The Vocare Experience

Is Christianity relevant today? Can it penetrate the many areas of college and work life? Can it transform the work and keep up with the changing times? Vocare thinks so. It proposes no new type of spirituality, but does provide a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, nourished, lived and shared in fellowship with Christians willing to dedicate their lives to God in an ongoing manner. Vocare believes that Jesus Christ has made -- and will continue to make -- a difference in the world and individual lives.

Instrument of Renewal

Vocare is an instument of renewal in the Church for young adults aged 18 - 29. Its aim is to concentrate closely on the person and teachings of Jesus Christ. Our faith is seriously examined in a relaxed, fun and informal, loving atmosphere. Vocare is an experience that gives those who attend the desire to understand and serve the Church. What's more, it provides a means to continue the Christian formation which is just begun in the three-day program.


During the weekend, those attending listen to talks given by young adults and clergy. The talks are stimulating and challenging.


The person who is "Rector," the clergy, and the staff of mostly young adults, spend weeks working and praying together in preparation. A Vocare takes careful planning as it is frequently the turning point in a person's life. The subject is extensive as the titles of the talks indicate: Identity, What is a Christian?, Reconciliation, Response to Christ, Spiritual Journey, Community, Vocation, Empowerment, and Tomorrow. After each talk, opportunity is given for questions and discussion in smaller groups.

Not a Retreat or Conference

Vocare is a once-in-a-lifetime experience. It is similar to a retreat but very different, and not a substitute for a retreat. The teachings of Christ are discussed in a setting of joy and happiness, with lots of singing and games. Vocare encourages participation in one's home parish. Because of the experience and its point back to the local church, Vocare makes future retreats more profitable.

Encounter with Christ

Vocare is an encounter with Christ. That sounds simple, but it is. Think about it. A real meeting with the living Lord. The cost, power, beauty and joy of being with Him. Interested? JOIN US!

This information is from the Vocare National, Inc. page.