjjud! Our salary paid 'Ulama have been hiding these techniques and wisdoms from you

out of fear of getting fired. I am honored to fill in where they have failed. You may think I am disgusting

but I don't care. You may curse me openly but I know that you will thank me one day.

I am not ashamed to admit that I used to be a minuteman too when I was young and I used this technique

to become an hour man and I am an old man now. If I can do it anyone can!

Non-Muslim men, Munafiqs and Weak faith men are the worst lovers. People Like Ayatullah Khomeini were the greatest

men in the bedroom. Do you doubt that? Do you not want to follow you leaders?

Break this silly stigma of mut'ah and polygyny. Be proud of mut'ah and polygyny and your sexual prowess.

If word gets loose and non-muslim women find out that the Shi'ah are the greatest lovers in the bedroom

they will flock to Islam. I am not ashamed to admit that I have helped so many non-muslim women come to Islam

by sleeping with them! That made them curious as to the mystery of how in the world did this guy do what he just did!

Was it a dream or reality? Did I die and go to heaven and come back?

You can do it too brothers. Break this stigma of mut'ah and polygyny and people will come to islam in flocks.

I am telling you the truth. Even Sunnis will come in flocks, like Surah al-Nasr has described because it is normal

and natural for a man to want a woman and for a woman to want a man.

You ignorant brothers think that women don't have desires too??? They have 9x more than you! Read the link above.

Don't be a fool. Stupidity has a cure. 

Here is the post again. I don't apologize for posting it again. I am proud to be love mut'ah and polygyny.

Both Polygyny and Mut'ah is a great Mustahabb in Shi'ah Islam. The more mut'ah you do the more your rank with

Allah increases! I swear to you that it is true. You will feel it in your soul if you develope your spirit.

How pathetic we have become that we are afraid of our wives and children.

We have become efeminite men! Be masculine men for the sake of Imam Mahdi (aj).

You can't be in his army if you are afraid of women and children let alone Jihaad! 


The Islamic cure for premature ejaculation
-Will it save your marriage or not?

The reason Shi'ah Islam is not spreading is because our people have taken out the Irfaan in it (gnosis). Irfaan is all about polarity; male and female. masculine vs feminine. The Qur'an also makes reference to this phenomenon.

Glory be to Him Who created all things in sexual pairs, of that which the earth groweth, and of themselves, and of that which they know not. (Holy Qur'an 36:36)

the names of Allah are Jalaaliyah (Masculine) and Jamaaliyah (Feminine). For example Power is Masculine and Forgiveness if Feminine. In Shi'ite Islam the Imam 'Ali (as) is the manifestation of the masculine names of God while Lady Fatimah (as), the daughter of the Prophet is the manifestation of the feminine names of God. All things in the universe are created with different combinations of the names of God, both masculine and feminine, however God does not have a gender. The Imam 'Ali (as) said that God created all things with genders so that you may realize that He has no gender. He created Everything with opposites so you may realize that He has no opposite. There is nothing like Him. (Nahj al Balaghah)

To learn more about this see:

The Tao of Islam: A Sourcebook on Gender Relationships in Islamic Thought by Sachiko Murata

The Sun at Midnight: The Revealed Mysteries of the Ahlul Bayt Sufis (Paperback)
by Laurence Galian

If we quote Ayatullah Khomeini's poetry most people would be very surprise. It might be banned.

Religion and Sex are supposed to go hand in hand.

By taking out the sexuality of Islam our people have made it unattractive.

1000% more people would convert to Shi'ah Islam if we did our duty correctly but our

Scholars have neglected to explain it to the ignorant public. 

Our salary paid scholars are not telling us these things because they fear they will be fired. Religous scholars should not get payed by the public because most of the public are ignorant and they would consider the deep Islamic to their sexual problems as blasphemous. When your salary is paid by the people you are a servant of the people. If one wants to serve God by helping people he must not accept any reward or payment from the people. This is a Qur'anic teaching that our societies have failed to implement.

A very brave scholar authored a book on the topic of Sex in Islam and many Muslims want to ban the work. You may read it before it gets taken off-line.

