<BGSOUND SRC="wolf.wav">
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In The Begining.......
Long ago, when time was much younger, there were many Spirits that wandered around the Above World.  They floated freely, as they wished, since their Creation.  The Above World is what some may call Heaven.  It is one of joy and peace.  These Spirits that wandered there took no physical form.  They were made of pure love and thought and being, created by the Great Mystery. 
This is what we  call our God, our Creator.  For there is no way that any human form can even begin to completely comprehend His power or His plans.
One day, a whispered sound began to flow through the Spirits.  Some didn't believe it, some did, but all were curious.  That musical sound spreading throughout the Above Land was the chance to experience an Earth Walk.  An Earth World was to be created for the Spriits.  It would take a physical form.  It was said that some Spirits would also get to share the physical form.  The Great Mystery wanted to show the Spirits how to share their love with each other in an even deeper level.  He wanted to see how they would react to the limitations placed on them in a physical plane.  Would they continue to freely share their love and respect for each other and for Him?  Would they overcome the trials and pains that an Earth Walk would entail?  And most importantly, would they remember to trust in His Love and Grace, or would some falter?  The thought of this must have made Him sad.  Yet, He must have trusted in our faith enough, for the Earth World was created.
There was one Spirit in particular that grabbed that sound deep into his heart.  Being a Spirit was beyond comparison.  You could travel to the furthest reaches of Creation in no more that the time of a single thought.  Yet this special Spirit ached for something else.  He wasn't sure what it was that was missing from his unbelievable existence...he just knew that there was an empty space inside.  Could it be that the Great Mystery placed that ache inside some special ones?  Maybe He allowed the first feeling of independence to be born then.  As a mother must one day loosen the strings of their children, maybe this too He did.
This Spirit went to the Great Mystery and asked him, "Is it so?  Can it be true?  I've heard that I can experience an Earth Walk.".  The Wisdom of the Great Mystery slowly sifted into the Spirit,  "It is so, do you wish this?".  The Spirit answered without hesitation, "Yes".
The Creation of the Earth World began.  From somewhere no one has ever seen or could ever hope to see, a swirling of peace and love began.  This swirling became so intense and so compacted that shape began to form.  These fine particles began to gather.  As the forms became larger, they took on their own life.  The Spirit that made them generated more love and drew others to them.  These became the many galazies.  These became the many planets and moons.
Within one such galazy, the Earth Mother and Her family were Created.  The Winds of the Four Directions, the Waters, the Rocks, the Land, the Trees, and the 4 leggeds, the Winged ones and so on were all placed on the Earth Mother.  Each of the Winds took their place.  The Water fed the Land, which in turn fed all the Trees and Plants.  The Plants fed the Four Leggeds.
A little while later, the Spirits were asked what part of the Earth Mother they wanted to inhabit.  Some chose to take the Tree Walk, others the Air Walks and so on.  Each chose their place according to what they felt in their hearts.  As they merged with the physical form, the Wisdom of the Great Mystery was also implanted.  This is how it has been since the begining of time.
The Rocks house the library of time.  They hold all that has happened since that great day, and all that is to come in the future.  The Plants hold the mystery of healing.  The Great Mystery implanted them with the knowledge to heal and with the healing powers.  The Waters were given the power to cleanse and make reborn.  Each of the Winds embodies a Power too.  The Wind of the West holds the power to live.  It brings the life giving rains.  The Wind of the North holds the power of introspection and dreaming.  It allows us to use our dreams to purify and make strong.  The Wind of the East brings wisdom and understanding.  It holds the power to bring forth new knowledge.  The Wind of the South encases the power of growth and abundance.  It allows us to let grow the flowers of love and peace and respect.
But one special one waited.  He waited until the Wolf Walk came up.  This special Soul chose that special walk.  As he slipped on the skin of Wolf, a tingling started.  For this particular Wolf Soul, it was extremely pronounced.  He felt the heat starting from his furred paws, working it's way up through the muscles on his lean legs, up into his deep chest.  It burned on up into his head.  It was something he had never imagined before.  With a hesitant quiver, he slowly stretched one leg forward, then another.  It was hard, this Earth Walk, nothing like being pure Spirit.  Yet it was a mesmerizing  feeling.  The Wolf Soul took his steps a little quicker, he felt his weight pounding on the soft soil.  As the pebbles and dirt clods moved beneath Wolf's paws, it threw off his balance at first.  Balance and gravity were new forces he had to learn.
Wolf Soul kept on, until he finally was racing over the new face of Mother Earth.  He felt the air against his muzzle, as it streamed into it, making him grasp for his breath.  He felt the power racing through his limbs.  The overwhelming joy could not be contained any longer.  Wolf Soul stopped at the top of a hill, surrounded by the grass, which waved to the rest of the new Creation.  He looked out to the beautiful colors that danced before him.  His nose simmered at all the sweet tangy smells that pervaded his lungs.  He felt that emptiness that once use to dig inside, being filled with all that he could see.  Each new site, sound and smell that jabbed at him chased away some of that emptiness.
Grandmother Moon shone down a smile upon the Wolf Soul.  He felt the Great Mystery's love welling up, emanating from all of Creation.  He raised his head up to the Great Mystery.  With so much love surrounding him, he had to let it loose.  Echoing across the plains and fields, filtering through the leaves dancing on the trees, bouncing across the mountains and valleys, there came a song....
A song of love.....
A song of peace.....
A song of possiblities.....
reaching all the tiny crevices of time.....
"Ahr Ahr Ahroooooooooooooooo....."
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Background set by Silverhawk Creations. Thanks Sam and Rain!