Did ya ever wonder ...

Why anyone lives in Sunnydale?
What Giles' source of income is now?
Whatever happened to Oz's parents?
Why Buff and Willow never wear the same outfit twice?
Where Angel got the money for his apartment in the
         1st and 2nd seasons?
Where the kids of Sunnydale go to school now?
Why no one has bothered to tear down the burned out
         high school building?
Why Vampires' clothing turns to dust?
What Spike would be like if the gang gave him back his soul?
Why there just happened to be an abandoned mansion
         in a little town like Sunnydale?
Why Buffy is the only one of the gang who ever got
         in trouble for being out late?
How no one noticed that the Mayor had been
         hanging around Sunnydale for 100 years without
         aging a day?
Why nothing unusual happened at Sunnydale U until
         Buffy became a student there?
What Willow's parents said when she told them where
          she was going to college?
How the initiative built a huge underground
         command center without anybody knowing about it
          (i.e. construction noises and stuff)?
Where Cordy's parents live now that the IRS seized their
How Cordy went from thinking the "del" key meant
          "deliver" to apparently handling all the buisness
           aspects of Angel investigations?

Got any good "Did ya ever wonders?"
E-mail me