A few people have asked us for the Islamic cure for premature ejaculation. It is a big problem. The cure is all about dissassociating your body and your mind until the female is satisfied and then bringing your mind back when you are ready to satisfy yourself. If our scholars were not afraid to speak their mind it would save a lot of marriages in the world. Islam is all about preferring other's over yourself. If someone genuinely implements this principle in his life it is impossible for the Muslim woman to be unsatisfied in the bedroom.

Anyone can master this principle of disassociation and his 2 minutes of sexual intercourse can be converted into 70 minutes. I have simplified it so more people can benefit from it.

Have you ever tried to pat your head with one hand and rub your belly in little circles with the other hand at the same time?

Try it. Now rub your head in circles and pat your belly at the same time. When you are rubbing your head alternate between clock-wise and counter clockwise.

Now go back to patting and rubbing and then switch back to rubbing and patting.

If this not enough the male may do the same with his toes and his hands at the
same time. and then switch. 

This will be such a powerful distraction that he could last 2 hours if he wanted to.

Another Very important issue is for the malle to totally change his breathing
patterns during intercourse and make them awkward, for example inhale for 1 sec but exhale for 5 secs then inhale for 5 secs and then exhale for 1 sec and then inhale for 3 seconds and then exhale for 6 second. One of the holiest names of God in Islam is Hayy. This name means Absolute Living One and it is very unique because it is one of the only names that one does not need a tongue to pronounce.

This will be such a distraction and when combined with the rubbing with the toes and the hands and patting with alternations both clockwise and counter clockwise he will have mastered the principles of distraction and dissociation, he will become a master of the art and be able to satisfy the even the most frigid woman on earth, any woman.

After he understands the principles of distraction he can take off the "training wheels" from the bicycle and just use any distraction only in his mind by phasing
out and putting his mind somewhere else, technically with God and then letting his mind come back to his body when he wants to ejaculate.

I could give Islamic references for these principles like the Imam 'Ali's (peace be upon him) saying "Be with the people but don't be with them." This saying has multi-layered meaning and can be applied to a lot of problems. He has another saying about the spiritualized persons "Their bodies are with the people but their souls are in a higher plane."


salaam 'alaykum,

Message to all true mu'min believers, you have a grave responsibility to take care of the problem of unmarried muslim women 

in the world. Many are widows, divorced and orphan.

If you are a true mu'min your heart should be crying until you see every widow, divorced and marriagable orphan married

and safe and happy.

If you have true selfless wives who are true mu'minahs, you have a responsibility to marry them yourself.

Do not feel "hey someone else will do it, i am busy with my own problems" because that is not an excuse. We all have

our "own problems" but if you are a true believer and a true lover of the 12 Imams you HAVE NO CHOICE but to do as you

have been commanded. If you make no effort to help them whatsoever you have NO RIGHT to call yourselves mu'mineen.

Many of our unmarried women are converting out of Islam and marrying christians because there are not

enough single muslim men left.

Do you not have any fear of God.?

They are not animals. They have rights upon you and if you fail to help them you will suffer one day as they are suffering

and no one will help you. Time is running out. You have very little time left to prove your faith via deed. 

Do not let the scarcity of people around you helping you deceive you. Even if the whole world neglected them it does not 

give you an excuse for neglecting them by saying "hey i saw no one helping them so i thought it was ok to not help them 

to". It is not ok. Every minute that goes by while you turn a blind eye to the suffering of other mu'mineen is a sin.

Can you eat at home and sleep in a comfortable bed with a nice roof over your head while you KNOW that your neighbor

is suffering silently? If you are not ashamed of yourself for all the years that have gone by and you failed to contribute

then atone for your failures by doing something NOW, right now.

Show this email to your wives. If they agree for you to take a 2nd wife among the widows, divorced or orphans you have 

absolutely no excuse. If your wives refuse to allow you to marry one of them you are off the hook. The sin of neglecting 

these needy women is not on your head anymore it is on your selfish wives. As least you won't burn in hell but does it make

you happy that your wife will burn in hell now for that? Don't be cowards. Convince your 1st wives with tears and pleading

to be your partner in sharing the reward of this great jihaad and tolerating polygyny for the sake of Allah and for the sake of

the propogation of Islam. 

