Energy Medicine

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About half a year after my mammogram exam, I attended a presentation by Donna Eden, author of Energy Medicine. I volunteered to go on the stage. Donna tested my energy and I was very weak. Then she tapped me on the rib that was damaged by the mammogram’s top plate. It hurt, however the pain went away and I felt much better. She explained that if our energy is blocked, it would hurt if we tap that point. Donna Eden is the most brilliant person I have ever met. I purchased her Energy Healing videotapes and started to heal myself. The following is my introduction to Donna Eden’s work.

Since ancient times, we have known that the human body is made up of a matrix of subtle energies that support and animate our physical selves. Unlike the primary tools of conventional medicine - surgery, drugs, and radiation - the techniques of energy medicine are gentler, more organic, less intrusive, and they lend themselves to becoming a part of your lifestyle, rather than being confined to the treatment setting. Anyone offering any form of energy medicine is going out on a scientific limb, therefore these treatments are not covered by medical insurance.

Your body is designed to heal itself. The ability of a body to maintain its health and overcome illness is, in fact, among nature’s most remarkable feats. But you have been placed in a world that systematically interferes with this natural capacity, and your conscious involvement in your health is required, if you are truly to prosper.

Numerous cultures describe a matrix of subtle energies that support, shape, and animate the physical body. It is called qi or chi in China, prana in the yoga tradition of India and Tibet, yesod in the Jewish cabalistic tradition, ki in Japan, and the Holy Spirit in Christian tradition. It is hardly a new idea to suggest that subtle energies operate in tandem with the denser, "congealed" energies of the material body.

The amount of solar radiation hitting the Earth fluctuates with the phases of the moon and seems to influence human behavior. Crisis calls to 911 increase on the day of the full moon; suicide rates increase with the waning moon; and death rates peak two days after the full moon. Periods of calm in the Earth’s magnetic field correspond with a heightening of sensitivities such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition. The energies of other people also impact your own energies and mental state.

Your hands can perceive energy as surely as your eyes perceive light. One of the simplest experiments for detecting your body’s energies requires just using your hands. Try rubing your hands together, briskly, for about 10 seconds. Pull them away from each other, about six inches, and hold them there. Many people have sensed that when they do this, their hands are up against something that is almost palpable.

Major centers of both electromagnetic activity and vital energy in yoga’s theory are called "Chakras." The word chakra means disk, vortex, or wheel. Whereas meridians are an energy transportation system, the chakras are energy stations. Each major chakra in the human body is a center of swirling energy positioned at one of seven points, from the base of your spine to the top of your head. Memory is energetically coded in your chakras just as it is chemically coded in your neurons. An imprint of every important or emotionally significant event you have experienced is recorded in your chakra. A sensitive practitioner’s hand held over a chakra may resonate with pain in a related organ, congestion in a lymph node, subtle abnormalities in heat or pulsing, or areas of emotional turmoil.

Acupuncture points are tiny centers of electromagnetic and more subtle energies: they are arranged along fourteen meridians. Both acupuncture, which employs needles, and acupressure use the same points. Tapping or massaging your K-27 points sends a signal to your brain to adjust your energies so you can feel more alert and can perform more effectively. Try it! Place your fingers on your collarbone. Now slide them inward toward the center and find the bumps where they stop. Drop them about an inch beneath these corners and slightly outward to the K-27. Tap and/or massage the points firmly while breathing deeply, in through your nose and out through your mouth. After you have tapped or massaged K-27, you can boost the effect by hooking the middle finger of one hand in your navel and resting the fingers of your other hand on the K-27 points for two or three deep breaths. After that, cross your hands over one another, with the fingers of both hands turned toward your body, and the thumb resting on the opposite K-27 point. Take two or three deep breaths. Never get out of bed without tapping your K-27 points!

If your energies are flowing naturally, activities such as walking or running will vitalize and strengthen you. One of the first things that happens when you are extremely tired or feeling ill is that activities that would normally replenish you will begin to drain you. By accelerating your fatigue whenever you push onward, your body is trying to force you to rest when you need rest.

The face can hold an immense amount of tension. Try these two quick tension-release techniques. Place the pads of your fingers against your cheekbones. Push upward, hard. Gradually push your fingers along the curve of the cheekbone toward your ears. This brings blood into your face and opens the spaces that had been tense. Lay one hand over your opposite shoulder. Push in and pull your fingers forward over the shoulder. Do this three times on each side.

Long ago, when people lived closer to nature, they intuited the imbalances caused by the body’s alarm response, and they instinctively knew how to correct them through touch and massage. So picture Tarzan and thump your own thymus, one inch below K-27, before moving into a challenging situation. Soak your feet and massage them. Hug someone and drag your hands along their spine from top to bottom. Use your energy! It's free.

Home of Energy Medicine with Donna Eden INNERSOURCE

The negligence, ignorance, and rudeness of the Radiology Technician who performed a routine mammogram examination, on me, has drastically changed my life. During my quest for a physician who adheres to the famous injunction of Hippocrates: FIRST,DO NO HARM, I was brutally abused, intimidated, terrified, misinformed and misguided. Rio Caliente gave me the space to reclaim my feeling of wholeness that I had lost after being brutally abused by  medical professionals.