What We Believe

We Believe...in the one living and true God, both holy and loving, eternal, unlimited in power, wisdom and goodness. Within this unity are three persons of one essential nature - the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We Believe...the Father is the Source of all that exists, whether matter or spirit, He made man in His image.

We Believe...in Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the virgin Mary, truly God and truly man. He died on the cross to be a sacrifice both for original sin and the transgressions of all mankind in order to reconcile us to God. He rose bodily from the dead, ascended unto heaven and intercedes for us at the Fathers right hand.

We Believe...the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son and is the Administrator of grace to all humanity. He is ever present seeking to convict for sin, regenerate, sanctify, guide and enable the believer.

We Believe...in the full authority of the scriptures. The inspired and infallible Word of God to be the 66 books of the Old and New Testament

We Believe...humanity being created in the image of God, we have the ability to choose between right and wrong, thus we are morally responsible for our choice. God, through the work of Christ extends grace to humanity enabling us to call upon God for salvation. This grace is given to all and for all making salvation available to all who choose to believe.

We Believe...God has called all believers to the sanctified life, to live holy and blameless before God. It is God who sanctifies us perfect at the time of regeneration, but He calls for a life of obedience through love. Growth is progressive until entire sanctification and than continues unto the day in which we join the Lord in His kingdom.

We Believe...in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper and Baptism

We Believe...in the second coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, the resurrection of the dead and the judgment of humanity and the eternal destiny of humanity determined by God's grace.