We live in the 21st century brothers. It is so easy it will take you less than 5 minutes.

There are already better believers than yourself who are married and really care who have put their profiles on

5 minutes of work can save your neck from the hellfire. Isn't it a good investment?

There are already 402 married men profiles on 

Mine is

You may use the arguments on my profile and also the arguments on this thread:

Use them to convince your wives to help you help themselves by bringing a little happiness into a heart of a widow, orphan or divorced 

woman. Tell them to be generous like the Ahlul-Bayt (as) and Allah will be so generous to you in this world and the next. 

I promise you that if I was in your shoes and didn't do this 5 minute 'amal saalih I would be afraid.

If I don't see the number of married men profiles jump from 402 to 804 by the end of the month I will ask the Imam of the time

to punish you with such balaa for your ungratefulness and selfishness. Allah will replace you with better people who you are not even

worthy of kissing their boot. Your rank with Allah is dependent on how you dealt with His beloved creatures. If you fail to aid even 

a single mu'min when you have the power to do at least something for them, be it just sending them a box of apples, you will

regret it intensely. Do your duty brothers. I am trying to do mine by this Amr bil Ma'roof and Nahi 'anil Munkar, as our Imam Husayn (as)

gave his life for. He gave his life not for you to cry for him for 50 days a year but for you to emulate his example of Amr bil Ma'roof and

Nahi 'anil Munkar. Only if you do the Amr bil Ma'roof and 

Nahi 'anil Munkar will your tears mean anything on the last day. Even the people of Kufa cried for Imam Husayn but their tears meant nothing

because they failed to aid their Imam. Come to the aid of your Imam.

If you are too lazy to put up a profile then at least forward this email to every believer in your address book.

It will take you less than 1 minute but that 1 minute effort will be at least something. Something is better than nothing.

فَلا اقْتَحَمَ الْعَقَبَةَ 

وَمَا أَدْرَاكَ مَا الْعَقَبَةُ 

فَكُّ رَقَبَةٍ 

أَوْ إِطْعَامٌ فِي يَوْمٍ ذِي مَسْغَبَةٍ 

يَتِيمًا ذَا مَقْرَبَةٍ 

أَوْ مِسْكِينًا ذَا مَتْرَبَةٍ 

ثُمَّ كَانَ مِنَ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْرِ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْمَرْحَمَةِ 

أُوْلَئِكَ أَصْحَابُ الْمَيْمَنَةِ 

وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا بِآيَاتِنَا هُمْ أَصْحَابُ الْمَشْأَمَةِ 

عَلَيْهِمْ نَارٌ مُّؤْصَدَةٌ 

[90:11]But he would not attempt the uphill road,

[90:12]And what will make you comprehend what the uphill road is?

[90:13](It is) the setting free of a slave,

[90:14]Or the giving of food in a day of hunger

[90:15]To an orphan, having relationship,

[90:16]Or to the poor man lying in the dust.

[90:17]Then he is of those who believe and charge one another to show patience, and charge one another to show compassion.

[90:18]These are the people of the right hand.

[90:19]And (as for) those who disbelieve in our communications, they are the people of the left hand.

[90:20]On them is fire closed over.

'alaykum salaam my dear brother in faith,

Please forgive me for the harshness. I don't have time to waste.

Please honestly and sincerely tell me the truth otherwise no response is necessary.

If I told your sister that I am marry 2 other selfless women on the exact same wedding night as I am marrying you sister

would it bother her? Would it bother her if those other 2 women were half her age? Would it bother her if they were prettier

smarter and wealthier than her? If the answer if "yes it would bother me" then your sister is not my type of person and we 

would not get along. I am sure if you simply print my profile #51231 and show it to any intelligent mu'minah and that intelligent

mu'minah runs a few tests on her to check her for diseases, she will openly, lovingly and whole-heartedly share her husband

with your sister. I promise you that. You and your noble family are in my prayers. I pray for your success and prosperity 

in this world and the next.


