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AKA biogardener.

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Prevention of Earaches

by Traute Klein, AKA biogardener

    Having suffered from earaches all of my life, I found them fairly easy to treat with natural remedies. I am listing them in the order in which I have found them most effective.


    I am not a physician and do not diagnose or give medical advice. I merely share my personal experience with earaches home remedies which I have found effective.

    Prevention Better than a Cure

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So how do we prevent an earache? First of all, we have to know what causes it. Here are the most common causes in order of severity as I have experienced them:

  • Wind which hits the ears.

  • Getting chilled, especially while wet.

  • Having water trapped in the outer ear.

    Here are my methods of preventing the above:

    Cover your ears to keep the wind out.  Wear a Hood in the Winter

  • I cover my head in such a way that the wind cannot get into the outer ear. In the winter, that means a warm covering all over my head. In the summer, a kerchief is sufficient.

  • I carry rain gear, an umbrella, and spare shoes on me whenever possible, even when mountain climbing.

  • To get water out of the outer ear after swimming, I stand on the foot on the side with the trapped water and hop. That causes the water to jump over the hump and run out.
  • Illustrations

    A picture is worth a thousand words. You can see any part of the ear if you follow the links on the Virtual Tour of the Ear.

    More on Earache

    Earache and Its Causes

      New research points to a preventable cause of earache epidemic.

    My Natural Earache Remedies

      used by my family.

    More Natural Earache Remedies

      tested and recommended by friends and readers.

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