Don’t get offended by what I said. Regarding charity or visa thing my family already has a visa to the US and all of us have made more than a few trips. God’s grace Imam Hussain(a.s) has given us enough and we don’t need to beg with any human we have Allah and Imams for whatever we need to ask for.

What I said was just during these days of mourning( 2 months 8 days) just pause your search for a match for whatever purpose it is.

I don’t mean to hurt a mu’min by my words, I ask forgiveness from Allah if I’ve offended you.

If you want to know about us can contact Moulana {deleted} based at Chicago.


I am not interested in you sister unless she desires that i marry 2 selfless women like herself on the same very day that I marry her...that is if I find such people as it is obligatory for me to do so as a mu'min to want for them what I want for myself.

I am not kidding my friend. Tell you sister, kindly but firmly. I am not running a charity here so if your sister just wants to marry me because of my money, looks or a visa I am utterly offended by you responding to my profile. I told you I will not marry a gold-digger. I want a generous selfless

wife who wants to serve humanity for the rest of her life for the sake of Islam.

Dear sir salamun alacum.My self is {deleted} & by occupation i am a Mechanical Engineer and i am Pursuing my M.Tech(Production) from Delhi College Of engineering New Delhi.we are searching a true life partner for our sister({deleted} ID).thanks for the Accessi ng my sister profile.i want to now as you are in CANADA & we are in INDIA then how we can contact with each other ..what is your basis criteria about the bride. you can mail me or phone me.we belong to a respected shia famil.if you are realy intrested then tell me possible way for discussion about this matter.khuda hafiz.

'alaykum salaam wa rahmatullah,

Of course. I am at your service. :)

Don't give me so much credit. It is not my proposal. 

I am not that smart! I am just a mailman.

It is a duty upon you mu'mineen too to pressure your 'ulama to do their job.

The Imam of the time will be so angry at you if you don't forward this email to every single mu'min and mu'minah you know. I promise you that!

'alaykum salaam brother,

You as an 'Alim are in the position as a herder and the community are like your sheep.

You must do you duty and take care of the widows, divorced and orphans.

I demand that you make a public announcement that if there are any women in the community looking for husbands and are willing to share

a husband with a willing married women say YES.

Then you filter out the needy spinsters from the unneedy.

You make an announcement that if there are any married women in the community who don't mind sharing a husband we have spinster

sisters willing to share if you are willing to share. some are wealthy and some are needy. By sharing a wealthy woman your ajr with Allah

will be less. By sharing a needy sister your ajr with Allah will be more.

Then you approach the spinster sisters. Introduce the families and let the spinsters choose which husband they like.

Then the selfish women will see the example of the great selfless women of the community and follow suit.

It is your responsibility as an 'Alim not optional.

Please forward this message to every 'Alim you know and tell every 'Alim to send that message to every 'Alim they know.

This problem can be solved in less then a week. It is very easy. 

Don't fear the people, fear Allah.

How to "pick-up girls" to bring them to the mosque and do friendship spiritual temporary marriage with them.

Before you click here, understand the 3 secret elements that non-muslims can't teach you.

Is there an Islamic way to "pick up girls" and bring them to Islam?  

Important READ Exception of the suitor

Before you click here, understand the 3 secret elements that non-muslims can't teach you.

  • You must conquer the Shuhhah of your Nafs and become selfless; subdue all greed in your soul and hence become authoritive so that you can look a woman in the eye and not be influenced by her seduction and charm just like Prophet Yusuf and Zulaikha.
  • At the same time you must look them in the eye with such love and compassion 100x more than their own parents
  • You must be fearless to the point where you can tell them exactly what you want from them in a flirty way.  Yes flirting is allowed when you are a suitor becuase you have to get to know them before you marry them.  See exception of the suitor.  Yes lust is allowed if you are a suitor and you are a suitor becuase you want to propose a spiritual non-sexual friendship marriage where she is temporarily your spiritual wife and you are her spiritual husband.

Easy Method to "pick-up girls" to do mut'ah with and help them convert to Shi'ah Islam.